A series of short presentations about the stories revealed by local censuses.
The four members who transcribed the censuses for Trumpington (1841-1911) each gave a presentation on an aspect of the people of the village in the 19th and early 20th centuries:
Howard Slatter: Some enduring Trumpington families
Sheila Glasswell: Alpha Terrace and its residents
Ken Fletcher: War Memorial names and the 1911 census: the men named on the War Memorial were not necessarily born in Trumpington. Ken Fletcher suggested that by using resources such as census information and the parish magazine, it was possible to identify the connection between the men named on the memorial and the village and how the memorial committee would have regarded them as men of Trumpington
Sylvia Jones: Incomers to Trumpington, 1841-1911
There are separate pages with an introduction and the presentations by Howard Slatter, Sheila Glasswell and Sylvia Jones.