Cambridge General Advertiser 13 Nov 1839: George Adams burgled
BURGLARY. WHEREAS, between the hours of Eleven in the Morning and Three o’clock in the Afternoon of SUNDAY the 10th inst. some evil-disposed person or persons burglariously and feloniously entered the dwelling-house of Mr. GEORGE ADAMS, of Trumpington, and stole therefrom, three Gold Seals, two pair of Studs - one pair silver, bearing the initials “G. A.” — the other pair silver, set with stones — a Necklace, with gold clasp — a pair of Sheets — various Eatables, &c &c. Whoever will give such information as may lead to the detection of the parties implicated, shall, on conviction of the offender or offenders, receive, on application to THOS. WILLIMOTT, of Cambridge, FIVE POUNDS REWARD. Trumpington, Nov. 11, 1839.