2014 Tour de France, Day 3, 7 July 2014: the race started in Cambridge, and came along Trumpington Road, Trumpington High Street and Shelford Road, before continuing to London. This is a record of the day in Trumpington.
The peloton on Trumpington High Street. Photo: Bridget Johnson, 7 July 2014.
The peloton passing the Tollhouse on Trumpington High Street. Photo: Bridget Johnson, 7 July 2014.
Trumpington High Street closed to traffic prior to the race, 8:15 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Support for Chris Froome on Shelford Road prior to the race. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Trumpington High Street closed to traffic prior to the race, 8:15 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Support for Chris Froome on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Decorations on Shelford Road prior to the race. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Decorations on Shelford Road prior to the race. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Decorations on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Trumpington High Street closed to traffic prior to the race, 8:15 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Trumpington High Street closed to traffic prior to the race, 8:15 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Trumpington High Street closed to traffic, 8:15 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Trumpington High Street closed to traffic prior to the race, 8:30 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Trumpington High Street closed to traffic prior to the race, 8:30 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Trumpington High Street closed to traffic, 8:30 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Decorations on Shelford Road prior to the race. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Shelford Road prior to the race. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Decorations on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Vintage cyclists on Shelford Road prior to the race. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Vintage cyclists on Shelford Road prior to the race. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Vintage cyclists on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Shelford Road prior to the race, 10 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Shelford Road prior to the race, 10 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Shelford Road prior to the race, 10 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
The High Street and Village Hall prior to the race. Photo: via Anna Bird, 7 July 2014.
Les Cadets Juniors on Shelford Road prior to the race, 10 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The High Street and Village Hall. Photo: via Anna Bird.
Les Cadets Juniors on Shelford Road, 10 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Procession along Shelford Road prior to the race. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Procession along the High Street, 10:30 am. Photo: Philippa Slatter, 7 July 2014.
Procession along Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Procession along the High Street, 10:30 am. Photo: Philippa Slatter.
Waiting for the race on Shelford Road, 11 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Waiting for the race on Shelford Road, 11 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Waiting for the race on Shelford Road, 11 am. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Ready and waiting for the cyclists, midday. Photo: Stephen Brown, 7 July 2014.
Participants at Beverley Way. Photo: Philippa Slatter, 7 July 2014.
Waiting for the race opposite the Tollhouse on the High Street, 12:20 pm. Photo: Bridget Johnson, 7 July 2014.
Above: Ready and waiting for the cyclists, midday. Photo: Stephen Brown. Upper right: Participants at Beverley Way. Photo: Philippa Slatter. Lower right: Waiting for the race opposite the Tollhouse on the High Street, 12:20 pm. Photo: Bridget Johnson.
The peloton on the High Street, passing the Village Hall. Photo: via Anna Bird, 7 July 2014.
The peloton passing Bidwells and the Village Hall. Photo: Philippa Slatter, 7 July 2014.
The peloton on the High Street, passing the Village Hall. Photo: via Anna Bird.
The peloton passing Bidwells and the Village Hall. Photo: Philippa Slatter.
The peloton on the High Street. Photo: via Anna Bird, 7 July 2014.
The breakaway pair of riders opposite the Tollhouse on the High Street, Jan Barta and Jean-Marc Bideau. Photo: Bridget Johnson, 7 July 2014.
The peloton on the High Street. Photo: via Anna Bird.
The breakaway pair of riders opposite the Tollhouse on the High Street, Jan Barta and Jean-Marc Bideau. Photo: Bridget Johnson.
The peloton passing the Tollhouse on Trumpington High Street. Photo: Bridget Johnson, 7 July 2014.
The peloton passing the Tollhouse on Trumpington High Street. Photo: Bridget Johnson, 7 July 2014.
The peloton passing the Tollhouse on Trumpington High Street. Photo: Bridget Johnson.
The peloton opposite the Tollhouse on the High Street. Photo: Bridget Johnson, 7 July 2014.
The peloton approaching the High Street/Hauxton Road junction. Photo: Bridget Johnson, 7 July 2014.
The breakaway pair of riders on Shelford Road, Jan Barta and Jean-Marc Bideau. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The breakaway pair of riders on Shelford Road, Jan Barta and Jean-Marc Bideau. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The breakaway pair of riders on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
The peloton on Shelford Road. Photo: Sheila Simpson, 7 July 2014.
The peloton on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The peloton on Shelford Road. Photo: Sheila Simpson, Wendy Roberts and Andrew Roberts.
The peloton on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The peloton passing on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The peloton passing on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The peloton on Shelford Road. Photo: Sheila Simpson, 7 July 2014.
The peloton on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The peloton on Shelford Road. Photo: Wendy Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The peloton on Shelford Road. Photo: Wendy Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The peloton going towards the bridge on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The peloton coming over the railway bridge on Shelford Road. Photo: Stephen Brown, 7 July 2014.
The peloton on the railway bridge on Shelford Road. Photo: Stephen Brown, 7 July 2014.
The peloton coming over the railway bridge on Shelford Road. Photo: Stephen Brown.
Support vehicles on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Support vehicles on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Bringing up the rear on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Immediately after the race on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Support vehicles and immediately after the race on Shelford Road. Photo: Andrew Roberts.
Watching the race at the Bike Life 2014 event at King George V playing field and Trumpington Pavilion. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The Vintage Cycle group at the Bike Life 2014 event. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The Vintage Cycle group at the Bike Life 2014 event. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Events at Bike Life 2014. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Events at Bike Life 2014. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
Events at Bike Life 2014. Photo: Andrew Roberts, 7 July 2014.
The Bike Life 2014 event at King George V playing field and Trumpington Pavilion. Photo: Andrew Roberts
The breakaway pair of riders passing the Village Hall, Trumpington High Street, Jan Barta and Jean-Marc Bideau. Photo: Randall Evans, 7 July 2014.
The peloton passing the Village Hall, Trumpington High Street. Photo: Randall Evans, 7 July 2014.
The breakaway pair of riders passing the Village Hall, Trumpington High Street, Jan Barta and Jean-Marc Bideau. Photo: Randall Evans.
The peloton passing the Village Hall, Trumpington High Street. Photo: Randall Evans.