Visit to the Cambridge American Cemetery, 1 March 2015

The Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
The Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.

When we visited the American Cemetery in May 2014, the Visitor Center was about to open to the public. This repeat visit was an opportunity to be introduced to the Visitor Center and look at its impressive interpretive displays, led by Arthur Brookes. At 4:30 pm, we were privileged to help lower and fold the American flag.

For further information, see the American Battle Monuments Commission.

The new Visitor Center at the Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
The new Visitor Center at the Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Arthur Brookes welcoming the group to the Visitor Center, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Arthur Brookes welcoming the group to the Visitor Center, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Arthur Brookes introducing the interpretive displays in the Visitor Center, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Arthur Brookes introducing the interpretive displays in the Visitor Center, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Arthur Brookes introducing the interpretive displays in the Visitor Center, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Arthur Brookes introducing the interpretive displays in the Visitor Center, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Arthur Brookes and Howard Slatter lowering the flag, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Arthur Brookes and Howard Slatter lowering the flag, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Arthur Brookes and Howard Slatter lowering the flag, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Arthur Brookes and Howard Slatter lowering the flag, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Martin Jones, Arthur Brookes and Sheila Glasswell folding the flag, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Martin Jones, Arthur Brookes and Sheila Glasswell folding the flag, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Martin Jones, Sheila Glasswell and Howard Slatter holding the flag, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.
Martin Jones, Sheila Glasswell and Howard Slatter holding the flag, Cambridge American Cemetery, Local History Group visit. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 1 March 2015.