Wendy Roberts
Trumpington Working Men’s Chrysanthemum Show/Society and Trumpington Horticultural Society, 1893-2002
In 1893, a Trumpington organisation was established called the Working Men’s Chrysanthemum Show. At a meeting at the Vicarage, it was resolved that a show should be held for chrysanthemums, fruit and vegetables about the end of November. The following officers were elected (Cambridge Chronicle, 7 April 1893, p. 4):
President: Mr Porter
Secretary: Mr F. Prime
Treasurer: Mr J.A. Sturton
Committee: Messrs. Forbes, Chapman, Lilley, Blows, Cowell and Harvey
Committee member, Charles Forbes, was Head Gardener to Ebenezer Bird Foster of Anstey Hall. He had exhibited ten years earlier at the inaugural show of the Trumpington and Grantchester Horticultural Society in July 1883 (Cambridge Chronicle, July 1883).

The 1898 annual meeting of the Working Men’s Chrysanthemum Society was held in the Schoolroom and Mr T.H.J. Porter presided in the chair. The Secretary reported on the progress of the Society since its formation in 1893, including the information that nearly 1000 entries had been received for exhibition in that period (Cambridge Chronicle, 20 May 1898, p. 8). A few weeks later, Mr Frederick Prime was presented with a handsome writing desk in recognition of the excellent manner in which he had carried out his duties as Secretary. It was felt that Mr Prime had played a large role in the success of the Society (Cambridge Chronicle, 17 June 1898, p. 8).
The annual dinner of the Trumpington Chrysanthemum Society in 1912 was held at the Green Man. The President was Mr T.H.J. Porter; vice-president, Mr P.R. Robinson; hon. treasurer, Mr C. Forbes; and hon. secretary, Mr J.H. Chapman (Cambridge Chronicle, 22 March 1912, p. 8).
From this root, the Trumpington Horticultural Society grew. For many years it arranged very successful annual shows. The 22nd annual show was held in October 1922. This was the first show held by the Society since the First World War: no shows being held in 1915-1921. The officials were: President, Mr C. Forbes; vice president, Mr J.H. Chapman; hon. treasurer, Mr P.R. Robinson; hon. secretary, Mr H.E. Foster; committee, Messrs W. Dann, F.W. Lander, J. Lawrence, Medhurst, J. Pamplin, George Pamplin and G.F. Peters; auditors, the Rev. Moule and Mr T.H.J. Porter (Cambridge Chronicle, 18 October 1922, p. 3).
To stimulate interest in ploughing locally, the first of what was hoped to be a series of annual ploughing matches took place in September 1925 under the auspices of the Trumpington Horticultural Society. A field was lent by Mr F. Tebbit for the contests for double ploughs and for single teams. The judging was undertaken by Mr Charles Edwards, of Cantelupe Farm, and Mr C.H. Rogers, of Red Cross Farm (Cambridge Chronicle, 30 September 1925, p. 6).
When Mr Forbes died in 1926, the Society had a cup inscribed “to perpetuate the memory of Charles Forbes, one of its founders”. This Forbes Trophy was first awarded in 1927.
There was a break during the Second World War. A public meeting was held in the Village Hall on 20 February 1946 at which it was agreed to revive the Society. The following were elected:
President: A.W. Dilley Esq.
Vice President: Rev. T. Young
Hon. Treasurer: Mr A. Medhurst
Hon. Secretary: Mr F.J. Haynes
Committee: Messrs. E. Haynes, Shanks, Chamberlain, Freestone, Mynott, Peachey, Youngs, W. Bass, Raynes and A.W. Bass
Annual shows continued to be held and Mr Harry Collins set the record for winning, with the highest number of points in the show, the Forbes Trophy each year for ten years 1946 to 1955.

Two horticultural shows were held annually in the village for a period from 1956 when the Trumpington British Legion Branch organised a separate event. Ill health prevented Harry Collins from participating but his son, Michael, had obviously benefitted from Harry’s experience and advice. In 1956, at the first British Legion Show, Michael Collins won the Cornwell Challenge Cup for the highest number of points for the whole show, the Saville Peck Memorial Cup and the Loveday Challenge Cup (Cambridge Daily News 4 September 1956). After his death in 1956, Harry Collins was remembered by the Trumpington Horticultural Society by the Harry Collins Cup, awarded for the greatest number of points in vegetable classes.

When the local British Legion branch ceased to organise horticultural shows, they transferred their cups to the Trumpington Horticultural Society in 1969, 1970 or 1971. The Horticultural Society then included special show classes for British Legion members.
In 1980, the Committee, with Honorary Secretary Dr Stephen Brown, decided to increase the activities of the Society by arranging a programme of evening meetings and summer visits. This development was well supported by the keen gardeners of Trumpington. Meetings were held with guest speakers and quizzes.
Over the years the Society took part in community events. It has run plant and produce stalls at events such as church and school fetes.

Trumpington Gardening Society (TruGS), 2002-2023

In 2003, the Society’s name was changed to the Trumpington Gardening Society (TruGS). From 2005 to 2011, the formal Annual Show was replaced by an informal Summer/Autumn show, where Society members had the fun of being both the exhibitors and the judges. Over the years, several cups/trophies were given to the Society and were awarded to winners of various Show categories. A list of cups and winners is given below. At the end of 2011, the Society was mothballed with the intention that the group should restart in the future. Between 2012 and 2023, fifteen TruGS plant sales were held at either local fetes or outside 53 Shelford Road, four coach trips were arranged, and two meetings were held at the Village Hall with invited speakers. These events, however, did not succeed in gathering interested people to form a committee in order to resurrect the Society. In 2023 the caretaker group decided regretfully to wind up TruGS. The bank account was closed and a donation was made to Trumpington Community Orchard, which was fund raising to enable the orchard furniture to be replaced.
TruGS Events, 2007-2023
A record of meetings is available from 1980-2011: Archiveofmeetings
15 March 2007: AGM and Spring Show. Margaret Marrs and Frank Whaley retired from the committee after many years of service and the Society passed on its sincere thanks for all their hard work. They will still be active members of TruGS of course! We also said farewell and many thanks to our Past President, Reg Norman, who will be leaving the Cambridge area.

16 May 2007: Day visit to Helmingham Hall, Stowmarket. Travelling by coach, 33 TruGS members and friends visited the gardens of Helmingham, the home of the Tollemache family since 1487. Lunch was booked in advance for our arrival and the afternoon was spent exploring the many parts of the garden. There was plenty of time to stock up with plants at the shop before departure!
21 June 2007: Evening visit to Balsham Maze. 21 members visited James Potter’s garden at Balsham. We spent a pleasant couple of hours wandering the grounds under guidance and were then entertained in the Manor with wine and nibbles.
20 September 2007: Autumn Show & Quiz. Friendly competition was the theme of the evening, with considerable attention on the sampling of the Victoria Sandwich cakes. Many thanks to Arthur Brookes for devising a challenging quiz.

20 March 2008: AGM and Spring Show. This meeting fell immediately before Easter weekend and many regular members sent their apologies for non-attendance. Margaret Marrs was proposed as a Vice President in her absence and the proposal was carried unanimously. The mild winter had encouraged early flowering of daffodils and exhibitors were spoilt for choice when selecting blooms from their gardens! Congratulations to Jill Whaley, who won the Eileen Norman Memorial Cup for the ‘Best Exhibit of Show’ for the 2nd year running.
15 May 2008: Outing to Pensthorpe, Norfolk. By coincidence, TruGS arranged a day visit to Pensthorpe, near Fakenham, just as the BBC producers of ‘Spring Watch’ TV programme were preparing their first series from this new location. We spent a very enjoyable day exploring the grounds and enjoying the plants and birdlife.
19 June 2008: Evening Outing to Russell Smith Farms, Duxford. Following up the February talk by Andrew Nottage on local production of organic vegetables, we visited the Duxford farm. Andrew took us on a trailer round the fields and pointed out many of the features of growing organic vegetables and efforts to encourage wildlife, such as beetle banks.

20-25 October 2008: Trumpington Village Hall Centenary Exhibition. A display of past and present activities, a quiz and a plant & produce stand was manned by members throughout the exhibition week.

19 March 2009: AGM and Spring Show. We had a bumper number of exhibits this year. Daffodils were in abundance. Recent warm weather had brought out the flowers and butterflies! The Eileen Norman Memorial Cup was passed to Wendy Roberts for her floral arrangement. At the AGM it was agreed that, in 2010, the member’s subscription would be increased to £7pa and that the charge for a non-member would be increased to £2 per visit. Officers and Committee:
President: Dr Stephen Brown
Vice Presidents: Margaret Marrs and Pam Milne
Chair: Pam Stacey
Vice Chair and Programme outings: Maureen Graham
Treasurer: Edmund Brookes
Secretary: Wendy Roberts
Programme talks: Janet Hendy, Ruth Truesdale

4 July 2009: TruGS members ran a successful plant and produce stall at the Fawcett School Summer Fete. Many thanks to all who donated plants, jam, etc. for sale.

16 July 2009: Summer Show & Photo Quiz. A crowd gathered around the final table as we sampled and judged the home produce of cheese scones, brown bread and Victoria sandwich cakes. This was the climax to an enjoyable show of vegetables, fruit and flowers. Pam Stacey and Janet Hendy were joint winners of the Frank Laver Rose Bowl, Mary Pitman was awarded the E. Saville Peck Memorial Cup for her floral arrangement and Stephen Brown won the Forbes Trophy for the highest number of points gained in the show.

18 March 2010: AGM and Spring Show. Spring flowers were flowering about 3-4 weeks later than usual this year due to the exceptionally cold winter and we had a low number of show exhibits as a result. However, members enjoyed the general knowledge quiz and the ‘wild flower identification parade’ quiz, which had been arranged for the evening. The President, Stephen Brown, chaired the AGM.
26 June and 2 July 2010: Summer activity. Plant and planter stalls were set up at the church and school fetes. There could not have been more contrast in the weather on the two occasions: unseasonal cold with periodic pouring rain and unrelenting sunshine and heat! Both events were great fun. Many thanks for all the donated items.

16 September 2010: Despite it being late for runner beans and too early for chrysanthemums, we had an enjoyable show. Stephen Brown won the Forbes Trophy with the highest number of points and Janet Hendy won the Frank Laver Rose Bowl.
17 March 2011: This year there were plenty of daffodils in flower intime for the show. Pam Stacey was presented with the Eileen Norman Memorial Cup. President Stephen Brown chaired the AGM.
Summer 2011: It’s been a busy period – preparing for the fetes. Many of the TruGS members’ donated plants will now be taking root in their new homes in Trumpington! Members have also enjoyed two summer outings: a day visit to the RHS Gardens Hyde Hall and an evening visit to a garden in Fen Ditton.

15 September 2011: Extraordinary General Meeting. The Autumn Show was held together with a quiz of gardening-related questions. Daphne Bridgeman and Pam Stacey were presented with the Forbes Trophy and the Frank Laver Memorial Bowl respectively. This was followed by an Extraordinary General Meeting. The meeting was chaired by the President, Dr Stephen Brown, who gave a brief history of the Society and then described the problem of continuing our activities. The majority of attending members voted to mothball the Society from the end of the year.

15 December 2011: 33 members and friends enjoyed a Christmas Party at the Village Hall. We were entertained by the lively Barber Shop Singers. The event ended with short speeches by President, Stephen Brown; Chairman, Pam Stacey; and Vice President, Margaret Marrs, expressing their regret at the current suspension of the Society but with the hope that the group will be able to start up again in the near future. TruGS Caretaker group:
Pam Stacey
Edmund Brookes
Wendy Roberts
30 June 2012: Although no meetings were arranged for 2012, we did our best to promote the Society from a plant stall at the Fawcett School Summer Fete. Considering the amount of rain we have had since the fete, the plants we sold should have been well watered into their new locations!

8 June and 6 July 2013: We held successful plants stalls at the Church Garden Party at Trumpington Hall and the Fawcett PTA Fete at the school field. We were fortunately in the TRA marquee, sheltered from the cool breeze, at the church event and basked in the heat (28 degrees) at the school do. Thank you for all the donated plants. I hope the buyers were pleased with the quality and variety of the plants on offer.

28 June 2014: Again, we set up a plant stall at the Fawcett PTA Fete with a wide range of donated plants. Sales were brisk at noon the beginning of the event but by 2pm nature sprang into action and gave our remaining plants a power wash! Our next plant sale will be at the Church Christmas Bazaar on 29 November 2014 in the Village Hall.

17 July 2014: We had a very successful coach trip to Hever Castle and its Gardens. The weather was beautiful for us to wander around the many different style gardens. The roses were still in full bloom. Pam is already considering a venue for next year’s outing!

29 November 2014: This was our first venture of offering plants at a winter event and were delighted with the interest shown in both the house and garden plants at the Church Christmas Bazaar.

9 April 2015: Speaker, Michael Brown, the Historic Gardener, enlightened the audience about poisonous plants and associated myths and tales of murder with his talk ‘Death in the Garden’. This was the first evening meeting for TruGS since 2011. Plans were discussed for future activities, such as the adoption of the shrub border behind the Village Hall in May and the coach trip to Beth Chatto’s Gardens in July.

2015-2020: We maintained the flower border at the rear of the Village Hall on Beverley Way. On 21 May 2015, members contributed plants for the restoration of the flower borders. Many of the plants are bee and butterfly friendly species. Many thanks to everyone who donated plants and to those who helped with the planting.

4 July 2015: We had a plant stall at the first Trumpington Federation PTA Fete held at Trumpington Meadows School.

16 July 2015: The Beth Chatto Garden was the destination of this year’s successful coach trip. Participants went on a guided walk and then explored the series of distinctive gardens. Several newly acquired plants made the homeward journey!

28 November 2015: We had a stall at the Trumpington Christmas Fair organised by the TRA and hoped that our house plants would make perfect Christmas gifts!
9 July 2016: It was a breezy afternoon for the Trumpington Federation PTA Fete but our plant stall had shelter from the nearby marquee!

13 July 2016: Pam arranged a very successful coach trip to Peter Beales Roses and then on to East Ruston Old Vicarage with its 32 acre exotic coastal garden.
12 July 2017: Wrest Park, Silsoe, proved a very good choice for our trip. Well done, Pam! The guided tours, 2 walking groups and one ‘golf buggy’ ride (for those wary of the distance to be covered) were excellent. They gave us an account of the changes in garden design as occurred at Wrest Park during a period of over 300 years and showed us the fruits of recent restoration work. The cloudy start to our visit soon gave way to a sunny day. We enjoyed the cafe refreshments (tempted by cakes) and didn’t resist the urge to purchase just a few more plants for our gardens.

17 March 2018: Pam and Wendy had a plant stall at the first event to be held at the new Clay Farm Centre.

7 July 2018: Shade was in short supply on this scorching hot afternoon at the Trumpington Federation PTA Fair held at Fawcett School but the plants were given priority! Thank you to all who supported the plant stall.

12 July 2018: Speaker, Geoff Hodge, garden writer and local radio broadcaster, took us through a number of ways to make some gardening tasks easier in his talk on ‘Easy Gardening: Low Maintenance Gardens’. Geoff covered innovative gardening tools, suggestions for specific garden planting, plant care and weed control. He also judged our ‘drinking-can’ floral arrangements.

6 July 2019: It was our 10th year holding a plant stall at the School Fete and unusually it was a day when our houseplants as opposed to garden plants were in demand.

21 September 2019: Although it was later in the growing season and we had fewer plants in bloom, we still had a wide variety of plants on display at this September event, which was celebrating 10 years since the rebuilding of the Pavilion.

5 October 2019: Plant sale outside 53 Shelford Road.
4-20 September 2020: Plant sale outside 53 Shelford Road.
30 September 2023: Plant sale outside 53 Shelford Road, final TruGS plant sale.

The Winners of Society Cups, Presented at the Shows from 1927 to 2011
Over the years, a number of cups were given to the Societies, to be awarded at Annual Shows.

Trumpington Horticultural Society. The Forbes Trophy. To perpetuate the memory of Charles Forbes one of its founders
1927 W. Bass; A. Medhurst
1928 G.R.C. Foster
1929 A. Medhurst
1930 A. Medhurst
1931 G.R.C. Foster
1932 W.J. Bass
1933 G.R.C. Foster
1934 A. Medhurst
1935 Miss Jessie Watson
1936 Miss Jessie Watson
1937 W.W. Pemberton
1938 W.W. Pemberton
1946 Harry Collins
1947 Harry Collins
1948 Harry Collins
1949 Harry Collins
1950 Harry Collins
1951 Harry Collins
1952 Harry Collins
1953 Harry Collins
1954 Harry Collins
1955 Harry Collins
1956 B. Aylett
1957 A. Medhurst
1958 B. Aylett
1959 E.C. Peacock
1960 E.C. Peacock
1961 E.C. Peacock, L.H. Jacobs
1962 C. Galley
1963 C. Galley
1964 L.H. Jacobs
1965 E.C. Peacock
1966 L.H. Jacobs
1967 G. Elsey
1968 G. Elsey
1969 G. Elsey
1971 E.C. Peacock
1972 E.C. Peacock
1973 E.C. Peacock
1975 C.P. Galley
1977 E.C. Peacock
1978 E.C. Peacock
1979 E.C. Peacock
1980 C.P. Galley
1981 Mrs T.O. Parsons
1982 A. Seekings
1983 S.J. Brown
1984 S.J. Brown
1985 S.J. Brown
1986 Mrs J.A. Hendy
1987 W.S. Gray, R.F. Norman
1988 Mrs J.A. Hendy
1989 W.S. Gray
1990 Mrs J.A. Hendy
1991 Mrs M.S. Brown
1992 J.S. Newell
1993 R.F. Norman
1994 Mrs M.S. Brown
1995 Mrs M.S. Brown
1996 Mrs J.A. Hendy
1997 Mrs J.B. Whaley
1998 Mrs M.S. Brown
1999 Mrs M.S. Brown
2000 S.J. Brown
2001 S.J. Brown
2002 S.J. Brown
2003 S.J. Brown
2004 S.J. Brown
2005 S.J. Brown
2009 S.J. Brown
2010 S.J. Brown
2011 Mrs D. Bridgeman
Trumpington Horticultural Society. Rotherham Cup for the best exhibit of chrysanthemums
1951 C. Stubbings
1952 C. Wilson
1953 C. Wilson
1954 C. Wilson
1955 C. Galley
1956 C. Galley
1957 C. Galley
1958 C. Galley
1959 G.W. Kingswell
1960 C. Galley
1961 G. Elsey
1962 C. Galley
1963 C. Galley
1964 C. Galley
1965 G.W. Kingswell
1966 G.W. Kingswell
1967 G.W. Kingswell
1968 C. Galley
1971 C. Galley
1972 C. Galley
1973 C. Galley
1975 C. Galley
1977 C.P. Galley
1979 C.P. Galley
1980 C.P. Galley
1981 S.J. Brown
1982 C.H. Bull
1983 S.J. Brown
1984 C.H. Bull
1985 S.J. Brown
1987 Mrs P.M.A. Horton
1988 Mrs J. Tudor
1989 Mrs J.A. Hendy
1990 Mrs P. Bainbridge
1991 Mrs P. Bainbridge
1992 Mrs P. Bainbridge
1993 Mrs H. Keys
1994 Mrs R. Breen
1995 Gemma Keys
1996 Mrs T. Thistlethwaite
1997 S.J. Brown
1998 Mrs R. Breen
1999 Mrs M.O. Marrs
2000 K.C. Rolfe
2001 Mrs R. Breen
Trumpington Horticultural Society. Alpha Cup
1954 D. Stubbings
1955 M.R. Collins
1956 B. Aylett
1957 Mrs D. Johnson
1958 G.W. Kingswell
1959 W. Coxall
1960 W. Coxall (Mrs)
1961 G. Elsey
1962 Miss M. Elsey
1963 G.H. Seekings
1964 Mrs G. Elsey
1965 E.C. Peacock
1966 Miss B. Elsey
1967 Mrs E.C. Peacock
1971 C. Napthen
1977 J. Pratt
1982 C.H. Bull
1992 C.H. Bull
2002 Mrs S.M. Betts
2003 Mrs S.M. Betts
2004 Mrs S.M. Betts
2005 Mrs C.M. Radford
Trumpington Horticultural Society. The Ladies Cup. Presented by Councillor F.C. Woolfenden. 1954
1954 Mrs Whitfield
1955 Mrs L. Shanks
1956 Mrs A.M. Woolfenden
1957 Mrs B. Tindale, Mrs A.M. Woolfenden
1958 Mrs E.C. Peacock
1959 Mrs A.M. Woolfenden
1960 Mrs E.C. Peacock
1961 Mrs E.C. Peacock
1962 Mrs S.J. Newell
1963 Mrs E.C. Peacock
1964 Mrs E.C. Peacock
1965 Mrs E.C. Peacock
1966 Mrs S.J. Newell
1967 Mrs E.C. Peacock
1968 Mrs S.J. Newell
1969 Mrs W.O. Peacock
1971 Mrs S. Newell
1972 Mrs W.O. Peacock
1973 Mrs E. King
1975 Mrs H. Burrell
1977 Mrs E. King
1978 Mrs S.J. Newell
1979 Mrs E. King, Mrs S.J. Newell
1980 Mrs Shirley Brown
1981 Mrs Shirley Brown
1982 Mrs E. King
1983 Mrs M.S. Brown
1984 Mrs M.S. Brown, Mrs A.L. King
1985 Mrs M.S. Brown
1986 Mrs J.A. Hendy
1987 Mrs M.S. Brown
1988 Mrs A.L. King
1989 Mrs M.S. Brown
1990 Mrs M.S. Brown
1991 Mrs M.S. Brown
1992 Mrs M.S. Brown
1993 Mrs M.S. Brown
1994 Mrs M.S. Brown
1995 Mrs M.S. Brown
1996 Mrs M.S. Brown
1997 Mrs M.S. Brown
1998 Mrs M.S. Brown
1999 Mrs M.S. Brown
2000 Mrs M.S. Brown
2001 Mrs M.S. Brown
2002 Mrs M.S. Brown, Miss M.G. Stokes
2003 Mrs J.B. Whaley
2004 Mrs M.S. Brown
2005 Mrs M.S. Brown
The Harry Collins Cup
1958 B. Aylett
1959 J. Curtis
1960 J. Curtis
1961 L.H. Jacobs
1962 C. Galley
1963 L.H. Jacobs
1964 L.H. Jacobs
1965 G. Elsey
1966 L.H. Jacobs
1967 G. Elsey
1968 G. Elsey
1969 G. Elsey
1971 E.C. Peacock
1972 C. Galley
1973 C.P. Galley
1975 C.P. Galley
1977 C.P. Galley
1978 E.C. Peacock
1979 C.P. Galley
1980 C.P. Galley
1981 Mrs T.O. Parsons
1982 C.P. Galley
1983 S.J. Brown
1984 A. Seekings
1985 S.J. Brown
1986 T.O. Parsons
1987 R.F. Norman
1988 W.S. Gray
1989 S.J. Brown
1990 J.S. Newell
1991 J.S. Newell
1992 J.S. Newell
1993 R.F. Norman
1994 Mrs O. Colbeck, Miss J.B. Arnott
1995 Mrs O. Colbeck
1996 J.S. Newell
1997 F.H. Whaley
1998 J.S. Newell
1999 F.H. Whaley
2000 S.J. Brown
2001 S.J. Brown
2002 D. Fox
2003 S.J. Brown
2004 S.J. Brown
2005 S.J. Brown
Jescot Perpetual Cup
1958 E. Peacock
1959 E. Peacock
1960 E.C. Beaumont
1961 E. Beaumont
1962 E. Peacock
1963 E. Peacock
1964 E. Peacock
1965 E. Peacock
1971 E.C. Peacock
1972 J.H. Scriven
1973 H.A. Trett
1975 J.H. Scriven
1977 C. Bull
1978 H. Zobel
1979 H.A. Trett
1980 Mrs E. Graveling
1982 C.H. Bull
1984 C.H. Bull
1985 Mrs E. Norman
1986 C.H. Bull
1987 Mrs E. Norman
1988 C.H. Bull
1990 C.H. Bull
1991 C.H. Bull
1992 C.H. Bull
1993 J. Harris
1994 J. Harris
1996 J. Harris
1997 J. Harris
1998 M.R. Collins
2000 M.R. Collins
2002 C.H. Bull
2004 C.H. Bull
Sidney Freestone Memorial Challenge Trophy
1971 F.G. Willson
1972 C. Galley
1973 D.D. Cowlishaw
1975 D.D. Cowlishaw
1977 C.P. Galley
1978 C.P. Galley
1979 D.D. Cowlishaw
1980 C.P. Galley
1981 C. Napthen
1983 A. Seekings
1984 M.J. Thornton
1985 Mrs M. Pitman
1986 C.H. Bull
1987 Mrs J.A. Hendy
1988 C.H. Bull
1989 W.S. Gray
1990 Miss J.B. Arnott
1991 C.H. Bull
1992 Mrs I. Dawson
1993 J. Harris
1994 J. Harris
1995 Gemma Keys
1996 F.H. Whaley
1998 S.J. Brown
1999 F.H. Whaley
2000 Mrs R. Breen
2001 R.F. Norman
2002 S.J. Brown
2003 Mrs C.M. Radford
2004 Mrs C. Kendon
2005 S.J. Brown
Trumpington Horticultural Society. The Instant Bio Cup
1982 S.J. Brown
1983 S.J. Brown
1984 S.J. Brown
1985 S.J. Brown
1986 Mrs J.A. Hendy
1987 W.S. Gray
1988 S.J. Brown
1989 S.J. Brown
1990 J.S. Newell
1991 S.J. Brown
1992 S.J. Brown
1993 S.J. Brown
1994 J. Harris
1995 S.J. Brown
1996 S.J. Brown
1997 J.S. Newell
1998 F.H. Whaley
1999 F.H. Whaley
2000 J.S. Newell
2001 S.J. Brown
2002 S.J. Brown
2003 S.J. Brown
2004 S.J. Brown
2005 F.H. Whaley
In Memory of E. Saville Peck Cup
1956 M. Collins
1957 B. Aylett
1958 B. Aylett
1959 E.C. Peacock
1960 E.C. Peacock
1961 E.C. Peacock
1962 E.C. Peacock
1963 J. Malyon
1964 J. Malyon
1965 E.C. Peacock
1971 E.C. Peacock
1972 E.C. Peacock
1973 E.C. Peacock
1975 Mrs M.O. Mutch
1977 C.H. Bull
1978 C.H. Bull
1979 C.H. Bull
1980 C.H. Bull
1981 Mrs B.A. Bull
1982 C.H. Bull
1983 Mrs M. Pitman
1985 Mrs B.A. Bull
1986 Miss M.R. Smith
1987 Mrs M. Pitman
1988 Mrs A. King
1989 Miss J. Arnott
1990 Mrs E. Newell
1991 Mrs H. Keys
1992 Mrs B. Bull
1993 Mrs B. Bull
1994 Miss J. Arnott
1995 Miss Jean Arnott
1996 Mrs Barbara Bull
1997 Mrs B. Bull
1998 Mrs Claire Kendon
1999 Mrs B. Bull
2000 Mrs B. Bull
2001 Mrs B. Bull
2002 Miss J. Arnott
2003 Mrs Jill Whaley
2004 Mrs Claire Kendon
2005 Mrs B. Bull
2009 Mrs Mary Pitman
Frank W. Laver Memorial Bowl
1985 Mrs W.O. Peacock
1987 Mrs S.J. Scott
1988 Mrs J. Tudor
1989 Mrs S. Scott
1990 R.F. Norman
1991 Miss J.B. Arnott
1992 R.F. Norman
1993 J. Harris
1994 J. Harris
1996 F.H. Whaley
1997 J. Harris
1998 M.R. Collins
1999 S.J. Brown
2000 J. Harris
2002 Mrs P.F. Milne
2003 Mrs P.F. Milne
2004 Mrs J.A. Hendy
2009 Mrs J.A. Hendy, Ms P.M. Stacey
2010 Mrs J.A. Hendy
2011 Ms P.M. Stacey
Fred Morris Cup. Junior Classes
1982 Matthew Brown
1983 Amy Keys
1984 Jonathan Bull
1985 Jonathan Bull
1986 Rachel Thompson
1987 Gemma Keys
1988 Jonathan Bull
1989 Rebecca Foreman
1990 Fiona Foreman
1991 Jordana Learmonth
1992 Jordana Learmonth
1993 Josephine Keys
1994 Josephine Keys
1995 Josephine Keys
1998 Ryan Collier
1999 Sam Tester
2000 Ryan Collier
2001 Henry Holms
2002 Taranne Kendon
2003 Ryan Collier
2004 Nicky Savill
2005 Kit Westlake
The Loveday Challenge Cup presented by the Branch President
1956 M. Collins
1957 E. Peacock
1958 A.E. Smith
1959 E.C. Peacock
1960 E.C. Peacock
1961 E. Peacock
1962 E. Peacock
1963 E. Peacock
1964 J. Malyon
1965 E.C. Peacock
1971 E.C. Peacock
1972 A. Seekings
1973 E.C. Peacock, A. Seekings
1975 S.J. Newell
1977 E.C. Peacock
1978 A. Seekings
1979 A. Seekings
1980 A. Seekings
1981 A. Seekings
1982 A. Seekings
1983 A. Seekings
1985 A. Seekings
1986 S.J. Newell
1987 W.S. Gray
1988 W.S. Gray
1989 K.M. Chapman
1990 K.M. Chapman
1991 K.M. Chapman
1992 S.J. Newell
1993 Mrs K.M. Chapman
1994 K.M. Chapman
1995 Mrs K.M. Chapman
1996 S.J. Newell
1997 J. Harris
Cornwell Challenge Cup
1956 M. Collins
1957 E. Peacock
1958 A.E. Smith
1959 E.C. Peacock
1960 E.C. Peacock
1961 E. Peacock
1962 E. Peacock
1963 J. Malyon
1964 J. Malyon
1965 E.C. Peacock
1971 Mrs W.O. Peacock
1972 Mrs W.O. Peacock
1973 Mrs W.O. Peacock
1975 S.J. Newell
1977 E.C. Peacock
1978 E.C. Peacock
1979 E.C. Peacock
1980 Mrs E. Graveling
1981 Mrs W.O. Peacock
1982 Mrs W.O. Peacock
1983 Mrs K.M. Chapman
1984 Mrs W.O. Peacock
1986 S.J. Newell
1987 W.S. Gray
1988 S.J. Newell
1989 K.M. Chapman
1990 K.M. Chapman
1991 K.M. Chapman
1992 K.M. Chapman
1993 J. Harris
1994 K.M. Chapman
1995 Mrs K.M. Chapman
1996 J. Harris
1997 Mrs K.M. Chapman
1999 Mrs M.F. Ginz
2000 J. Harris
Trumpington Horticultural Society. Eileen W. Norman. Chairman 1991-93
1994 Mrs J.A. Hendy
1995 Mrs J.B. Whaley
1996 Mrs J.B. Whaley
1997 Mrs J.B. Whaley
1998 Mrs E. Newell
1999 Mrs J.V. Bennett
2000 Mrs J.B. Whaley
2001 Mrs J.B. Whaley
2002 Miss J.B. Arnott
2003 Mrs R. Breen
2004 Mrs B.A. Bull
2005 S.J. Brown
2006 Mrs J.V. Bennett
2007 Mrs J.B. Whaley
2008 Mrs J.B. Whaley
2009 Mrs F.W. Roberts
2010 Mrs F.W. Roberts
2011 Ms P.M. Stacey
Children’s Shield
1991 Jenny Slatter
2001 Ryan Collier
2002 Ryan Collier
2003 Tim Savill
2004 Taranne Kendon