In August 1949, a group of residents from the new Estate in Trumpington enjoyed a day trip to Wicksteed Park near Kettering.
The next day, the Cambridge Daily News had a photograph of the outing.
Brenda Bass (née Brenda Jones) and Val Burden (née Valerie Charge) have provided a copy of the newspaper photograph.
Brenda Bass and Geoffrey Mott and Karen Guttery (née Karen Mott) have also provided three photographs of individual groups and begun to identify participants.
Can you help identify any of the participants? Please contact us if you can help.

Photograph 1: from the Cambridge Daily News, 19 August 1949, copy from Brenda Bass (née Brenda Jones) and Val Burden (née Valerie Charge).
Caption: ‘Members and friends of the Trumpington Estate Tenants’ Association about to leave yesterday for an outing to Wicksteed Park, where a very enjoyable time was had by 350 children and 150 adults. Both coaches and tea were supplied free to the children. This was largely made possible by the success of the Association’s August Fete. The arrangements were made by the Committee and the eleven coaches were supplied by Progressive.’

1 Mrs Cornell (Byron Square)
2 ? Mick Cornell

63 Sid Charge
61 Richard Charge
68 Val Charge

4 Kathleen Edwards
7 Michael French (Paget Road)
10 Geoffrey Mott (Paget Road)
15 ? Malcolm Squires
26 Crystal O’Malley
27 Mrs O’Malley
28 Maureen Squires
29 Mrs Cornell (Byron Square)
31 June French
32 Mrs French
33 Christine Mott
37 Elizabeth “Bubbles” French
38 Mrs Eileen Mott
39 Karen Mott
41 Molly Walker
43 Mick Walker