The Local History Group is building up an archive of newspaper articles relevant to the history of Trumpington, in a project led by Howard Slatter. The articles are arranged by year: to get started go to Newspaper Articles.
This collection is an ongoing project, and is by no means complete. It mainly covers years between 1730 and 1939. Separate coverage of World War 1 is provided in our page on Trumpington at War as seen through newspaper reports.
The articles have come from two main sources: the collection of microfilmed Cambridge newspapers at the Cambridgeshire Collection and online resources in the British Newspaper Archive. We are grateful to Elenor Ling, Barbara Burgess, Wendy Roberts and Howard Slatter for transcribing the bulk of these articles, and in the process making them both legible and searchable.
In addition, Shirley Brown provided some articles from Mark O’Toole’s “Trumpington Chronicle 1850-1900” which were originally in the Cambridge Chronicle (Cambridgeshire Collection, C.44.3): these articles also appear in our Cambridge Chronicle page. Mike Petty has transcribed a number of articles relating to Trumpington, which are available in his “Trumpington Scrapbook 1897 to 1990”. We are also grateful to both of them.

![Newspaper report, Charles Willson [Charles Wilson] guilty of assault on John Nicholls, four months imprisonment. Huntingdon, Bedford and Peterborough Gazette, 13 July 1833. British Newspaper Archive.](http://trumpingtonlocalhistorygroup.org/wp-content/uploads/HuntingdonBPGazette_13Jul1833.jpg)
![To Be Let, advertisement for house to be let in Trumpington, enquire of James Cumming [Cuming School House]. Cambridge Chronicle, 26 August 1825. British Newspaper Archive.](http://trumpingtonlocalhistorygroup.org/wp-content/uploads/CambridgeChronicle_26Aug1825.jpg)