Show Schedules

Autumn Show Schedule
15 September 2011

A Collection of 3 kinds of vegetables on a tray

B One dish of 10 cherry tomatoes

C One dish of 6 tomatoes (not cherry)

D 3 bunches of different herbs in a container

E 6 pods of runner beans

F 5 dessert apples

G A miniature floral exhibit to be viewed from the
front, 102mm (4 inches) overall maximum

H An arrangement of flowers from your garden, to be
viewed from the front, total arrangement not to exceed
510mm (20 inches) in width and maximum height
610mm (24 inches). Accessories may be used.

I 3 dahlias of any type including pompons, in a vase

J One vase of annuals, 3 distinct types

K One vase of perennials, 3 distinct species

L A specimen rose in a vase

M  One pot plant, flowering

N A Victoria sandwich (2-egg mixture, raspberry jam
filling, caster sugar on top) - slices will be cut for
taste/texture judging - may be little left after the show!

0 A plate of 6 cheese scones - also to be subjected to
the taste test!
Gardening Society

© 2011 Trumpington Gardening Society
Last updated: 04.07.11