Trumpington Local History Group Street Naming Award, November 2013
The Street Naming award presented to Trumpington Residents' Association and Trumpington Local History Group, Trumpington Village Hall, 21 November 2013. Photos: Andrew Roberts.
On 21 November 2013, the
Mayor of Cambridge, Councillor
Paul Saunders, presented
awards to the Trumpington
Residents' Association and the
Trumpington Local History
Group to commemorate the way
the City Council and the two
groups have worked together in
the naming of streets in the new
housing developments (Clay
Farm, Glebe Farm and
Trumpington Meadows). The
Mayor praised the work of the
two local groups and the shared
vision of making the city a good
place to live for existing and new
residents. He conveyed his
appreciation to the groups on
behalf of the Council.
Nick Milne, the City Council
officer responsible for
coordinating street naming,
explains the background. The
Exemplar Award was given by
GeoPlace, which is a partnership
between the Local Government
Association (LGA) and the
Ordnance Survey. GeoPlace's
role is to work with local
authorities to create and
maintain the National Address
Gazetteer for England and
Wales, providing definitive
sources of public owned special
address and street data. The
City Council and the two groups
have been awarded the
GeoPlace Street Naming &
Numbering Award 2013 for the
Best Example of Local
Involvement in Street Naming
and Numbering.
The award recognises the efforts
of working with the local
community, and in particular
Trumpington Residents'
Association and Trumpington
Local History Group, who have
been instrumental in naming the
streets in the new developments.

Dr Stephen Brown, Trumpington Residents' Association, Councillor Paul Saunders, Mayor of Cambridge and Howard Slatter, Trumpington Local History Group.
Nick Milne, Cambridge City Council, Dr Stephen Brown, Trumpington Residents' Association, Councillor Paul Saunders, Mayor of Cambridge and Howard Slatter, Trumpington Local History Group.
Nick Milne, Cambridge City Council, Dr Stephen Brown, Trumpington Residents' Association, Councillor Paul Saunders (Mayor of Cambridge), Jenny Blackhurst, Trumpington Residents' Association, Howard Slatter, Trumpington Local History Group and Councillor Andy Blackhurst.
Haslingfield Parish Council also contributed to the process as part of the Trumpington Meadows
development, which is in the neighbouring South Cambridgeshire District. So far, over 30 new
street names have been required and all of the names chosen have been supplied by the local
resident groups. Many further suggestions have been received and it is expected that these will
be used as the development progresses.
Stephen Brown accepted the award on behalf of the local community. Stephen thanked the
Mayor and paid tribute to all the people involved with the proposals for street names in the new
developments. In particular, he thanked Anne Kent's husband who first made suggestions several
years ago. More recently, Jenny Blackhurst, Howard Slatter and Shirley Brown were heavily
involved in collecting names from members of the Trumpington Residents' Association and the
Trumpington Local History Group. Suggestions were prioritised according to their historical
importance, frequency of the proposal and suitability for the different areas of the developments,
before sending them to Nick Milne at the City Council. Nick had been very helpful in explaining
the requirements and restrictions for the procedure. The local City Councillors, including Andy
Blackhurst (Chair of the Southern Fringe Community Forum), were consulted before the names
were passed to the developers.
A brief justification for the name was attached to the recommendations. As names are accepted
by the developers, Andrew Roberts is developing a more detailed derivation of the names on the
Local History Group web site. A number of these examples were quoted in a report in the
Cambridge News on 28 October 2013.