Publications about Trumpington or with references to Trumpington people, places or events. Edited by Andrew Roberts.

Ambrose, Tom (2006). St Mary & St Michael Trumpington . [Church guide]. [Trumpington: Parish Church.]
An illustrated guide to the church, with information about its main architectural features and windows, and brief details of some of the rectors and vicars.
Atkins, Rob and Hurst, Valory (2014). ‘Avenell Way: an ancient track across south Cambridgeshire’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society , 103, 83-106.
Bradley, Simon and Pevsner, Nicholas (2014). Cambridgeshire. The Buildings of England . London: Yale University Press. ISBN 978 0 300 20596 1.
Includes information about Trumpington: St Mary and St Michael Church and brief entries for Trumpington Hall, Anstey Hall, Church Lane area, village and Clay Farm (pages 355-58).
Brown, Shirley (1986). Trumpington in Old Picture Postcards . Zaltbommel, Netherlands: European Library. ISBN 90-288-3350-1.
Over 75 reproductions of postcards, with detailed captions, providing an insight into Trumpington from 1880 to 1930.
Brown, Shirley and Brown, Stephen (2013). Trumpington Through Time . Stroud, Gloucestershire: Amberley Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4456-0633-0.
An extensive selection of old and new photographs showing the ways in which Trumpington has developed in the last 100 years.
Bushell, W.D. (1938). Hobson’s Conduit. The New River at Cambridge Commonly Called Hobson’s River . Cambridge: CUP.
The history and course of Hobson’s Conduit, from Nine Wells through Trumpington into Cambridge, with maps and illustrations.
Cambridge Camden Society (1845). Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely . Cambridge: The Society.
Includes Trumpington Church.
Cambridge City Council. Planning Department 2010). Trumpington. Conservation Area Appraisal . Cambridge: City Council.
Includes the planning background, a brief history, the character of Trumpington and information about individual areas and properties, and maps. Updated October 2010.
Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination (2010). Art and Living: an A to Z for Trumpington . : Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination.
Produced as part of the Public Art Strategy for Clay Farm and Glebe Farm, the ideas in the book had input from Crossways Gardens, Fawcett School, the Trumpington Local History Group, Cambridge City Council’s Children and Young People’s Participation Service (ChYpPS) and the Trumpington Residents’ Association.
Cambridgeshire Family History Society (1987). St Mary’s and St Michael’s Parish Church, Trumpington, Cambridgeshire. Monumental Inscriptions . Transcribed by Stephen Walley and Alan Bullwinkle. : CFHS.
Cambridgeshire Family History Society (2002). Vestry Audit Book, 1602- 1753. Transcribed by David E. Bland. : CFHS.
Cambridgeshire Family History Society (2010). Parish Registers. St Mary’s and St Michael’s Parish Church, Trumpington. Transcribed by David Jordan, Margaret Marrs and members of the Society. CD-ROM version. : CFHS.
Cambridgeshire Federations of Women’s Institutes (1989). The Cambridgeshire Village Book . Newbury: Countryside Books. ISBN 1- 85306-035-6.
Includes a short entry about Trumpington (pages 168-69).
Carr, Edith (1968 and 1971). The Story of Trumpington Church . Saffron Walden: Talbot.
Carr, Edith (1973). Trumpington: a Cambridgeshire Village . In People and Places. An East Anglian Miscellany. Pages 8-67. Lavenham: Terence Dalton Ltd. SBN 900963-24-7.
Traces the history of Trumpington from the Roman period to the end of the 19th century, with 15 illustrations.
Cheason, Denis (1980). The Cambridgeshire of Rupert Brooke. An Illustrated Guide to the Places Mentioned in Rupert Brooke’s Poem ‘The Old Vicarage, Grantchester’ . Waterbeach: The Author. ISBN 0-9506614- 1-4.
Illustrated with sketches of Byron’s Pool and Trumpington in the 1970s.
Chisholm, Michael (2002). ‘Conservators of the River Cam: 1702-2002’. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society , XCII , pages 183- 200.
The history of the Conservators from their establishment by Act of Parliament in 1702.
Collins, Judith (2006). Eric Gill. The Sculpture . London: A. & C. Black. ISBN 0-71367927-1.
Includes information about the War Memorial.
Cooper, Anthony J. (2000). Planners and Preservationists. The Cambridge Preservation Society and the City’s Green Belt, 1928-1985 . Cambridge: Cambridge Preservation Society. ISBN 0-9510655-2-1.
Discusses planning, housing and transport developments in Cambridge and the surrounding area since the 1920s, the history of the green belt and the role of the Cambridge Preservation Society.
Cooper, Charles Henry (1842-52). Annals of Cambridge . 5 volumes. : Metcalfe & Palmer.
Dawson, Peter (2009). Henry Fawcett – Man of Vision. Cambridge: Trumpington Local History Group.
Written by Peter Dawson, this brief life of Henry Fawcett includes information about his burial in Trumpington.
Dawson, Peter (2009). Who Was Henry Fawcett? Cambridge: Trumpington Local History Group.
A short leaflet with key facts about Fawcett.
Dring, W.E. (1974). Trumpington Fifty Years Ago . Unpublished typescript.
The lively and informative recollections of a local man, born in Alpha Terrace in 1912?, remembering Trumpington as it was in his childhood.
Evans, Christopher, with Duncan Mackay and Leo Webley (2008). Borderlands. The Archaeology of the Addenbrooke’s Environs, South Cambridge . CAU Landscape Archives: New Archaeologies of the Cambridge Region, 1. Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit with Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-0-9544824-7-3.
A detailed analysis of new evidence for the archaeology of the Addenbrooke’s and Trumpington area, based on the extensive excavations and field work carried out in advance of building developments.
Evans, Christopher, Sam Lucy and Rickie Patten (2018). Riversides: Neolithic Barrows, a Beaker Grave, Iron Age and Anglo-Saxon Burials and Settlement at Trumpington, Cambridge (New Archaeologies of the Cambridge Region). Cambridge: Mcdonald Institute.
Detailed report on the Trumpington Meadows excavation and the evidence it provides for the prehistory of the local area.
Flitton, A.R. [Arthur Russell] (1926). The Bells of Trumpington . Bury St Edmunds.
Garrett, Martin (2004). Cambridge. A Cultural and Literary History . Cities of the Imagination. Oxford: Signal Books. ISBN 1-902669-78-9.
Includes discussions of Chaucer’s Reeve’s Tale, Byron’s Pool and Trumpington Mill.
Gray, E.A. (1977). Hobson’s Conduit, the Story of a Cambridgeshire Chalk Stream . Barton, Cambridgeshire: Bird’s Farm Publications. ISBN 0- 905232-03-8.
The story of the valley to the east of Trumpington, following the route of Hobson’s Brook.
Gray, Ronald and Stubbins, Derek (2000). Cambridge Street Names: their Origins and Associations . Cambridge: CUP. ISBN 0521789567.
A narrative history of the street names of Cambridge, including Trumpington.
Grove, Richard (1976). The Cambridgeshire Coprolite Mining Rush . Cambridge: Oleander Press. ISBN 0-902675-61-3.
The impact of coprolite digging on Cambridgeshire, including Trumpington.
Hunter Blair, Andrew (2007). Along the River Cam . : Sutton Publishing. ISBN 0-7509-4455-2.
Traces the story of the river and surrounding countryside.
Jenkins, Simon (2000). England’s Thousand Best Churches . London: Penguin Books. ISBN 0-140-29795-2.
Includes a brief entry on Trumpington Church and the brass.
Jennings, Christine (2003). Widnall. A Capital Contriver. the Story of a Victorian Household in the Village of Grantchester . Swavesey: Folly Press. ISBN 0-9544818-0-1.
Describes the life and times of Page Widnall (1825-94), a farmer who lived at the Old Vicarage, Grantchester, from 1850, and wrote and published books about local history.
John Lewis (2008). A History of Robert Sayle, 1840-2007 . Third Edition. Cambridge: John Lewis. ISBN 978-0-9558950-0-5.
A history of the Robert Sayle family and department store, updated to include the opening of the new John Lewis store in Cambridge. Includes details about family life in Trumpington.
Jurgensen, Birtt and Anning, Vicky (2015). Habitorials: a Showground of Real Living. Trumpington & Great Kneighton . : Jeanneworks.
Part of the art project for the Clay Farm housing development, with interviews with a number of local residents.
Keith, Simon (2017). ‘A study of “Domesday watermills” in the Cambridgeshire landscape’. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society , 106, p. 49-60. Includes a case study of Grantchester and Trumpington.
Kindersley, Lida Lopes Cardozo and Sherwood, Thomas (2011). Cutting Across Cambridge. Kindersley Inscriptions in the City and University . Cambridge: Cardozo Kindersley.
Includes section on inscriptions in Trumpington churchyard and cemetery, pages 74-77.
Lloyd, David Willson (1951). English Village: the Story of Trumpington . Cambridge: Heffers.
A brief history and memoir of the village, written c. 1950. Chapters cover the origins of the village, the church, houses and fields, poets and the village as it was in the 1940s.
Lucy, Sam (2016). The Trumpington Cross in Context. Anglo-Saxon England, 45, 7-37.
McClure, Gillian, John Wiltshire and the Children of Fawcett School (2008). The Wishing Eel . [Cambridge]: Vital Communities. ISBN 978-0- 9560205-0-5.
A short illustrated story created by pupils from Fawcett Primary School and residents of Crossways Gardens as part of the Vital Communities project.
Mee, Arthur (1939). Cambridgeshire . The King’s England. : Hodder & Stoughton.
Trumpington church and personalities (pages 209-11).
Moule, A.C. (1922). ‘Some Trumpington Inscriptions, with Special Reference to the Base of the Old Village Cross’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society , 24, p. 95-109.
Includes a contemporary account of the rediscovery of the base of the old village cross.
Moule, A.C. [Arthur Christopher] (1923, 1929, 1934 and 1944). Trumpington Church . Cambridge: [CUP].
O’Connor, Bernard (1998). The Dinosaurs on Coldham’s Common: the Story of Cambridge’s Coprolite Industry . Sandy, Bedfordshire: the Author. ISBN 0-902810-00-7.
The history of coprolite mining in Cambridge and Trumpington, particularly in the 1850s-70s and World War I, when large quantities of phosphatic nodules were extracted from land in Trumpington for processing as fertilizer.
O’Connor, Bernard (1999). The Trumpington Fossil Diggings: An Account of the 19th Century Coprolite Diggings . Sandy, Bedfordshire: the Author.
The specific story of coprolite exploitation in Trumpington.
O’Toole, Mark (2012). Trumpington Chronicle 1850-1900: Stories from the Cambridge Chronicle . Transcript of news items in the Cambridge Chronicle. [Cambridgeshire Collection, C.44.3 ref reserve]
See Extracts .
Olalde, Inigo, Brace, Selina and Reich, David (2018). ‘The Beaker phenomenon and the genomic transformation of northwest Europe’, Nature , doi:10.1038/nature25738, 21 February 2018. Online summary .
Osborne, Mike (2020). Grandad’s Army. Volunteers defending the British Isles in the First World War . : Fonthill Media. ISBN 978-1- 78155-818-8. Includes information about the Volunteer Training Corps in World War 1, with a number of photographs from the local Percy Robinson collection.
Overhill, Jack (1953). The Miller of Trumpington . London: Staples.
Petty, Mike (2017). Trumpington Scrapbook 1897 to 1990. Facts, Features and (occasional) Fallacies reported in Cambridge Newspapers . Summarised by Mike Petty. Online at Trumpington Scrapbook .
Powell, W.C. (1942). Christopher Anstey: Bath Laureate. A Dissertation . Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences … University of Pennsylvania.
A PhD dissertation about Christopher Anstey (1724-1805), author of the New Bath Guide .
Renfrew, Jane M., Renfrew, Magnus A. and Rose, John K. (1996). Rus In Urbe . Chaucer Road and Latham Road: the History of Two Rural Roads in Cambridge . Cambridge: Solachra. ISBN 0-9528751-0-1.
Richly illustrated account of the history of the Chaucer Road and Latham Road area from prehistory to the present and the personalities and university connections of the area.
Robinson, Percy (c. 1930). A Trip Through Trumpington . Notes used when giving local talks. Copy held by the Local History Group.
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England) (1959). An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge. Part II . London: HMSO. ISBN 0-11-300023-5.
The Trumpington entry includes the Parish Church, Trumpington Hall, Vicarage, Anstey Hall, Anstey Hall Farm, The Old House, Manor Farm, Green Man, Coach and Horses and Clay Farm.
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England) (1959). Parish Church of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Trumpington . London: HMSO.
Sargood, Lisa (2004). Literary Cambridge . Stroud: Sutton Publishing. ISBN 0-7509-2288-5.
Includes Byron’s Pool and Trumpington Mill.
Searby, Peter (editor) (2010). Cambridge at War. The Diary of Jack Overhill 1939-1945 . Volume 19. Cambridge: Cambridgeshire Records Society. ISBN 978-0-904323-21-4.
An edited version of the wartime diary of Jack Overhill. During the war, Jack and his wife rented out their Shelford Road, Trumpington, house and lived in Saxon Street, Cambridge. The diary describes life in Cambridge and his continuing links with Trumpington.
Shelford Oral History Group (2008). Some Shelford Lives . Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire: The Group. No ISBN.
Interviews with 50 residents of Great Shelford, who reminisce about their lives in the village, with some references to nearby Trumpington.
Spittle, S.D.T. (1970). ‘The Trumpington Brass’. The Archaeological Journal , 127, p. 223-227.
Discusses the history of the church brass, concluding that the brass was made for Giles de Trumpington and then used to commemorate his son, the younger Roger de Trumpington, in c. 1326.
Taylor, Alison (1998). South East Cambridgeshire and Fen Edge . Archaeology of Cambridgeshire. Volume 2. Cambridgeshire County Council. ISBN 0-902436-50-3.
Taylor, Alison (1999). Cambridge: the Hidden History . Stroud: Tempus. ISBN 0-7524-1436-4.
Brief details about Trumpington (pages 126-30).
Taylor, Alison, Browne, David M. and Darby, H.C. (1978). Early Cambridgeshire . Cambridge: Oleander Press.
A compendium of four previous publications on Prehistoric, Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Cambridgeshire.
Taylor, Christopher (1973). The Cambridgeshire Landscape. The Making of the English Landscape . London: Hodder and Stoughton. No ISBN.
Refers to evidence of Iron Age settlement and coprolite digging at Trumpington.
Taylor, Patrick (2011). The Toll-houses of Cambridgeshire . Ipswich: Polystar Press. ISNB 978-1-907154-06-5.
Includes background to turnpikes and toll houses and description of the Trumpington toll house.
Trumpington Local History Group (2000). 20th Century Trumpington . Written by Shirley Brown. [Cambridge: The Group.]
A decade-by-decade account of Trumpington through the 20th century, with information about people, places and events.
Trumpington Local History Group (2003). Trumpington Past & Present . Researched and written by Shirley Brown. Stroud: Sutton Publishing. ISBN 0-7509-3156-6.
An illustrated account of Trumpington, particularly in the 20th century. It has sections on roads, farms and gardens, buildings, events and occasions and people.
Trumpington Local History Group (2014). Trumpington’s Fallen Heroes of World War I . Written by Ken Fletcher. Cambridge: Trumpington Local History Group. Web version .
Trumpington Residents’ Association and Trumpington Local History Group (2013). Trumpington History Trails 1. The Historic Centre of Trumpington . Cambridge: Trumpington Residents’ Association. January 2013.
Trumpington Residents’ Association and Trumpington Local History Group (2016). Trumpington History Trails: Ten Walking and Cycling Trails Around Trumpington and the Surrounding Area . Cambridge: Trumpington Residents’ Association. Web version .
The Victoria History of the Counties of England (1938). The History of the County of Cambridge & the Isle of Ely. Volume I . Edited by L.F. Salzman. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research.
Covers geology and natural history and Anglo-Saxon history, plus a detailed account of the Domesday Survey in Cambridgeshire, with its record of ‘Trumpintone’.
The Victoria History of the Counties of England (1948). The History of the County of Cambridge & the Isle of Ely. Volume II . Edited by L.F. Salzman. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research. Web version .
Includes social and economic history, ecclesiastical history, education and political history.
The Victoria History of the Counties of England (1959). The History of the County of Cambridge & the Isle of Ely. Volume III. The City and University of Cambridge . Edited by J.P.C. Roach. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research. Web version .
Detailed information about the history of the city, university and colleges, with brief references to Trumpington.
The Victoria History of the Counties of England (1973). The History of the County of Cambridge & the Isle of Ely. Volume V . Edited by C.R. Elrington. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research. Web version .
Includes Grantchester , with references to the road pattern, Bryon’s Pool and Trumpington and Grantchester mills.
The Victoria History of the Counties of England (1978). The History of the County of Cambridge & the Isle of Ely. Volume VII: Roman Cambridgeshire . Edited by J.J. Wilkes and C.R. Elrington. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research.
An overview of Cambridgeshire in the Roman period, including settlements and road patterns.
The Victoria History of the Counties of England (1982). A History of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Volume VIII. Armingford and Thriplow Hundreds . Edited by C.R. Elrington. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research. ISBN 0-19-722757-0. Web version .
Includes Trumpington (part of Thriplow Hundred), with a detailed record of the history of the parish, its development, manors, church and major fatures, with extensive references to primary sources. This volume also covers Harston , Hauxton and Great Shelford .
Widnall, S.P. [Samuel Page] (1875). A History of Grantchester in the County of Cambridge . Grantchester: the Author.
See also Widnall’s short reminiscences of Trumpington.
Widnall, S.P. [Samuel Page] (1889). Reminiscences of Trumpington Fifty Years Ago . Grantchester: the Author.
Widnall had already published his more detailed history of Grantchester when he issued these short reminiscences (25 pages), copies of which were available ‘at the Post Office, Trumpington, or post free from the author’. Includes brief thoughts about travel, the Stone Bridge, road to Grantchester, the Roman road through the village and particularly the village school, where Widnall was a pupil in the 1830s. See also Jennings (2003). See full text .
Wilson, Peter J. (1997). ‘Byron’s Pool’. Nature in Cambridgeshire , 39 , 17-21.
A short history of the area around Byron’s Pool and the river, with information about the woodland, ponds and possible mill features.
Yorke, Malcolm (1981). Eric Gill. Man of Flesh and Spirit. London: Constable. ISBN 0-09463740-7. Includes information about Trumpington War Memorial.