Archaeological knowledge about Trumpington and the surrounding area has been transformed since 2000, by evaluations and excavations carried out in advance of transport and housing developments. The main reports are listed below. Printed and online copies of many of these reports are held by the Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Record (CHER) and the Archaeology Data Service (ADS). Updated February 2024. Edited by Andrew Roberts.
Archaeological reports and planning statements (grey literature)
Abrams, Joe (2000). Prehistoric Field Systems at Long Road 6th Form College, Cambridge: an Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Report 176. CHER file: SCB17076.
Abrehart, E. and Moan, P. (2017). Roman and post-medieval remains at the Abcam Development, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. Bar Hill, Cambridgeshire: Oxford Archaeology East. OAE report 2023.
Anderson, K. and Evans, C. (2005). The Archaeology of Clay Farm, Trumpington, Cambridge. Preliminary Investigations. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 669.
Armour, Nick (2001). An Archaeological Evaluation at Downing College Sports Field, Long Road, Cambridge. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 452. CHER file: SCB18045.
Armour, Nick (2007). The Addenbrooke’s Access Road, Glebe Farm, Trumpington, Cambridge. The 2007 Investigations. Site 1, 2, 5 and 6. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 802. Cited in Timberlake, 2007. CHER file: SCB20701.
Armour, Nick and Collins, Matthew (2008). The Addenbrooke’s Access Road, Clay Farm, Trumpington, Cambridge. The 2008 Investigations, Sites 4 and 7. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 843. CHER file: SCB20996. [http://archaeologydataservice.ac. uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822-1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-47223_1.pdf]
Ashworth, Helen (2008). Nuffield Hospital, 2-4 Trumpington Road, Cambridge. The Heritage Network, Report 483. Site code HN737. CHER file: SCB20838. ADS grey literature.
Beauchamp, Celine (2003). An Archaeological Investigation at King George V Playing Field, Trumpington, Cambridge. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Report 120. CHER file: SCB18536.
Billington, Lawrence, Moan, Louise and Phillips, Tom (2021). Middle Bronze Age field systems, Late Bronze Age post alignments and an Iron Age trackway at the Bell Language School, Cambridge. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 110, p. 7-24.
Bolderson, Jon (2004). Long Road 6th Form College, Cambridge: an Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Report 733. CHER file: SCB18695.
Boreham, Steve, Boreham, Julie and Billington, Lawrence (2021). The Nine Wells Ring-ditch, Great Shelford. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 110, p. 25-38.
Brudenell, Matthew (2004). Land Adjacent to the Bell Language School, Cambridge. An Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 646.
Brudenell, Matthew and Dickens, Alison (2007). Trumpington Meadows, Cambridge. An Archaeological Evaluation of a Bronze Age, Iron Age and Romano-British Riverside Landscape. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 753. CHER file: SCB20215. ADS grey literature. [http: //egov.scambs.gov.uk/planningfiles/casefile/2006/S-1310-2006-O-FORMS2.pdf]
Bush, L. (2014). Cambridge, Land South of Bell Language School. Bar Hill: Oxford Archaeology East, report number 1622.
Cambridge Archaeological Unit (2007). Trumpington Meadows. Cultural Heritage Assessment. Part of the Environmental Statement, Technical Appendices. C. Cultural Heritage. Cambridge Archaeological Unit for Trumpington Meadows Land Company and Terence O’Rourke.
Cambridge Archaeological Unit (2010). Archaeology at Trumpington Meadows. Leaflet. CHER file: SCB21787. Cambridge Archaeological Unit.
Cambridgeshire Archaeological Field Unit (2000). Desktop Archaeological Study for South Trumpington. Included in the Environmental statement, Trumpington Park & Ride Planning Application. Cambridgeshire Archaeological Field Unit.
Cambridge Archaeological Unit (2015). AstraZeneca New Cambridge Site. Volume I: Post- Excavation assessment. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 1298.
Cessford, Craig and Mackay, Duncan (2004). Cambridgeshire Guided Busway: a Series of Archaeological Evaluations. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 591. [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.41, Y.04.1113]
Clark, Chris (2008). All Weather Sports Pitch, Perse Upper School, Hills Road, Cambridge; an Archaeological Evaluation Report. Twickenham: AOC Archaeology Group. [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.41, Z.12.3004]
Collins, Matthew (2009). Laboratory for Molecular Biology, Robinson Way Cambridge: An
Archaeological Investigation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 887. [cited in CHER MCB19863] [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822- 1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-60414_1.pdf]
Collins, Matthew (2009). No. 39 Shelford Road, Trumpington: an Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 897. CHER file: ?. [not in box] [ADS http: //archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822- 1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-63464_1.pdf]
Collins, Matthew (2010). 103 High Street, Trumpington: an Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 920. CHER file: SCB21524. ADS grey literature. [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822- 1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-71333_1.pdf]
Collins, Matthew (2010). Clay Farm House, Cambridge. An Archaeological Assessment. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 945. CHER file: SCB21644.
Collins, Matthew (2011). Glebe Farm, Cambridge. A Post Excavation Assessment. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 1002.
Collins, M. (2014). Addenbrookes Energy Centre, Cambridge. An Archaeological Excavation Assessment. CAU: Cambridge Archaeological Unit, 1258.
Crank, Nicholas A. (2005). Archaeological Evaluation: 18 Long Road, Cambridge. Milton Keynes: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.41, V. 01.1113]
Cra’ster, Mary (1969). ‘New Addenbrooke’s Iron Age Site, Long Road, Cambridge’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 62, p. 21-28.
Davidson, I. and Curtis, G.J. (1973). ‘An Iron Age Site on the Land at the Plant Breeding Institute, Trumpington’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 64, p. 1-14.
Dickens, Alison (2000). Rapid Transit System, Cambridge, Route 1 (Trumpington – City Centre). Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 361.
Dickens, Alison (2002). Clay Farm, Trumpington, Cambridge. Archaeological Desk Top Assessment. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 506. CHER file: SCB20999.
Dickens, Alison (2005). Whitlocks, High Street, Trumpington. Archaeological Desk Top Assessment. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 601. CHER file: SCB19628.
also Whitlocks, 2004 Desk Study, CHER file: SCB21607.
also Whitlocks, 2005 Geo-environmental assessment, CHER file: SCB21608.
Dickens, Alison (2005). Trumpington Meadows, Cambridge: Desktop, Fieldwalking, Geophysical Survey and Watching Brief. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 681. CHER file: SCB19844.
Dickens, Alison (2006). A Specification for Field Evaluation at Trumpington Meadows, Trumpington, Cambridgeshire TL 439 539. Cambridge Archaeological Unit.
Edwards, Catherine (2007). Teaching Block, Perse School, Porson Road, Cambridge. An Archaeological Evaluation Report. AOC. CHER file: SCB20295. ADS grey literature. [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.41, Z.12.2961]
Edwards, N. (2018). 77 and 77a Shelford Road Cambridge: an Archaeological Evaluation. AS Report 5529.
Evans, C. (2002). The Archaeology of the Addenbrooke’s Environs: a Desktop Essay. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 497.
Evans, C., Dickens, A. and Appleby, G. (2004). Glebe Farm, Trumpington, Cambridgeshire. Desk-Based Assessment. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 631. CHER file: SCB19845.
Evans, C. and Mackay, D. (2005). Addenbrooke’s 2020, Cambridge: Archaeological Evaluation Fieldwork. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 671.
Evans, C., Mackay, D. and Patten, R. (2006). The Archaeology of Clay and Glebe Farms, South Cambridge. The 2005 Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 708. [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-1352- 1/dissemination/pdf/Cambs_grey_lit_reports/GL2089_i_The_Archaeology_of_Clay_and_Glebe_Farms.pdf and http: //archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-1352- 1/dissemination/pdf/Cambs_grey_lit_reports/GL2089_ii_The_Archaeology_of_Clay_and_Glebe_Farms.pdf]
Evans, Christopher, with Duncan Mackay and Leo Webley (2008). Borderlands. The Archaeology of the Addenbrooke’s Environs, South Cambridge. CAU Landscape Archives: Archaeologies of the Cambridge Region, 1. Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit with Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-0-9544824-7-3.
Fairbairn, James (2015). Anstey Fall Farm. Historic Building Survey. September 2015. Oxford Archaeology East. Report 1802. (https://knowledge.oxfordarchaeology.com/4540)
Fairbairn, J. and Ladd, Stuart (to be published). Trumpington. Anstey Hall Farm. Oxford Archaeology East. Report 1821.
Gdaniec, Kasia (1994). An Archaeological Survey of the Cambridge Lakes Golf Course Environs, North Trumpington, Cambridge. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 108. CHER file: SCB18556.
Germany, M. (2010). River Cam Habitat and Access Enhancement Project, Trumpington Meadows, Haslingfield. Archaeological Evaluation by Trial Trenching. Braintree: Essex County Council Field Archaeology Unit. Report 2069. CHER file: SCB21532. ADS grey literature. [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-439- 1/dissemination/pdf/essexcou1-61063_1.pdf]
Gill, Jon and Mortimer, Richard (2013). Anstey Hall Farm, Trumpington. Specification for Historic Building Assessment and Recording. Oxford Archaeology East Project 15915. : OAE, November 2013.
Graham, S. (2015). Addenbrooke’s 2040 Lands, Cambridge (Land South of Dame Mary Archer Way). Bar Hill, Cambridgeshire: Oxford Archaeology East. OAE report 1752.
Graham, S. (2016). Green Barn, Maris Lane, Trumpington. Bar Hill, Cambridgeshire: Oxford Archaeology East. OAE report 1919.
Hatton, Andrew and Hinman, Mark (2000). A Medieval Ditch and Earlier Features on Land Adjacent to Hauxton Road, Trumpington, Cambridge. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Report 177. CHER file: SCB17075. Waitrose site. [ADS http: //archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-438- 1/dissemination/pdf/report177.pdf]
Hickling, Steve (2005). 45 High Street, Trumpington. Archaeological Evaluation by Trial Trenching. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Report 780rev. CHER file: SCB19150.
Hinman, Mark (2001). Late Bronze Age and Iron Age Settlement and Early Prehistoric Activity at Plant Breeding International, Hauxton Road, Cambridge: an Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Report 190. CHER file: SCB18280.
Evaluation report issued February 2001, in advance of the development of the Park & Ride site which was due from April 2001.
Hinman, Mark (2004a). Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age Activity on Land Adjacent to Hauxton Road, Trumpington, Cambridge: Post-excavation Assessment of Evaluation and Excavation at Trumpington Park and Ride. Section 1: Assessment. Section II: Finds. Section III: Context Details. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Report 706. CHER file: SCB19222 (2 parts) and SCB19666 (1 part).
Reports issued at the same time as the Magistrate’s Court site report CHER SCB19224 and John Lewis site report CHER SCB19308, with the same site code. The site is centred on TL44255427 (now the Park & Ride building).
Hinman, Mark (2004b). Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age Activity on Land Adjacent to Hauxton Road, Trumpington, Cambridge: the John Lewis Partnership Warehouse Site. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Report 707. Site code CAM PBI01. CHER file: SCB19308.
Report issued at the same time as the Park & Ride site reports, CHER SCB19222 and 19666, and Magistrate’s Court site report CHER SCB19224.
Hinman, Mark (2004c). Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age Activity on Land Adjacent to Hauxton Road, Trumpington, Cambridge: the Proposed Magistrate’s Court Site. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Report 708. CHER file: SCB19224.
Report issued at the same time as the Park & Ride site reports, CHER SCB19222 and 19666, and John Lewis site report CHER SCB19308.
Hogan, Shannon (2012). St Faith’s School, Trumpington Road, Cambridge. An Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 1079. CHER file: SCB35918. ADS grey literature. [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822- 1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-120637_1.pdf]
House, Jonathan (2010). St Faith’s Sports Hall, Trumpington. Archaeological Evaluation Report. OAE, Report 1177. CHER file: SCB21565. ADS grey literature.
Hutton, Jacqui (2009). Rosie Maternity Hospital Extension, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report Number 863. [ADS http: //archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822- 1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-141391_1.pdf]
Hutton, Jacqui and Evans, Christopher (2007). NCP car park, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge: Archaeological Investigations. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report Number 778. ADS grey literature. [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload? t=arch-822-1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-27979_1.pdf]
James, Laura (2010). 30 Long Road Cambridge. An Archaeological Excavation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report Number 965. CHER file: SCB39029.
Kemp, S. (1993). Cambridge Southern Relief Road. Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report Number 85. Cited in Hinman, 2001, p. 9. [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.41, Y.04.0734]
Kenney, S. (2000). Iron Age Settlement at Plant Breeding International, Hauxton Road, Cambridge: an Archaeological Evaluation (Interim Report on Phase 1). Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Unpublished Report.
Kenney, S. and Hatton, A. (2000). Prehistoric Remains on the Waitrose Site, Hauxton Road, Cambridge: an Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit. Report A156. CHER file: SCB17495.
Ladd, Stuart (2013). Middle and Late Saxon Settlement Features at Anstey Hall Farm, Trumpington. Archaeological Evaluation Report. Oxford Archaeology East. Report 1555.
Mackay, Duncan (2002). An Archaeological Evaluation at Addenbrooke’s Electricity Substation, Cambridge. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report No 469.
Mackay, Duncan (2004). Elective Care Facility, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge: A second Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 606. CHER file: SCB18678.
Mackay, Duncan (2004). Latham Close, Cambridge. An Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 619. CHER file: SCB18668.
Mackay, Duncan (2005). Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Daycare facility, Robinson Way, Cambridge. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 684. [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.41, Y.04.0761]
Middleton, L. (2014). Long Road Sixth Form College, An Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge University: Cambridge Archaeological Unit, 1215.
Moan, Patrick (2013). Dill Pit Excavations. Trumpington Meadows, S98. Oxford Archaeology East. Report 1513.
Moan, Patrick (2016). Cambridge, land south of Dame Mary Archer Way. Oxford Archaeology East Report 2023.
Newman, J., Phillips, T. (2012). Excavation and Monitoring at Clay Farm Rising Main Sewer, Cambridge. Bar Hill: Oxford Archaeology East, Report No: 1422.
Newman, R., Dickens, A., Appleby, G., Collins, M. (2010) Excavations at CBC Addenbrooke’s, Site 2 The Boulevard: Interim Report. Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report Number 937. ADS grey literature. [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac. uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822-1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-75350_1.pdf]
Patten, Ricky (2012). Trumpington Meadows, Cambridge: An Archaeological Excavation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 1134. CHER file: SCB22386 (draft).
Patten, Ricky and Hall, Andrew (2015). Cambridge Sporting Village, Cambridgeshire. Field Walking, metal detecting and geophysical survey. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 1316. Appendix 12.3, CSV planning application.
Phillips, Tom (2006). A Roman Ditch at 15 Latham Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Field Unit, Report 892. Site code CAM LRD05. CHER file: SCB19924. [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.41, Z.12.2943]
Phillips, Tom (2013). Southern Perimeter Road, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge Archaeological Excavation and Watching Brief. Bar Hill: Oxford Archaeology East, report number 1435.
Phillips, Tom (2014). Cambridge Biomedical Campus: the Circus & Piazza and Papworth Trust Sites. Bar Hill: Oxford Archaeology East, report number 1726.
Phillips, Tom (2014). Cambridge, Fawcett School. Bar Hill: Oxford Archaeology East, report number 1618.
Phillips, Tom (2015). Bronze Age – Roman Remains at Cambridge Biomedical Campus: the Circus and Piazza & Papworth Trust Sites. Post Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design. Oxford Archaeology East. Report 1726.
Phillips, Tom and Mortimer, Richard (2012). Clay Farm, Trumpington, Cambridgeshire. Post Excavation Assessment. Oxford Archaeology East. Report 1294. CHER file: SCB22152.
Rees. G. (2013). A Roman ditch and undated features at the former Elms garage, 176-178 Cambridge Road, Great Shelford. Bar Hill: Oxford Archaeology East, OA East Report No. 1499.
Robinson, Matthew (1995). Archaeological evaluation – Addenbrooke’s ‘Island’, Cambridge. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report Number 148. [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.41, M. 08.0216]
Scott Wilson Ltd. (2007). Mitigation Proposal. An Archaeological Specification for Excavation and Evaluation at Clay Farm, Cambridge. In Clay Farm Environmental Statement, Volume 1B, Appendices, pages 43-59.
Scott Wilson Ltd. (2007). An Archaeological Specification for Evaluation, Land East of Hobson’s Brook, Clay Farm, Cambridge.
Scott Wilson Ltd. (2007). An Archaeological Specification for Excavation at Clay Farm, Cambridge.
Produced for Countryside Properties, as part of the Clay Farm planning application, December 2007.
Slater, Adam and Dickens, Alison (2008). Further Evaluation at Clay Farm, South Cambridge: the 2008 Green Corridor Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 826. Site code CLY08. CHER file: SCB20828. [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac. uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822-1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-40894_1.pdf]
Tabor, Jonathan (2013). The Addenbrookes MSCP Site, Cambridge. An Archaeological Excavation. Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report No. 1151.
Taylor, Ian (2000). Study of Hauxton Mill, Hauxton, Cambridgeshire. Unpublished. CHER file: SCB19612.
Ten Harkel, Letty (2005). Medical Research Council, Chaucer Road, Cambridge. An Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 659. CHER file: SCB18551.
Timberlake, Simon (2006). Meadowcroft Hotel, Trumpington Road, Cambridge. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 724. CHER file: SCB19805. [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.41, Z. 07.1003]
Timberlake, Simon (2007). Addenbrooke’s Hospital Water Main Diversion: An archaeological investigation. University of Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 794. ADS grey literature. [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822- 1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-36302_1.pdf]
Timberlake, Simon (2007). The Addenbrooke’s Access Road, Clay Farm, Trumpington, Cambridge. The 2007 Investigations, Site 3. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 803. CHER file: SCB20726. ADS grey literature. [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac. uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822-1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-36460_1.pdf]
Timberlake, Simon (2010). Cambridge Centre for Applied Learning, Addenbrooke’s Hospital: An archaeological excavation. Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 977. ADS grey literature. [ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-822- 1/dissemination/pdf/cambridg3-90267_1.pdf]
Timberlake, Simon (2013). The Cambridge Hospital (Nuffield Health) Trumpington Road, Cambridge: An archaeological evaluation. University of Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit, report no. 1156.
Tipper, J. (2003). Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Elective Care Facility: An Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 578. CHER file: SCB18467.
Wait, G.A. (1992). Archaeological Investigations: New Addenbrooke’s, Centre for Brain Repair. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report 74.
Whittaker, Paula (2002). An Archaeological Evaluation at 28-30 Long Road, Cambridge. Cambridge Archaeological Unit. Report No 483. CHER file: SCB17866.
Wood, M. (2016). Cambridge. Cambridge Biomedical Campus. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Report 1334.
Zeki, L. (2015). Bidwells, Maris Lane, Cambridge: An Archaeological Evaluation. Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit. CAU Report No. 1305.