Since its foundation in 1920, Trumpington Women’s Institute has built up a collection of photograph albums and scrapbooks. This page has extracts from the archive, with the kind permission of the Women’s Institute. See also the page about the history of the Women’s Institute .

Trumpington Women’s Institute centenary tea, Jubilee Room, Trumpington Village Hall. Photo: Edmund Brookes, 6 February 2020.
Audrey King at the Trumpington Women’s Institute centenary tea. Photo: Edmund Brookes, 6 February 2020.
Janet Hendy, President of Trumpington Women’s Institute, and Sally Kingman, Chairman of the Cambridge Federation of Women’s Institutes, at the Trumpington Women’s Institute centenary tea. Photo: Edmund Brookes, 6 February 2020.

Trumpington Women’s Institute chorus, Cambridgeshire Festival of Music, 1925. The Trumpington Women’s Institute was placed First in the competition for Choruses of Female Voices (from Villages) at the Cambridgeshire Festival of Music, 1925. Caption above the photograph: Cambridge Festival of Music, 1925. Caption below the photograph: [top row]: Rose Pamplin, Mabel Chapman; [next row]: Catherine Barker, Fanny Scott, Ruth Vinter, Viola Pemberton, Jessie Forbes, Doris Porter, Gladys O’Bryen Hodge; [next row]: Milly Pamplin, Olive Pamplin, Frederica Thomas, Bertha Lawrence, Mrs Pemberton (President), Ada Pamplin, Alice Stearn, Hilda Chapman, Mary Stearn; [front row]: Adelaide Pamplin, Elizabeth Bavey, Dorothy Smith, Olive Stearn.

Trumpington Women’s Institute 30th anniversary, 4 May 1950. Caption: Cutting the birthday cakes for party, May 4th 1950. (Left to right): Miss A. Pamplin, Mrs Pemberton and Mrs A. Parker and other original members.

Trumpington Women’s Institute 30th anniversary, 4 May 1950. Caption: ‘The Spinsters of Lush’, played by members of the Entertainment Committee for the W.I. Birthday Party, May 4 1950.

Trumpington Women’s Institute 30th anniversary, 5 July 1950. Caption: W.I. Tea Party, Trumpington Hall, Wednesday July 5th 1950.

Trumpington Women’s Institute, 6 June 1953: pageant to celebrate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Caption: The Pageant of ‘The Queens of England’ acted by Trumpington W.I. and friends, to celebrate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, June 6th 1953.
Trumpington Women’s Institute, 1952: meeting when Mrs Viola Pemberton returned from her journey around the world. Caption: Members of Trumpington W.I. at the ‘Welcome Home’ meeting.

Cambridgeshire W.I. Area Exhibition at Trumpington Village Hall, May 1958.

Trumpington W.I. Committee, 1963-64. Caption [top row]: Mrs Humm, Mrs Storey, Mrs Pollock, Mrs Jordan, Mrs Collins, Mrs Gurney, Mrs Granger, Mrs J. Wooffenden, Mrs Wedd, Mrs Wood, Mrs King; [bottom row]: Mrs Bullman, Mrs Bown, Mrs Wooffenden (Hon. Secretary) Mrs Pemberton (President), Mrs Savill-Peck, Mrs Chown, Mrs Carr.

Trumpington Women’s Institute Golden Jubilee, Scrapbook for 1965, 1915-1965, Title page and introductory page.

Golden Jubilee, Scrapbook for 1965, photograph of Mrs V. Pemberton, President for Golden Jubilee Year, at Trumpington Hall.

Golden Jubilee, Scrapbook for 1965, photographs of War Memorial and Red Lion public house, High Street; The Unicorn public house, Church Lane; and houses in Grantchester Road, number 18 to right, numbers 20-22 centre.

W.I. Committee, January 1967. Caption: front row: Mrs Shanks, Miss Double, Mrs Woolfenden (Secretary), Mrs Chown (President), Mrs Bown (Treasurer), Mrs Pollock; Mrs Hume, Mrs Stalham, Mrs Parsons, Mrs Hunter, Mrs D. Wedd, Mrs Dring, Mrs Granger, Mrs Goody, Mrs Woolfe, Mrs Robinson.

W.I. report on The Countryside, 1970 : Title Page and Illuminated capital letters ‘T’ and ‘A’ by Mary Smith.

Mrs Mary Chown, President of Trumpington W.I., planting a crab-apple tree beside Trumpington Village Hall to commemorate the W.I. golden jubilee, with the blacksmith’s forge in the background, 1970.

Trumpington W.I. Conservation display at Ideal Home Exhibition, 1972.

Mrs Enid Newell, Trumpington W.I., with the shield for the best Darby and Joan display at the Cambridgeshire Federation of Women’s Institutes produce show, 1972.

W.I. Diary for 1988, photographs by M. Rayner of village sign outside Bidwells; High Street from Lambourn Close, with the Esso garage; and cottages on Grantchester Road.

Molly Bown planting an oak tree in the grounds of Fawcett School to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Trumpington Women’s Institute, autumn 1999.
80th anniversary of Trumpington Women’s Institute at The Unicorn, February 2000. Centre: Maureen Harris (President), right Audrey King.

Mrs Mary Chown planting a crab-apple tree beside Trumpington Village Hall, to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Trumpington W.I., 1970.