Cambridge Chronicle 22 Jul 1843: Village School financing


Sir, - A statement appeared in your last week’s paper that a grant of £25, had been made to the schools at Trumpington, by the Diocesan Board of Education, and it was then added, that “great exertions must have been made by the vicar to collect resources for the work”; it is only right however that the real benefactors to the parish of Trumpington in this instance should be made known. I beg to say therefore that the site of an acre of garden ground with a cottage for the master was purchased by the Vicar and the Master and Fellows of Trinity college, conjointly; but the charge of building the school was borne wholly by the vicar, the only contributions received being for fittings in completing the internal arrangements. The grant now made by the Diocesan Board will be applied towards putting the master’s house into tenantable repair.

It is intended to work the garden if possible by the labour of the upper boys, and should any of your readers be aware of schools in which a similar plan has been tried with success, information upon the subject would be thankfully received by your constant reader.


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