Welcome to the story of Trumpington’s streets and the people who have lived in the houses in these streets. The Streets, Houses and People in Trumpington historic resource lists are derived from information in the People in Trumpington database, both of which have been created by Howard Slatter.
The resource lists are in the process of being developed and we hope that each street in the older parts of Trumpington will eventually have its own page.

The ‘database’ refers to the People in Trumpington database. Please read the notes about the scope of that database.
The purpose of Streets, Houses and People in Trumpington resource lists is to provide easy navigation round the database for a street and specific addresses. The links take you to families in the database, where more information will be found, including sources.
Occasionally these lists may appear to contradict the details in the database. This might be due to an error, but usually it reflects some inconsistencies in the public data (parish registers, electoral registers, census returns) which appear in their raw form in the database, but have been normalised in these lists.
Family groups, including married couples (perhaps with a widowed parent), and other groups such as sisters living together, are listed with the earliest and latest dates for any of them.
People who might still be alive are not usually listed.
Married or widowed women’s maiden names appear in parentheses, e.g. Mrs Mary (Brown) Smith.
Children are not usually listed separately; details of children will be found on the parents’ page in the database.
Most homes are only covered up to the late 1960s.
Gaps in the lists of occupants do not necessarily indicate that no one was living in the house. It is quite possible that either (a) records are not available for those years, or (b) people were there but are not in the database as they have not been identified other than by name, or (c) they may still be alive.
Electoral registers are a major source of information about who lived where after the last published census of 1911. Many women did not appear on the registers until 1929, so the presence of a married woman with her husband before then has frequently been assumed in these lists. Similarly, people under 21 do not appear on the registers (until 1969 when that became 18).
Women listed on their own have been designated either as Miss or Mrs, in order to aid identification.
Modern addresses have been used to identify individual houses. Alternative, earlier, addresses have been given where they have been identified.
Any corrections or additional information will be gratefully received. Please email the Local History Group .
Access the Streets, Houses and People in Trumpington resource lists.