Cambridge Daily News 9 Oct 1914: Military road through Trumpington

Military roads - Stretham to Soham, one of four to allow different armies to move from west to east at same time without going through Cambridge. The first from Potton though Harston to Whittlesford and Pampisford and on to London Road near Hildersham. Sinuous road through Grantchester and Trumpington on to Cherry Hinton and Fulbourn and away on the Newmarket Road. Another down Huntingdon Road, across Midsummer Common and along Newmarket Road. Huntingdon, Wilburton & Stretham where new road would start. Newmarket RDC to make and improve road from Cam through Wicken. At one point there was a green track where the whole of the road would be constructed. At Wicken there was another piece of road about eight feet wide where flint would need to be pressed in. Through Wicken the road was a good second class decent road.

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