Trumpington Village Hall Centenary Exhibition, October 2008
The Local History Group, Village Hall Trustees and groups that use the Hall collaborated in an exhibition about life in Trumpington over the last 100 years, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Hall on 22 October 1908. The exhibition was open from 21-25 October, with panels about the History of the Hall and its role in the village and the work of some of the groups that use the Hall today. There was also a slide show, a Century of Change .
Poster designed by Stephen Brown
Reception, 20 October 2008
Over 100 participants took part in a reception to celebrate the centenary on 20 October 2008, held in the Village Hall.
Trumpington Village Hall on the centenary of its opening. Photo: Andrew Roberts, October 2008.
The exhibits were produced by:
City of Cambridge Brass Band
Children and Young People’s Participation Service
Forever Active
Mingle Munch
Shaolin King Fu
Trumpington Allotment Society
Trumpington Brownies and Rainbows
Trumpington Councillors’ Surgeries
Trumpington Gardening Society
Trumpington Local History Group
Trumpington Parish Church
Trumpington Tuesday Group
Trumpington Tornadoes Bingo Club
Trumpington Women’s Institute
Vital Communities

The original foundation stone, date stone and Centenary notice board, Trumpington Village Hall. Photo: Andrew Roberts, October 2008.

Sir Francis Pemberton responded by recording that the foundation stone for the Hall had been put down by his grandmother, Patience Pemberton. His grandfather, Canon Pemberton, had been a driving force behind the desire for the Hall. His mother, Viola Pemberton, had been particularly active with events in the Hall, including making marmalade and Pemberton polish, which were sold in aid of good causes.
The Hall had been extended in the 1920s, when a billiard room was added, and refurbished in 1977 for the Queen’s Jubilee. In recent years, the doctors’ surgery had been opened at the rear of the Hall. In celebration of the Centenary, Antony Pemberton had commissioned a new notice board of English oak, which would hopefully serve for another 100 years. The Pemberton family were proud to be associated with the Hall.
Sir Francis stressed that none of the events would have been possible without the effort of Shirley and Stephen Brown. He closed with a toast to another 100 years of the Hall.
Photographs of Exhibition:
General views
Trumpington Village Hall history panels
Trumpington Local History Group panels
Corner displays
Other group panels
Other group panels
Photographs of Reception