Percy Robinson: Trumpington Charities, Early 1920s

Following his appointment as Head Teacher of the Church School in 1908, Percy Robinson built up an extensive knowledge of Trumpington’s history. One of his individual notes from the early 1920s is about Trumpington charities, reproduced below.

Plaque commemorating charitable donations by William Austin, Francis Rowney and John Pecke, Trumpington Church. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 13 October 2011.
Plaque commemorating charitable donations by William Austin, Francis Rowney and John Pecke, Trumpington Church. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 13 October 2011.


Trumpington is well endowed with charities, and the following is an extract from the Printed Reports of the Former Charity Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities, Volume 31, pp. 184-186, of so much as relates to the Charities applicable for the benefit of the Parish of Trumpington.



William Austin, of Trumpington, by Will, dated 5th April, 1679, gave and bequeathed unto Dr. John Baron, John Chaplin, and John Peck, and their heirs, 14 acres of arable land in Bottisham, upon trust, that they, their heirs and assigns, should, out of the rents and profits, from time to time, for ever thereafter, put four of the poorest sort of children born in Trumpington to school, in the said town, and pay for their schooling, unto an honest schoolmaster or schooldame, to be appointed and approved of by them, their assigns, and the churchwardens and overseers, until such time as they could read a chapter perfectly in the Holy Bible; and that when they, or any of them, could so read as aforesaid, that then the said trustees and their heirs should dismiss and discharge them from their schooling, and see and cause that others of the like poorest sort of children, born in Trumpington, be put in their room, unto such schoolmaster or schooldame, to be taught to read as the former until they could read as aforesaid; and should always continue doing the same, and keeping the number of four so still at school so long as the world endureth: and also that the said trustees and their heirs should likewise, out of the profits of the said 14 acres of arable land, buy and give unto every such poor child a Bible, when he or they could read in the same; and also that they, their heirs or assigns, when they should judge convenient, should and might nominate and make new trustees, for the better maintaining and perpetuating of his charitable gift, and the trust aforesaid. The testator also gave out of his messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, which he purchased of Francis Rowney, 20s. a year for ever to be laid out in coals for the use of the poor of Trumpington. Also 20s. a year for ever, to be laid out in repairing and keeping of a good and convenient footway from the tenement of the said John Peck in Trumpington unto the church there; and he gave his executors and the survivors full power and authority to tie, settle, and assure the said messuage for the payment, of the said yearly sums, in such manner as to them, or the survivor, should seem good.

No mesne conveyances were produced, but it is believed that the legal estate is vested in Colonel Pemberton of Trumpington.

The School. By the award under the Bottisham Enclosure Act, dated 13th October, 1808, a piece of land, containing 21a. 2r. 16p., was alloted to the trustees of the Trumpington Charity School, in lieu of their lands in the open field.

It is now let to John Taylor, as yearly tenant, at a rent of 18£, received by Colonel Pemberton, clear of all deductions, and paid over to James Cumming the schoolmaster, appointed in 1783 by the Rev. Jeremy Pemberton, the predecessor of the present Colonel Pemberton. The master, being considerably advanced in years, has deputed Charles Cumming, his son, to conduct the school. Eight poor children, four boys and four girls, of from five to eight years of age, selected by the vicar, are efficiently instructed by him in reading, writing, and arithmetic, the girls being also taught needlework. The boys receive a coat and the girls a frock, yearly, from Peck’s Charity, hereafter mentioned. Their stay is usually limited to two years, and they are required to attend with regularity. On leaving school a Bible is given to each of them by the vicar, by whom they are likewise frequently examined. There are from 12 to 15 pay scholars, chiefly from other parishes, at 10s. 6d, per quarter each.

Coal Gift. 1£ is annually received by the churchwardens and is believed to issue out of part of a field called the Camping Close, supposed to be the site of the house mentioned in the Will. It is now the property of Colonel Pemberton, by whom the payment is made, which is added to, and distributed with, Riste’s Charity, hereafter mentioned.

Church-way Gift. 1 £ is also received from Colonel Pemberton, believed to issue out of an orchard and a double cottage, his property, now occupied by William Wilson and Thomas Marshall, which is applied in repair of the church causeway, as directed by the Will of the donor.

These two gifts appear by the Will to be charged upon the same property, but at this distance of time it is impossible further to identify it.


It is stated in the table of benefactions, and by the memorial enrolled with the clerk of the peace, that Austin Peck, by deed, the date of which does not appear, charged a house and lands in Trumpington with the annual sum of 3£. 10s. for bread and coals for the poor. The payment is regularly made by Mr. George Cumming as owner of nine cottages and about 2a. 14p. freehold, and la. 2r. 14p. copyhold in the parish.

£3 are annually expended in clothes for the children of the charity-school, as before mentioned, under the direction of the vicar. 10s. are paid to the baker, by whom loaves to that amount are distributed according to a list made out by the churchwardens, the objects selected being the readers in the charity-school, and the most necessitous poor, without regard to parish relief, although some attention is paid to character. This rent-charge appears to have been confounded with Whitelock’s Charity, hereafter mentioned.


It is stated in the memorial registered with the clerk of the peace, and in an inscription on an ancient monument in the church, that Tomas Allen, by deed, dated 22d January, 1681, gave nine acres of land to the town of Trumpington, for putting out poor boys apprentices. They are described in the inscription as let to John Barron, gentleman, for 1000 years, at £3 per annum. Neither the original deed by Allen nor the lease for 1000 years can now be found, and the property has since been treated as freehold, subject to a charge of £3 a-year. Barron’s land now belongs to Colonel Pemberton. It was stated by Mr. Pemberton of Cambridge, his cousin, and a confidential solicitor, that there is nothing in his deeds to show that it was ever treated as leasehold. The payment, which is regularly made, has always been considered a rent-charge, and is so styled in the particulars of a sale of the estate in 1784. The inclosure has rendered it impossible to identify the lands specifically subject to it. The money is allowed to accumulate until it amounts to a sufficient sum to bind out an apprentice. The objects selected are orphans, or the children of those in the greatest distress, with little regard, however, to the receipt of relief. They appear to have been properly instructed.

In 1834 two children were bound out at an expense of 20£, of which 4£ was paid out of the rates.


George Whitelock, by Will, dated 10th September, 1724, bequeathed the residue of his estate, freehold, copyhold, and personal, unto his cousin, Mrs. Catherine Whitelock, for her life, with words giving her an estate in tail male special in case of her second marriage, with remainder, as to his house in Trumpington, with the appurtenances, to the poor of the parish of Trumpington; the annual rent thereof, clear of the charge of repairs, to be laid out in manner following, by the order and discretion of Francis Pemberton, Esq., and others (whom the testators appointed his trustees), and their heirs, for ever; viz., six score and sixteen bushels of coals, to be bought yearly at the cheapest rate, to be distributed to 34 of the poorest families in Trumpington, four bushels to each family, or those using one and the same fire, which families were to be set down by the overseers and churchwardens of the said parish in a writing to be given to the trustees for their approbation, and to be signed by them. He also gave, out of the aforesaid messuage, to six of the poorest men, widowers, or women, widows, of Trumpington, each of them a coat yearly, and to eight of the poorest boys of the said parish, to each a coat and a cap yearly, all the said coats to have brass badges with the letters of G. W,; which said coals, coats, and caps were to be delivered to them yearly on the 1st of January; and if any over-plus money, after those gifts before mentioned and deductions for repairs, the same to be laid out for the said poor, either in bread or other necessaries, at the discretion of the trustees.

In a lease for a year, engrossed but not executed, made in 1758, by Francis Pemberton of Trumpington, surviving trustee, of the premises, the property is described as a messuage or tenement, with barns, stables, out-houses, yards, and orchards.

The present Colonel Pemberton is heir-at-law of the lessor, named in the engrossment just referred to, and the legal estate is probably vested in him. It appears by the Parliamentary Returns of 1786, that the house and appurtenances then produced 12£ a-year. By the award, dated 15th May, 1809, made on the inclosure of the parish, 2a. 0r. 3p., discharged of tithe, were awarded to “the trustees of the Trumpington Charity estates”, in lieu of their rights of common, and in lieu of an ancient inclosure, containing one rood.

1a. 1r. 14p. were also allotted to the trustees of the “Town Estate”, in lieu of an old inclosure and a house standing therein, being an old town house, the whole containing 30 perches. The first allotment was probably in respect of common rights appendant to Whitelock’s house.

About the year 1818 the building, which then consisted of an old house and the remains of a malting, were converted into 19 cottages, at an expense of 250£, defrayed by subscription of the principal inhabitants and landowners of the parish.

£ s. d.
3 of the cottages are let @ 45s., and produce 6 15 0
14 ” ” ” ” ” @ 40s., ” ” 28 0 0
2 ” ” ” ” ” @ 30s., ” ” 3 0 0
£37 15 0

The allotments are thrown together, and, except half an acre held by Sarah Cambridge, at 1£ a- year, are divided into 22 small gardens, let with the cottages at 5s. each, making a total rental of 6s. 10d. for the land, amounting, with that of the cottages, to 44£. 6s. The whole property is subject to a quit-rent of 4s., and a land-tax of 6s. From the time of the erection of the houses in 1819, to the last settlement of accounts in April, 1835, the rents have been applied only in repairs, insurance, and incidental expenses; and at the latter period, a balance of 86£. 10s. 1l½d. remained in the hands of the treasurer, but no part of the 250£ advanced had been paid, nor any of the interest upon it discharged.


George Riste, one of the aldermen of Cambridge, by Will, dated 17th February, 1761, gave unto the poor of the parish of Trumpington 10£, to be laid out in coals and bread on St. Thomas’s Day yearly, for ever, which payment he charged upon his estate at Bottisham. This devise being void, under the statute of mortmain, Joseph Bentham, of Cambridge, and Anne his wife, who was the sister and heir-at-law of the testator, being desirous of carrying his intention into effect, by indenture, dated 13th April, 1762, enrolled in Chancery, and made between themselves of the first part, and the Rev. Jeremy Pemberton, and five others, therein named as trustees, of the second part, in pursuance of a fine previously levied, gave, limited, assigned, and appointed unto, and for the benefit of, the poor of the parish of Trumpington, one like annuity or annual sum of 10£, to be issuing out of lands, tenements, and hereditaments of the said Joseph Bentham, and Anne his wife, in Bottisham, (being the property intended to be charged by the Will), to be laid out in coals or bread on St. Thomas’s Day yearly, for ever, and to be paid by the tenant at Michaelmas, clear of land-tax, and all other deductions, to the churchwardens and overseers of Trumpington, or the major part of them, they giving a receipt for the same; and to be yearly, on St. Thomas’s Day, for ever, by them, disposed of, to and amongst such, and so many poor persons of the parish, in such proportion and manner as they, or the major part of them, should think proper, with power of entry and distress to the churchwardens and overseers, any or either of them, who were also directed to cause an inscription to be put up in the church to perpetuate the memory of the donation; and to provide a book, and annually enter therein the receipt and disposal of the annuity, to be attested by five or six of the principal inhabitants of the parish, which the trustees were to be at liberty to inspect, and subscribe their names that the same was duly distributed, and with a provision for the appointment of new trustees.

The annuity issues out of 33 acres of land at Bottisham, the property of Benjamin Norton, Esq., of Bawburgh Hall, near Norwich.

It is added to Austin’s gift of 1£, and to two voluntary donations of 5£ 5s. each, from J. Hemington, Esq., and C. J. Anstey, Esq., the whole being laid out in coals, distributed amongst the poor of the parish indiscriminately, in quantities of about six bushels each family.

It was stated that persons have been induced to settle in the parish, in order to partake of this distribution.


By a paper produced from the parish chest , it appears that in the latter part of the 17th century, four nobles were paid by way of rent for two holts, and 9s. for another, then let by the churchwardens.

The last entry is of the payment of 1£. 15s. 8d. in 1696.

For very many years the charities were distributed according to the wills, but as years passed some of the gifts fell into abeyance, until practically nothing was distributed except coal. In ____ the Trustees felt dissatisfied with what may be termed the customary procedure and decided to apply to the Charity Commissioners for a proper scheme which gave the Trustees much wider scope and the people greater benefits.

A considerable delay ensued and then a Draft Scheme was submitted by the Commissioners to the Trustees, who after careful consideration agreed to accept it subject to certain amendments.

Eventually the Scheme in full was again submitted to the Trustees and approved. The Scheme in as follows:

Sealed 13th October, 1922.

Ancient Parish—TRUMPINGTON.
Charities—Austin and others.

C H A R I T Y C O M M I S S I O N.


In the Matter of the following Charities, in the Ancient Parish of TRUMPINGTON, in the County of CAMBRIDGE:-
(1) The Charity of WILLIAM AUSTIN for Coal, founded by Will dated 5th April, 1679:
(2) The Charity of WILLIAM AUSTIN for public purposes, founded by Will dated 5th April, 1679 and comprised in a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners of the 9th November, 1915;
(3) The Charity of AUSTIN PECK;
(4) The Charity of THOMAS ALLEN, founded by deed dated 22nd January, 1681;
(5) The Charity of GEORGE WHITELOCK (or the TOWN ESTATE), founded by Will dated 18th September, 1724;
(6) The Charity of GEORGE RISTE, founded by Will dated 17th February, 1761;
(7) The Charity of LILLEY EDLESTON, founded by Will proved at Peterborough on the 28th October, 1882; and
In the Matter of “The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1914.”
THE BOARD OF CHARITY COMMISSIONERS FOR ENGLAND AND WALES, upon an application duly made to them, in writing, signed by
The Reverend ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER MOULE, Vicar of Trumpington;
THOMAS HUMPHREY JOHN PORTER, of Quy Villa, Solicitor’s Managing Clerk;
ARTHUR WEBB KING, of North Cottage, Grocer’s Assistant; and
PERCY ROBERT ROBINSON, of The School House, Schoolmaster; all in Trumpington;
being the Trustees or persons acting in the administration of the above-mentioned Charities of William Austin for Coal, William Austin for public purposes, Austin Peck, Thomas Allen, George Whitelock, and George Riste;
and also signed by
a Trustee of the above-mentioned Charity of Lilley Edleston:
AND it appearing that the gross annual income of the Charity of Lilley Edleston does not amount to 50£.:
AND after due notice of the intention to make this Order published according to the direction of the Board by being affixed to or near a principal outer door of the Parish Church and of the Free Church, Trumpington, on the 19th July, 1922 and by advertisement in the newspaper called “The Cambridgeshire Chronicle and University Journal” on the 26th July, 1922; and also sent through the post to
The CHURCHWARDENS and OVERSEERS of Trumpington; being those of the Trustees of the Charity of Lilley Edleston who were not privy to the said application, at their respective last known places of abode in Great Britain or Ireland, on the 7th July, 1922 (being in each case more than one calendar month before the date hereof):
AND having received no notice of any objection to the proposed Order or suggestion for the variation thereof:
AND after due communication of the draft of the subjoined Scheme to the Parish Council of Trumpington:
DO HEREBY ORDER as follows:-
The subjoined Scheme is approved and established as the Scheme for the regulation of the Charities.
S C H E M E.

(1). Administration of Charities.–The above-mentioned Charities and the endowments thereof specified in the Schedule hereto, and all other the endowments (if any) of the said Charities, shall be administered and managed by the body of Trustees hereinafter constituted, subject to and in conformity with the provisions of this Scheme, under the title of the Parochial Charities.
(2). Investment of Cash.–All sums of cash now or at any time belonging to the Charities and not needed for immediate working purposes shall (unless otherwise ordered) as soon as possible be invested, under the authority of a further Order of the Charity Commissioners, in the name of “The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds.”

3. Trustees. The body of Trustees shall, when complete, consist of seven competent persons, being:
One Ex-officio Trustee,
Four Representative Trustees, and
Two Cooptative Trustees.
4. Ex-officio Trustee. The Ex-officio Trustee shall be-
The VICAR for the time being of Trumpington.
5. Representative Trustees. The Representative Trustees shall be appointed as follows:
One of the Council of the Borough of Cambridge; and
Three of the Parish Council of Trumpington.
Each appointment shall be made for a term of four years at a meeting convened and held according to the ordinary practice of the appointing body. The Chairman of the meeting shall forthwith cause the name of each person appointed to be notified to the Trustees or their Clerk. The person appointed may be, but need not be, a member of the appointing body.
6. First Representative Trustees. The First Representative Trustees shall be appointed as soon as possible after the date hereof, and their names shall be notified to the said Vicar on behalf of tho Trustees. At the end of two years from the date of the appointment of the first Representative Trustees appointed by the said Parish Council if all remain Trustees one of them, to be determined by lot if necessary, shall go out of office, but shall be eligible for re-appointment.
7. Cooptative Trustees. The Cooptative Trustees shall be persons residing or carrying on business in or near the Ancient Parish of Trumpington.
8. First Cooptative Trustees. The following persons shall be the first Cooptative Trustees, and shall be entitled, subject to the provisions hereinafter contained with respect to determination of Trusteeship, to hold office for the following periods respectively:-
The above-named
ARTHUR WEBB KING, for five years from the date of this Scheme.
9. Future Cooptative Trustees. Every future Cooptative Trustee shall be appointed for a term of five years by a resolution of the Trustees to be passed at a speci al meeting.
10. Declaration by Trustees. No person shall be entitled to act as a Trustee, whether on a first or on any subsequent entry into office, until after signing in the minute book of the Trustees a declaration of acceptance and of willingness to act in the trusts of this Scheme.
11. Determination of Trusteeship. Any Cooptative Trustee who ceases to be qualified as aforesaid, any Representative or Cooptative Trustee who is absent from all meetings of the Trustees during a period of one year, and any Trustee who is adjudged bankrupt or makes a composition or arrangement with his creditors, or who is incapacitated from acting, or who communicates in writing to the Trustees a wish to resign, shall thereupon cease to be a Trustee.
12. Vacancies. Upon the occurrence of a vacancy the Trustees shall, at their next meeting, cause a note thereof to be entered in their minute book, and in the case of a vacancy in the office of Representative Trustee shall cause notice thereof to be given as soon as possible to the proper appointing body. Any competent Trustee may be re-appointed. No vacancy in the office of Cooptative Trustee shall be filled till after the lapse of one calendar month from its occurrence.

13. Ordinary Meetings. The Trustees shall hold at least two ordinary meetings in each year.
14. First Meeting. The first meeting of the Trustees shall be summoned by the said Vicar, or, if he fails for two calendar months after the date of this Scheme to summon a meeting, by any two of tho Trustees.
15. Chairman. The Trustees shall at their first ordinary meeting in each year elect one of their number to be Chairman of their meetings for the year. They shall make regulations for supplying his place in case of his death, resignation or absence. The Chairman shall always be re-eligible.
16. Special Meetings. A special meeting may at any time be summoned by the Chairman or any two Trustees upon four days’ notice in writing being given to all the other Trustees of the matters to be discussed.
17. Quorum. There shall be a quorum when three Trustees are present at a meeting.
18. Voting. Every matter shall be determined by the majority of votes of the Trustees present and voting on the question. In case of equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting vote, whether he has or has not previously voted on the same question, but no Trustee shall in any other circumstances give more than one vote.
19. Minutes and Accounts. A minute book and books of account shall be provided and kept by the Trustees. All proper accounts in relation to the Charities shall in each year be made out and certified in such manner as the Charity Commissioners require, and copies thereof shall be transmitted to the said Commissioners, and published in conformity with the provisions of the Charitable Trusts Acts.
20. General Power to make Regulations. Within the limits prescribed by this Scheme the Trustees shall have full power from time to time to make regulations for the management of the Charities, and for the conduct of their business, including the summoning of meetings, the deposit of money at a proper bank, the custody of documents, and the appointment as Clerk during their pleasure of one of themselves (without salary) or of some other fit person.

Management of Real Property.
21. Allotments Extension Act, 1882. The Trustees shall let and otherwise manage in conformity with the provisions of the Allotments Extension Act, 1882, such of the lands belonging to the Charities as are subject to the provisions of the Fourth Section of that Act. The Trustees may set apart and let in allotments in the manner prescribed by and subject to the provisions of the said Act any portion of the land belonging to the Charities other than buildings and the appurtenances of buildings.
22. Management and Letting of Property. Subject as aforesaid, all the property of the Charities not required to be retained or occupied for the purposes thereof shall be let and otherwise managed by the Trustees. In every case public notice of the intention to let any land or other property shall be given by the Trustees in such manner as they consider most effectual for ensuring full publicity. The Trustees shall not create any tenancy in reversion after more than 3 years of any existing term, or for more than 21 years certain, or for less than the improved annual value at rackrent, without the sanction of the Charity Commissioners or a competent Court.
23. Leases. The Trustees shall provide that on the grant by them of any lease the lessee shall execute a counterpart thereof; and every lease shall contain covenants on the part of the lessee for the payment of rent and the proper cultivation of the land, and all other usual and proper covenants applicable to the property comprised therein, and a proviso for re-entry on non- payment of the rent or non-performance of the covenants.
24. Repair and Insurance. The Trustees shall keep in repair and insure against fire all the buildings of the Charities not required to be kept in repair and insured by the lessees or tenants thereof.

Expenses of Management. The cost of repairs and insurance, and all other charges and outgoings payable in respect of the property of the Charities and all the proper costs, charges, and expenses of and incidental to the administration and management of the Charities shall be first defrayed by the Trustees out of the income of the respective Charities.
Application of Income. Subject to the payments aforesaid, the yearly income of the Charities shall be applied by the Trustees in the manner and to the objects hereinafter prescribed.
27. Charity of Thomas Allen. The clear yearly income of the Charity of Thomas Allen shall be applied by the Trustees primarily in apprenticing poor boys resident in the Ancient Parish of Trumpington to some useful trade or occupation, and, subject thereto, in the assistance of persons resident as aforesaid, who are under the age of 21 years, and who are preparing for, entering upon, or engaged in, any trade, occupation, or service, by outfits, payment of fees for instruction, payment of travelling expenses, or such other means for their advancement in life or to enable them to earn their own living as the Trustees think fit.
28. Charity of William Austin for Public Purposes. The clear yearly income of the Charity of William Austin for public purposes shall be applied by the Trustees for such public purpose or purposes for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Ancient Parish of Trumpington as the Trustees may from time to time select.
29. Remaining Charities. The clear yearly income of the remaining Charities shall be applied by the Trustees in making payments, under one or more of the following heads, for the benefit either of the poor of the Ancient Parish of Trumpington generally, or of such poor persons resident therein, and not in receipt of Poor-Law relief other than medical relief, as the Trustees select for this purpose, and in such way as they consider most advantageous to the recipients, and most conducive to the formation of provident habits-
I. Subscriptions or donations in aid of the funds of-
(a) Any Dispensary, Infirmary, Hospital, or Convalescent Home, or any Establishment in which persons suffering from any bodily infirmity are taught any trade or employment, whether general or special, upon such terms (so far as may be) as to enable the Trustees to secure the benefits of the institution for the objects of the Charities;
(b) Any Provident Club or Society established in or near the Ancient Parish of Trumpington for the supply of Coal, Clothing, or other necessaries:
II. Grants or Contributions for or towards-
(a) The provision of Nurses and of Medical and surgical assistance for the Sick and Infirm, including medical and surgical appliances, medicines and comforts or necessaries;
(b) The provision of duly certified Midwives to attend women in childbirth;
(c) The travelling expenses of Patients to and from such institutions as are above-mentioned in paragraph I.(a);
(d) The assistance of persons, qualified as aforesaid, who are under the age of 21 years, and who are preparing for, entering upon, or engaged in., any trade, occupation, or service, by outfits, payment of fees for instruction, payment of travelling expenses, or such other means for their advancement in life or to enable them to earn their own living as the Trustees think fit:
III.The supply of Clothes, Boots, Linen, Bedding, Fuel, Tools, Food or other articles in kind.
30. Supplemental Provisions. The application of the income of the Charities under the last three preceding clauses hereof shall be subject to the following provisions, or to such of them as shall be applicable:-
(1) The said income shall in no case be applied in aid of any rates for the relief of the poor or other purposes, or so that any individual or institution may become entitled to a periodical or recurrent benefit therefrom.
(2) Assistance to individuals shall only be granted after full investigation of the character and circumstances of the proposed beneficiaries and inquiry whether they have shown reasonable providence and whether and to what extent they may reasonably expect assistance from relations or others.
(3) In applying the said income the Trustees may avail themselves of the agency of any Charity Organisation Society or other like agency.
(4) The appropriation of the benefits of the Charities shall be made by the Trustees from time to time at meetings of their body, and not separately by any individual Trustee or Trustees. Provided that the Trustees may from time to time appoint two or more members of their body to be a Committee for dealing with any cases of emergency, but all acts and proceedings of Committees shall be reported in due course to the Trustees.

31. Trustees not to be personally interested. No Trustee shall take or hold any interest in property belonging to the Charities otherwise than as a Trustee for the purposes thereof, and no Trustee shall receive any remuneration, or be interested in the supply of work or goods, at the cost of the Charities.
32. Questions under Scheme. Any question as to the construction of this Scheme, or as to the regularity or the validity of any acts done or about to be done under this Scheme, shall be determined conclusively by the Charity Commissioners, upon such application made to them for the purpose as they think sufficient.

Trumpington Charities Scheme, Schedule B.
Trumpington Charities Scheme, Schedule B.
Trumpington Charities Scheme, Schedule A.
Trumpington Charities Scheme, Schedule A.

NOTE. The legal estate in the real property belonging to the Charities was vested in “The Official Trustees of Charity Lands” by an Order of the Charity Commissioners of the 1st February, 1870.

Sealed by Order of the Board this 13th day of October 1922.

Scanned from Percy Robinson’s original typescript by Howard Slatter.