Aberdeen Journal 16 Apr 1856: Whitehead's "Young Waxwork" stallion
YOUNG WAXWORK, (late the property of Mr R, Whitehead, Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, - pur-chased for his present Proprietors at a high price, and after careful selection from amongst the Stal-lions exhibited at the Royal Agricultural Society of England’s Show at Carlisle last year.) will Serve a limited number of Mares, this season, in the GARIOCH and neighbouring districts, at Two Sover-eigns each Mare, to be paid on the last round of the Horse.
“Young Waxwork” is a beautiful Red Roan, stands 17 hands high; possesses great bone, power, and action, with a very fine tamper. He will, with the exception of one or two nights each week, as far as possible be every night in his own Stable, at Broomend, near Inverury, where Mares may be sent to him, and where if desired, they may be kept for a night at a moderate charge; and, for the convenience of parties at a distance, he will, if sufficient encouragement be offered, call regularly once a fortnight during the season at the following stations, where Mares may be sent to meet him: — At the Inns of Pitcaple, Pitmachie, Badenscoth, Tarves, Green of Udny, Lewes of Five, Old Meldrum, Whiterashes, Kintore, Blackburn, - at each of which places the days of the Horse’s calling there may be known, and every information as to his appointments, &c., will be given, on application personally, or by letter addressed to “To YOUNG WAXWORK’S GROOM, Broomend, earn Inverury, by Keith-Hall,”
Inverury, March, 1856.