David Wright, Commission Projects, March 2024

BDW Homes commissioned artist Keith Wilson to create a new artwork for the Local Centre as part of the development of Trumpington Meadows.
‘Hopscotch’ is comprised of two sculptural elements and takes inspiration from the popular children’s playground game. Although increased in scale and made three-dimensional, the sculptures remain evocative of childhood.

One sculpture stands vertically, the other on its side, flipped over in a playful manner which gives an alternative view and purpose (for example as a seat).
The sculptures are made from the same bricks (and brick patterns) used in the housing development that surrounds them, linking them to their context and offering the potential for another game of recognition of building forms.
Children from Trumpington Meadows School were involved in workshops alongside the development of the sculptures.
Images: ‘Hopscotch’ by Keith Wilson. Photographs: Commission Projects