The Local History Group meeting on 24 November 2011 included presentations about Trumpington stories revealed by the censuses.
This page is an introduction and link to three of the presentations.
The Web site also has an overview of the Trumpington censuses for 1841-1911.
Poster designed by Sylvia Jones, November 2011.

Howard Slatter
In 2009, I initiated a project to transcribe the Trumpington censuses into searchable computerised files, so that they could be easily used for future research. Three people volunteered to help me with that project and one year later we completed the task. We are now presenting some of the uses of the transcriptions.
As background, the census information is important in helping us learn about the history of Trumpington. The government has organised a census every 10 years since 1801, except for 1941. The first four censuses had no personal details recorded; only the statistical information remains for the vast majority of the country. However, the censuses from 1841 to 1911 are available on the internet, which is how we have obtained the information for Trumpington.
From 1851 onwards, everyone listed (and that should be everyone living here on census night that year) has the following details recorded about them:
Place of birth
Relationship to the head of the household
Address (though for a village like Trumpington, that is usually just the name of the road rather than a house number).
These records are an invaluable resource in helping us find out more about the people who lived here between 100 and 170 years ago. Three members of the project team covered aspects of the census data:
Howard Slatter: Some enduring Trumpington families .
Sheila Glasswell: Alpha Terrace and its residents .
Sylvia Jones: Incomers to Trumpington, 1841-1911 .