Cambridge Chronicle 7 Oct 1854: thefts from Mr Bridges' garden
TRUMPINGTON. — Garden Robbery. — About a month ago, some thief or thieves entered the garden of Mr. Bridges, schoolmaster, and registrar of this parish, and pulled up a quantity of white Spanish onions, the largest and best of which they carried off, but some not being good enough for the dainty rogues, were left upon the bed and garden path. Again, one night last week, having got clear off with the onions, and perhaps liking the flavour, they paid a second visit to the above-named garden, when they cut off and carried away between 30 and 40 fine heads of onion-seed, leaving about 10 of the worst for the owner to condole himself over. It is thought that they are no far comers, but they had better beware of the third time, if they think of going again for anything that remains of any value in the garden, for the police have had orders from the trustees of the school to be upon the look-out; and they might perhaps feel something from another quarter that they might not relish so much as the onions. It is not the real value of the goods stolen that is cared so much about, but people do not like to grow vegetables and seeds, and after much trouble and care, to be deprived of them by a set of worthless fellows.