Mark O’Toole has compiled a collection of reports from the Cambridge Chronicle and a few other local newspapers between 1850 and 1900*. This was on behalf of the Cambridgeshire Collection, where the newspapers are held.
In 2013-15 , Shirley Brown produced monthly extract s from the reports.
26 September 1874, p. 8 : Harvest Festival
The harvest festival was held in the fine old Church on Thursday evening, the 24th instant. The Rev. Spencer Mansel was assisted in the service, which was partly choral, by the Rev. A.W. Monkhouse. The Rev. F. Burnside delivered an excellent and very appropriate sermon touching on the relative duties of master and servant. There was a large congregation of parishioners and strangers. The collection, we understand, will be given to Addenbrooke’s Hospital. The decorations, in which Mr. and Mrs. Mansell were assisted by some ladies and gentlemen in the parish, were quite lovely, compared with usual work of the kind, they are as the carving of Grinling Gibbon with that of a carpenter. The vicarage servants decorated the lights with much taste.
18 October, 1879, p. 4: Burglary
During the night of Thursday last the “Tally Ho” public-house, occupied by Mr. Marshall, was broken into, an entry being effected through the cellar door at the back of the house. The thieves carried off two table cloths, eight plated forks, ten table knives, five bottles of champagne, four bottles of port, a new pair of men’s lace-up shoes, two pairs of shoes large lad’s size, a grey waterproof cloak, two gallons of gin and a gallon of brandy – a bottle of champagne and two bottles of port were drunk on the premises. The matter is being investigated by the police.

The Tally Ho, 13 May 2012.

16 November, 1861, p. 5: Melancholy Case of Drowning
Yesterday (Friday) an inquest was held at “The Tally Ho!” Trumpington, before F. Barlow, Esq., Coroner, on view of the body of Henry Melbourn, labourer, of Saffron Walden. Deceased was employed with a number of others upon the Bedford and Cambridge Line, erecting a bridge over the river from the Trumpington side to the Grantchester side on Thursday. He had a plank under his arm whilst he was crossing the timbers he suddenly fell into the river, which was about 14 feet deep. He was seen to struggle for life, but no extra exertion was used to save him, for it was stated at the inquest that there were thirty men present; that the deceased was about half an hour in the water, and that the whole of a rope was thrown to the drowning man to grasp, which, of course, was useless, even had he the strength to do so. The jury returned a verdict of “Accidentally drowned”. The deceased was a married man, and has left a wife and child to deplore his melancholy end.
24 December, 1885, p. 4: The Late Professor Fawcett
A stained glass window has been placed in the chancel of Trumpington Church in memory of the late Professor Fawcett. The window, which was designed and executed by Messrs Clayton and Bell, was subscribed for by friends of the deceased, and overlooks his grave. A plain marble tomb covers the latter, and has upon it the simple inscription, “Say to the people that they go forward”.

The memorial window to Henry Fawcett (1833-84), on the south side of the Chancel, Trumpington Church, 18 October 2011
2 January 1858: Rustic Sports
On Saturday last, a vast concourse of people was attracted to the village of Trumpington, by the announcement that certain old English sports and rustic feats were to take place there, under the management of Mr. Sheffield, whose achievements on Parker’s-piece, some days previously, were so highly commended. The scene of operations was a paddock at the back of the Red Lion inn, in the centre of the village; but owing to the lack of competitors, some of the expected matches did not come off. However, the spectators were highly amused with the game of winding the peg, performed by six juvenile rustics; and amazed at the facility with which Mr. Sheffield went through his wonderful half-hour’s feat, or rather feats. Mr. Sheffield undertook to accomplish the following deeds in half-an-hour: walk half a mile; run a coach-wheel half a mile; walk backwards half a mile; run half a mile; pick up 20 stones, placed one yard apart, in a straight line, and carry each one singly to a basket; hop 50 yards; leap over 10 steeple-chase hurdles, ten yards apart; pick up 15 eggs with his mouth, placed one yard apart, in a straight line, conveying each one without use of his hands and without breaking it, to a basket; and throw 50 half-hundred weights over his head. This difficult task, requiring much strength and extraordinary exertion, was accomplished by Sheffield in less than 29 minutes, to the admiration of all beholders. A foot-race is announced shortly to come off in this village, and already betting has prevailed to some extent upon the merits of the competitors.
2 February 1850, page 2: Burglary
On the night of Tuesday last, the 29th ult., the house of the Rev John Grote, of Trumpington, was burglariously entered, and ten albata tea spoons, one pair albata sugar tongs, one dessert spoon, one table spoon, two dessert forks (all plain albata), one silver tea spoon marked “L.” and one gold pin with turquoise stones set in the bead. The thief, or thieves, ingeniously sorted out a lot of silver plate, and in hurry or for want of knowing better, carried off the albata and left the silver behind.
albata: a variety of German ‘silver’ consisting of nickel, copper and zinc.
2 March, 1861, page 4: Sheep Stealing
In our police reports will be found a daring case of night sheep-stealing from a field near this village, in the occupation of Mr. Toller. The supposed thief, a man named William Rayner, was committed for trial at the Sessions, on Saturday last, when the case was almost clearly established against him. The police have for long cast suspicious looks on this man as being concerned in similar nefarious transactions, but up to the time of this robbery nothing has transpired against him to warrant his apprehension. The chief proofs against him are that the carcass of a sheep, cut up in joints of quite a novel description, was found under the boards in an upper room of his house; that the footprints near the place where the animal was stolen correspond with his; and that the cord of his trousers corresponded with an impression made where the animal was slaughtered.
22 April 1876, page 4: Marriage of Miss Sayle
On Wednesday last a pleasing ceremony took place in the parish church here in the presence of a large congregation; Miss Caroline, second daughter of Mr. Robert Sayle, being given in marriage to Mr. J. J. Brown, of the Manor House, Southery, Norfolk. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John Martin, of Cambridge; and the bride was given away by her father. At the close of the ceremony a party of about sixty relatives and friends sat down to a recherché breakfast at Leighton House, and at two o’clock the newly-wedded pair left en route for the Isle of Wight, In the afternoon the school children were feasted and a treat was also provided for the aged in the parish. In the evening a ball took place at the House, about sixty ladies and gentlemen being present.
9 May, 1861, in the Cambridge Independent Press , page 5: Show of Horses
The annual show of horses, preparatory to Walden fair, took place at Mr. Bland’s, Green Man Inn, Trumpington, on Thursday, the 7th inst. There was a good show of London dray and van horses, purchased by Mr. F. Flowers, contractor, Row. The best dray horse, a splendid brown, came from Mr. Mynott Titmarsh, Melbourn; 2 horses, a roan and a chestnut, Mr. J. Ivatt, Cottenham; a brown horse, Mr. Holben, jun., Barton; a roan horse, a very good 5 year old dray horse, from Mr. T. Gunnell, Milton; a black horse from Mr. Saunders, Eye Hall; 5 very good dark brown horses from Mr. F. Jennings, Chesterton; bay horse, Mr. Widnall, Grantchester; brown horse, Mr. G. Wilson, Girton, and several others. A large number of farmers were present, and they all stated it was a good show.

Extract from the Inland Revenue Land Value map for Trumpington, 1910-11, showing the Green Man. Cambridgeshire Archives, file 470/047, sheet XLVII.10.
9th June 1877, Cambridge Chronicle : Trumpington Church
The fine Parish Church of Trumpington, so worthy (as far as earthly buildings can be) for the service of God, and so hallowed by long memories of the past, has been re-opened this week, after complete exterior restoration, first planned during the last year of Mr. Mansel’s incumbency and began more than a year ago.
The outer walls and tower have been entirely renewed in Bath stone, so also have the whole of the windows, and the roof has been raised to the original lofty pitch (from which it was depressed some time ago) and covered with lead. This work was entrusted to the well-known architect, Mr. Butterfield, whose designs were carried out by Mr. Gibbons, of Buntingford, as builder. The nave was completed early in the year, but the re-opening was deferred till the completion of the warming apparatus (by Messrs. Beales and Gibbons), and the restoration of the Chancel by Trinity College, who have reinstated the stonework of the windows, and of various parts of the walls, retimbered and retiled the roof, and renewed the bosses of the interior. This work was entrusted to Messrs. Rattee and Kett, of Cambridge. Both parts of the work combine to produce a fine effect, the whole looks wonderfully white and clean, and the graceful proportions and great height of the interior are very striking. Not the least satisfactory feature of the matter is, that the bill – £2960, exclusive of the Chancel – is all paid, and not a penny has been asked for at offertories at the re-opening services, a fact worth recording to the credit of those who have been so willing to render of their ability. To mention names would be to begin a long task, and tell what is already known, and to praise those who do not desire it. The name, however, of the Chairman of the Restoration Committee, H. W. Pemberton, Esq., may well be singled for mention of account of his zealous and watchful energy in the direction of the matter. He has been ably seconded by his brother churchwarden, Mr. Witt.
16 July 1886, page 4: Flower Show
The annual Flower Show, in connection with the Trumpington and Grantchester Cottage Garden Society, will be held on Thursday, July 22nd, in the grounds of Anstey Hall, Trumpington.
16 August 1895, p. 8: Tea
A tea for Conservative women only was held here on the 8th inst., to celebrate the great Unionist victory and the return of Mr. Raymond Greene to Parliament. About seventy sat down in a large barn lent by Mr. H. Chapman, which was beautifully decorated with flags, flowers and laurels by the Conservative women of Alpha Terrace. After tea all adjourned to a grass field, kindly lent by Mr. A. Rayner, where, through the generosity of Mr. W. T. Bland, races for useful presents were run for by the women. The first race, for women under 20 years of age, was won by Miss M. Nightingale; second race, over 20 and under 30, Mrs. W. Wilson; third race, over 30 and under 40, Mrs. G. Wilson; fourth race, over 40 and under 50, Mrs. Hulland; fourth race, over 50, Mrs. Griffin. Several other races were run for money prizes. After enjoying several games in the field, all returned to the barn, where a musical programme was carried out by several young ladies accompanied by Mrs. Hulland. The company broke up at eleven o’clock, after singing the national anthem and giving three times three cheers for Mr. Raymond Greene.
4 September 1896, p. 8: Outing
The first annual outing of the firm of Mr George Willers, The Nurseries, Trumpington Road, took place last Thursday, 27th ult., to Yarmouth. Through the kindness of Mr Holdich, the Station Master, a carriage was reserved, and 23 of the employees went by the 6.50 special train, arriving at Yarmouth about 9.30. After spending a most enjoyable day, the party returned by the 6.40 fast train, arriving at Cambridge at 9 o’clock.
30 October 1896, p. 8: Parish Meeting
A parish meeting was held in the schoolroom on Friday evening last, for the purpose of discussing the question of lighting the village during the winter months. The chair was taken by Mr. S. R. Ginn, the chairman of the Parish Council, and amongst those present were the Vicar, Alderman J.O. Vinter, Messrs. Mansfield, Porter, Gentle, Marshall and others. The meeting decided, with only one dissentient, that the provisions of the Lighting and Watching Act of 1833 should be adopted and acted upon within the parish. This was followed by a resolution, carried unanimously, that the Parish Council have power to call for any sum not exceeding 2d. in the pound for the purposes of putting into effect the former resolution.
6 November 1896, p. 8: Parish Council
The Parish Council held a meeting in the Vicarage Room on Friday evening last. Present: The Chairman, Messrs. Mansfield, Porter, Marshall, Duke, Chapman, Gentle, King and Rayner. The number and probable position of gas lamps to be erected and discussed, and the Lighting Committee was re-appointed (Mr. Mansfield being substituted for Mr. Marshall, who wished to be relieved from serving) to carry out the details. This Committee perambulated the village on Monday evening and settled on the sites for the lamps.
11 December 1896, p. 8: Parish Council
A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Schoolroom on Tuesday evening. All the members were present with the exception of the Vicar, who was absent through indisposition. The question of lighting up Alpha Terrace was settled by empowering the Lighting Committee to spend about 30s in taking over two oil lamps which the residents in that Terrace have hitherto provided at their own expense. A request from the Cricket Club that the Council would relay some of the turf on the Recreation Ground, so as to make a cricket pitch, was not complied with; it was thought better to do the work by voluntary subscriptions, and some of the Council promised to help towards the cost. As it appeared from Mr Gentle’s remarks on the allotment question that the labourers of the village did not quite know how they stood on the matter, it was arranged that those who wish for allotments should attend at an adjourned meeting of the Council to be held on Friday.

Alpha Terrace. Cambridgeshire Collection.
17 January 1896, p. 8: Parish Council
The usual monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Schoolroom on Tuesday. All the members were present. Besides signing cheques for the new safe and getting through the usual routine business nothing of any importance was done.
3 February 1855, p. 5, Accident to child
As a little girl named Emma Haggis, about three and a half years, the daughter of John Haggis, groom to Mr. T.W. Bland, of this parish, was playing in her mother’s house on Tuesday evening last, she slipped from the stair foot into the room, and broke her leg. Mr. Temple, of Cambridge, was sent for, who quickly arrived and set the broken limb. The little dear neither cried nor made the least complaint during the operation. We understand she is doing well, but will have to be kept very quiet for about six weeks.
3 March 1855, p. 8, Concert
A concert took place at the above village, on Thursday, and was attended by all the respectable inhabitants of the place, who occupied the front seats, the other part of the room being filled by the humbler classes, who conducted themselves in a highly respectable manner. The programme was of a popular kind, selected from the works of Handel, and other eminent composers. The principal vocalists were Messrs. Adams, Miller, and Machin (who gave their services gratuitously), assisted by Miss Fordham, and a very efficient body of amateurs. The solos and concerted music were given in a very effective manner, and afforded a rich musical treat. Mr. Ingram and Mr. Goulbourn played a duet, pianoforte and violin, and were deservedly applauded. We are indebted to Mr. Richard Toller for the above entertainment. The concert was for the relief of the poor of the parish.
21 April 1855, p. 4, Accident to Mrs. Barleyman
An accident occurred in this village on Saturday last, the 14th instant, to a respectable widow, named Barleyman, a laundress. She had just returned from Cambridge with some linen to be washed, when, on getting out of Mrs. Haslop’s cart, with whom she rode home, her foot slipped, and she was precipitated with great force to the ground. Assistance was quickly rendered, and a medical man sent for, when it was found that the poor old lady had broken her thigh bone, which is very serious at her time of life.
31 May, 1879, p. 8, Inquest on George Fuller
An inquest as held last Tuesday at the “Tally Ho” public house, before C.W. Palmer, Esq., Deputy Coroner, on the body of George Fuller. It appeared that the deceased, who was a fossil digger in the employ of Mr. Wallis, of Barrington, was anxious to have his “fall” down before breakfast, and began to work at it before the watchers (who had been told off) arrived. A fall of earth occurred, and deceased was covered up to his armpits. He was got out as soon as possible, and placed in a cart to be brought to the Hospital, but he died on the way. A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned. Deceased was 27 years of age.
13 and 27 July, 1850
13 July, 1850, p. 2, Theft
On Tuesday night last, the shop of Mr. Wm. Smith, of Trumpington, was broken open, and four pairs of blucher boots were stolen ; also several pieces of leather and other articles.
Note: Blucher Boots are high shoes with laces over the tongue. Named after a Prussian Field Marshal who commanded the Prussian Army at the battle of Waterloo (1815).
27 July, 1850, p. 2, Funeral of Colonel Pemberton
On Tuesday last, the remains of the late Colonel Pemberton, who died in the south of France in October last, were deposited in the family vault, Trumpington Church. The funeral was attended by the deceased’s relatives, tenants, &c., and was conducted by Messrs. Wentworth and Sons, Undertakers, of Cambridge.
19 August [1854], p. 4, School Treat
On Friday, the 11th inst., the children connected with the National School of this village had their annual treat in the school rooms, which were most tastefully decorated for the occasion with flags, mottos, flowers, and evergreens. After having an abundant supply of tea and plum cake, they walked (accompanied by their teachers and friends) in procession through the village, some of the elder boys carrying flags, to a field where they enjoyed themselves in many hearty games, running races, scrambling for fruit, &c. In the evening the ascent of a large balloon took place, which proved a great object of attraction; and while watching its flight, another balloon was espied, and was seen to lodge on one of the surrounding trees, which was ascertained from one of the school treats held in Cambridge. The juveniles soon succeeded in getting the balloon from the trees, and of course sent it up into the air again amid much applause. This pleasing scene being over, and the shades of evening fast approaching, they returned to the school again to partake of tea and wine. They then recited dialogues, much to the gratification and satisfaction of the teachers; after which they received rewards according to merit for their past year’s conduct at school, and then separated for their homes, pleased with their treat, and the sight of their pupil- teacher who left the school at Christmas for Battersea Training college, and who spent much time in decorating the school on the present occasion.
27 September 1862, p. 8, International Exhibition
Last week, nearly 200 persons, resident in this village, paid a visit to the International Exhibition. The Vicar, Professor Grote, paid the expense of about 100; Captain Pemberton, of Anstey-hall, paid the cost attending the trip to between 30 and 40 of his tenantry ; the remainder went at their own expense. The total cost was from £40 to £50. While at the Exhibition, and afterwards, an abundance of refreshment was supplied to all the visitors; of the 100 sent by the Vicar, many were women, as well as children, connected with the National school of the village. These were placed under the guidance of Mr. Hyham, the master of the school, who, before proceeding to the Exhibition, gave his party the opportunity of inspecting the Bank of England, St. Paul’s Church, and other places of interest in the city. They then proceeded by water to Westminster Bridge, and were shown the Houses of Parliament. The party then walked to the Exhibition, and were well supplied with what they required. The whole party returned home in excellent spirits, and nothing occurred to mar the enjoyments of the day.
4 October 1862, p. 5, Highway Robbery
On Saturday evening last, about eight o’clock, as Mr. Burrell, an aged gentleman, was returning on foot from Cambridge to Great Shelford, where he resides, when near the old toll-house, just through Trumpington, he was accosted by a man, and almost instantly another seized him by the throat from behind, and threw him down; whilst one knelt on his breast, the other took from his pocket fourteen shillings and his watch. Mr. Burrell, however, walked home without giving any alarm, and although much bruised, was able to start on Monday to visit some friends in London.
27 November 1891, p. 8, Entertainment
Perhaps it is not commonly known that at the present time there exists in this flourishing village an institute where the men and youths can spend the winter evenings in a pleasant and enjoyable manner; but such is the case. It has been in existence now about six months, and proved a great success, and the chief promoters – the Vicar, Messrs. Mansfield, Sturton, and Wright – are to be congratulated on the success they have already attained. On Friday evening of last week the members combined to help the finances of the Institute, and with the assistance of the hard- working hon. secretary and treasurer (Mr. Sturton) a good programme of vocal and instrumental music, interspersed with recitations, was given to a crowded audience. The entertainment took place in the schoolroom, and was thoroughly appreciated. The several performers were chiefly “local” talent (with the exception of Messrs. Markham, Elms, Money, and Smart), and most of them acquitted themselves admirably, showing that someone had evidently taken a great deal of trouble and pains to bring them up to such a praiseworthy standard, and this credit is due to Miss Martin and Mrs. Gordon-Wright. Great praise is due to those friends who so kindly helped to make the entertainment a success. In the absence of the Vicar through indisposition, Mr. Wright presided.
7 December 1894, p. 8, The Season
A proof of the mildness of the season is found in the fact that some fine raspberries were picked yesterday in Mr. Bumpsted’s garden at Trumpington.
Thomas Brooks Bumpsted lived at Leighton House, formerly the home of Robert Sayle and now the Perse Preparatory School .
12 January 1900, p. 4, Sunday School Treat
On Friday last a treat was given to the children of the Sunday School who, after tea, assembled in the School for a conjuring entertainment. Advantage had been taken of this gathering to collect together the tenants of the old squire, Mr. H. W. Pemberton, who had been buried the day before, to hear a few words from his son, Lieutenant-Colonel Pemberton. The Colonel told them how much he appreciated the respect and affection they had shown at the death and funeral of his father. One of the last acts of his life was to send his customary Christmas gifts to the poor of the village and he (the speaker) having still one relation left at Cambridge would remain in touch with the people of his old home. It was evident that his audience heartily sympathized with his feelings and wished him a hearty God speed.
15 February 1862, p. 5, Serious accident (Cambridge Independent Press)
On Saturday morning last, James Saunders, a labourer in the employ of Mr. John Maris, farmer, met with a very serious accident. He was employed upon a stack, and a fork which he was using at the time fell against the stack, prong upwards. Saunders in getting down for the fork jumped on to it, the prong penetrating through the flesh of the ham, inflicting a wound several inches in length. The men on the farm at once took the poor fellow to Addenbrooke’s Hospital, where the wound bled considerably, but, under the skilful treatment of the surgeons of that Institution, he is, we hear, progressing favourably.
5 April 1895, p. 4, Parish Meeting
What may be called the first annual parish meeting for this parish was held in the Schoolroom last Friday evening. The attendance was not very large. Some misconceptions among the ratepayers as to what a “Parish Meeting” meant seems to have kept a number away. The chair was taken by the Chairman of the Parish Council, Mr. S. R. Ginn, and about 30 other persons were present. The accounts of the parochial charities made up to 31st March, 1894, were presented to the meeting by the Chairman. As none of the charities of the parish are ecclesiastical all will come under the management of the new body of trustees. Several questions were asked concerning the accounts, which were answered by the Chairman. As the Parish Council wishes to provide a recreation ground for the parish it was proposed and carried unanimously that the Public Improvement Act of 1860 be adopted for the parish. This will enable the Council to obtain a piece of ground as a play ground and empower it to make bye-laws for the proper management of such ground. A vote of thanks to the Chairman brought the meeting to a close.
13 May 1898, p. 4, Free Libraries Act
A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Tuesday evening, to consider the advisability of adopting the Libraries Act. The meeting was attending by about 30 ratepayers and was presided over by Mr. A. E. Chaplin, the Chairman of the Parish Council. The following resolution was moved by Mr. J. A. Sturton and seconded by Mr. T. H. J. Porter “That in the opinion of this meeting it is advisable that the Public Libraries Act of 1892 should be adopted for the parish of Trumpington and that a poll should be taken to ascertain the opinions of the Voters of the said Parish as to whether or not they are in favour of adoption of said Act.” On a show of hands, 21 voted for the resolution and 2 against. A requisition signed by at least ten voters asking the chairman to arrange for a poll on the question was then handed in to that gentleman.
25 June 1881, p. 4, Thanksgiving Service
On Sunday evening, the 19th inst., a thanksgiving service was held in commemoration of the 44th anniversary of the Queen’s accession on the 20th. Unhappily the usual organist was prevented from attending, his sister having died that morning, and the gallant exertions of an extemporaneous volunteer musician did not enable the choir to do themselves justice. But the grand old loyal prayers were read, and the preacher asked the intercessions of the congregation for Charles Bradlaugh, who asks to swear fealty in the name of a God whom he denies to a Sovereign whom he urges the people to dethrone.
‘Fealty’ – in feudal society the loyalty sworn to one’s lord on becoming his vassal.
28 August 1896, p. 4, Supper
Mr. Bland, of the River Farm, gave his usual Horkey supper on Thursday, 20th inst. The company to the number of 29 sat down to a bountiful spread of good English fare of beef and mutton, presided over by the genial host, who was assisted as usual by his two nephews, Messrs. Jack and Tom Bland. A very pleasant evening was spent, the men before dispersing giving ringing cheers for their master and others who had assisted to entertain them.
28 September 1894, p. 8, Harvest Festival
The service of thanksgiving for the harvest was held in the church on Friday evening. The church was splendidly decorated for the evening by Mr. Arthur Pemberton and the Misses Martin, Wright, Willers, Lawrence, Avis and Peters, under the superintendence of the Vicar. Flowers, fruit and vegetables were sent with no sparing band. Some magnificent grapes from the churchwarden (Mr. T. B. Bumpsted) formed a marked feature in the decorations, and Mr. E. B. Foster, Anstey Hall, sent an immense number of plants in pots, which helped to add beauty to the sacred edifice. Rather a novel part of the decorations consisted of two twists sent by Mr. A. Rayner, the village baker. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Prof. Ryle, from Matthew vi, 21. The services were both light and hearty, the choir acquitting themselves with their usual ability. The amount collected at the service, together with the offertories collected the following Sunday, was £7 14s. This, together with the fruit and flowers, was sent to Addenbrooke’s Hospital.
* Mark O’Toole (2012). Trumpington Chronicle 1850-1900: Stories from the Cambridge Chronicle . Transcript of news items in the Cambridge Chronicle . [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.44.3 ref reserve]
28 October 1899, p. 4, The Mission Church
A successful sale of work was held in the Victoria Assembly Rooms, Market Hill, Cambridge, yesterday (Thursday), for the purpose of raising funds to build a new Nonconformist Mission Church and class rooms at Trumpington, the present Mission Church, which has been in existence eight years, being now considered too small. About £500 is required and £330 of it had been raised up to yesterday. Of the remainder £100 has been promised on condition that the rest is raised within a short time. Mrs. Rendel Harris opened the sale. Stalls were taken by Mrs Campbell, Mrs E J Smith, Mrs Nutter, Mrs Tuke, Miss Duke, Miss Q Duke, Mrs Gentle, Mrs Sheldrick and Mrs Hardwick. Two good concerts were given in the course of the afternoon and evening. Amongst the contributors in the evening were the Chorister Glee Singers.