In March 2015, Ian Hollingsbee gave a talk to a group in Cheltenham, after which one of those present, Angela Walker, sent him a photograph and note which is thought to refer to the altar at the Trumpington Prisoner of War Camp. The photograph had belonged to her grandfather and was captioned ‘The altar, campo 45 POW 1942’. It has not been possible to confirm that this is of an altar in the Trumpington Camp.
The note is to Major A. Harris, who was the commandant of Camp 61 in the Forest of Dean and who was respected by the Italians. Typed text: “To Major Harris. In memory of the benefits you have given to this camp and in thankfullness we send you the photograph of the memorial whose execution is particularly due to your interest.”
If anyone can help confirm the location of the altar, we would be very interested in more information.
This is one of a number of pages about Trumpington PoW Camp.