Cambridge Independent Press 7 May 1881: Alfred Brett gamekeeper
GAME TRESPASSJames Bailey, labourer, of Abbey-street, Cambridge, was summoned by Alfred William Brett, gamekeeper, of Trumpington, for using two greyhounds and one lurcher for the purpose of taking hares, at Trumpington, on the 17th of April. — He was also summoned for killing game on Sunday, the 17th of April. — Mr. Ellison appeared to prosecute — Defendant did not appear, but his wife was present. — P.c. Everett proved the service of the summons, and the first case was heard in defendant’s absence — He was convicted and fined 10s and costs. — Mr. Ellison said he did not wish to press the second case, and the information would be withdrawn upon defendant paying the costs. — It was adjourned for a week to allow defendant time to pay the costs.