Brian Goodliffe, July 2008
Growing Up , Grantchester Road
Infant and Junior School : Church School and Fawcett School
School Dentistry : Down in the Mouth
A Free-Range Child in 1950s Trumpington
The Milking Parlour Kid !
Give them Varmints a Good Threshing !
Spitting Feathers !
Dicing with Death – In the Footprints of Dead Poets
A Proud Ploughman’s Son .
Memories of a 1950s Childhood .
Infant and Junior School : Church School and Fawcett School
School Dentistry : Down in the Mouth
A Free-Range Child in 1950s Trumpington
The Milking Parlour Kid !
Give them Varmints a Good Threshing !
Spitting Feathers !
Dicing with Death – In the Footprints of Dead Poets
A Proud Ploughman’s Son .
Memories of a 1950s Childhood .
In the last few years, I have recorded my childhood memories of Trumpington in the 1940s and 1950s. The family moved to Trumpington in 1946 and we lived in Grantchester Road, with my father working on the Pemberton estate. I went to school at the Church School and Fawcett School. My recollections are in a number of parts:
Brian Goodliffe outside Park Cottage, Grantchester Road, Trumpington. Photo: Andrew Roberts, October 2008.