The Black Swan was one of the public houses which have operated in Trumpington in the last 500 years. This page is based on a presentation given by Peter Dawson at the meeting titled Along the High Street, 26 March 2009.
The Black Swan appears in records dated 1686 and 1704 and was almost certainly on the High Street. In 1724, it was recorded that a small working group formed from the Trustees commissioned by Act of Parliament to instigate and maintain the turnpike road were to hold their first meeting at the Black Swan on 2 April 1725. Incidentally, the large and distinguished membership of the Trustees included an Antony Pemberton and a Samuel Pepys.
There is evidence in the Trumpington Hall archive that the Black Swan is the same property as the Coach & Horses public house.

The Victoria County History (VCH) (1982) includes a summary of the different pubs, p. 250-51. See the bibliography for full details.
If you have any further information about this or the other pubs in Trumpington, we would be very interested to hear from you.