Addenbrooke’s Road was officially opened to traffic, pedestrians and cyclists on 27 October 2010. This is a record of the opening, which took place on the bridge over the railway. The road runs from Hauxton Road to Shelford Road and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
For additional information, see the View from the Bridge , a report on the visit by the Local History Group on 24 June 2010.
The Trumpington Residents’ Association web site has a photographic diary of the construction of the road.
Councillor Roy Pegram (County Council) and Dr Gareth Goodier (Cambridge University Hospitals) at the opening of Addenbrooke’s Road, 27 October 2010. Photo: Stephen Brown.

Councillor Roy Pegram (County Council) and Dr Gareth Goodier (Cambridge University Hospitals) opening Addenbrooke’s Road, 27 October 2010. Photo: Stephen Brown.

Participants at the opening of Addenbrooke’s Road, 27 October 2010: councillors, officers, Addenbrooke’s representatives and a few residents. Photos: Stephen Brown and Cambridgeshire County Council.

Councillors at the opening of Addenbrooke’s Road, 27 October 2010: City Councillor Sheila Stuart (Mayor of Cambridge, 2010-11), County Councillor Linda Oliver (Chair of the County Council), County Councillor Gail Kenney, City Councillor Salah Al Bander, District Councillor Charles Nightingale. Photo: Stephen Brown.

Looking north from the railway line across the Cambridge Biomedical Campus and Addenbrooke’s Hospital towards the Guided Busway bridge and the new LMB building, with Francis Crick Avenue to the right, during the opening of Addenbrooke’s Road, 27 October 2010. Photo: Stephen Brown.

Looking across the railway bridge before traffic starts to flow at the opening of Addenbrooke’s Road, 27 October 2010. Photo: Stephen Brown.

Looking across the Shelford Road junction towards Glebe Farm after the opening of Addenbrooke’s Road, 27 October 2010. Photo: Stephen Brown.