This letter and envelope was sent from Trumpington Prisoner of War Camp 45 by one of the prisoners, Josef Viehauser, to his wife, Anny, who lived in Waldheim, Austria. Waldheim is on the outskirts of Rankweil, in the Vorarlberg area near the Swiss border in the west of Austria. The letter was dated 30 January 1946. It was obtained by Arthur Brookes in 2008.
This is one of a number of pages about the Trumpington Prisoner of War Camp.

Translation by Hildrud Hall:
My dear Anny !
Last week a lot of post arrived from the old country, but that which I was longing to receive was still sadly missing. Your dear letter from 14.12.1945 which I received through B. Hermann was my last post from you. You write in it that everything is alright but I cannot still be without worry about my dearest little wife. I do hope a letter from you is on the way, which can give my trust (in you) new support. From Schwarzach I still have no news, but maybe you don’t either?
Anny, how is our dear Mama. I hope she is still well. Hugo will probably be home already. Where is Henry and what about Schorsch, is he still in Valduna*. I am healthy and I am well. Do not worry about me.
In the hope of happily seeing you all again, I greet you all, especially dear mama. And many heartfelt greetings and kisses to you my dear Anny.
Yours Pepi
Farewell and stay my dearest heart.
* September 2015: Wilf Hodgkinson advised that the name is Valduna (Krankenhaus Valduna, a hospital on the outskirts of Rankweil, Austria).