On 21 June 1887, Trumpington celebrated the Jubilee of Queen Victoria, on the fiftieth anniversary of her accession to the throne on 20 June 1837. We have received a photograph of the invitation to the Jubilee dinner. This invitation was among the papers of Alan Wedd, kindly provided by Allen Archer.

There were reports on the celebrations in the Cambridge Chronicle on 24 June 1887 and a booklet published by W. Metcalfe & Son.
Dinner Invitation
On the Occasion of the
Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen
Mr. and Mrs. Pemberton
Rev. H.R. Beedham
Mr. T. Bland
Dr. Bryan
Mr. Bumpsted
Warden of Cavendish
Mr. Chaplin
Rev. H.A. Crosbie
Dr. Fennell
Mr. Flather
Mr. E.B. Foster
Mr. G.E. Foster
Mr. N. Goodman
Mr. Holmes
Mr. A. Jones
Mrs. Kitson
Rev. H. Latham
Mr. Marshall
Mr. Moffat
Mr. Munsey
Mr. T. Nicholls
Mr. Oakey
Mr. Parsons
Dr. Peile
Mr. Prior
Mr. Wayman
Mr. Willers
Miss Witt
Mr. Wright
Give a dinner to the Parishioners of Trumpington
On Tuesday afternoon, June 21st, 1887
At 2.30 o’clock

Cambridge Chronicle, 24 June 1887
The Jubilee celebration in this village began as early as five o’clock in the morning. At that early hour, a merry peal was rung on the church bells. The men being very busy in the hay fields rang before they went off to their work. At eleven o’clock, the children of the schools were each presented with a medal by Mr. and Mrs. Pemberton. The presentation and pinning on took place (by kind permission of Mr. E.B. Foster), in the front court of Anstey Hall. The youngsters afterwards gave three hearty cheers for the Queen, and sang the National Anthem. A special service was held in the parish church at 1.45 p.m., at which a large number of villagers was present. At 2.30 p.m., the inhabitants of the village, old and young, to the number of 630, sat down to a good dinner, provided by a committee of subscribers, with Mr. Pemberton as chairman. After dinner (which was held in the grounds of Anstey Hall), “The health of the Queen” was proposed in fitting terms by Mr. Pemberton, the company giving several rounds of cheers for Her Majesty. The Trumpington Brass Band then struck up the National Anthem, and the people joined in the singing with great enthusiasm. The sick and aged people who could not get to the dinner were well looked after by some of the ladies. A leg of mutton was temptingly placed on the top of a greasy pole, and several attempts were made to reach it by climbing, but, as the feat could not be accomplished, it was taken down, and, after being cooked, was distributed among the older widows of the parish – of the Queen’s age and upwards. The village was very nicely decorated with flags, most of the cottages displaying more or less bunting. A very pleasant afternoon was spent and the day will long be remembered by all. The remains of the feast were distributed among the villagers on the following day.

The Jubilee Celebrations of Her Majesty the Queen in Cambridge and Surrounding Villages 1887
Booklet published by W. Metcalfe & Son, Rose Crescent, Cambridge. Online copy. This includes a report on the celebrations in Trumpington, page 109.