Cambridge Independent Press 26 Jul 1879: Building land and house sold under Chancery

Estate Sale. – On the 16th instant Mr. John Swan offered for sale, at the Lion Hotel, pursuant to a judgment of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, the undermentioned property, situate at Trumpington:

Lot 1. – An allotment of freehold pasture land, containing 1a. 3r. 23p. (more or less), at Trumpington, in the occupation of Mr. Holmes. Purchaser, Mr. Nockolds, Saffron Walden, £540.

Lot 2. – Freehold building land, Trumpington, containing 2r. 15p., with a frontage of about 290 feet. Purchaser, Mr. Peck, Trumpington-street, Cambridge; £320.

Lot 3. – Freehold building land, opposite lot 2, containing 1r. 31p., with frontage of about 307 feet. Purchaser, Mr. Mansel, Trumpington; £330.

Lot 4. – Freehold building land, adjoining lot 2, containing 1r. 11p. having a frontage of about 143 feet. Purchaser, Mr. Scott, Trumpington; £320.

Lot 5. – Freehold dwelling-house, and tenement adjoining, with garden ground at back; occupied by Saml. Brooks and others. Purchaser, Mr. A. J. Lyon, solicitor; £650 (?).

The total amount realised was £2,150.

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