Local History Group Meetings

Programme for 2024-25

Details about the programme for the rest of 2025 will in added in early March.

Thursday 20 February 2025: Trumpington’s Manors. Jo Sear talked about how important the manorial system was for the whole of society in the late medieval and early modern periods. Jo looked in particular at the history of the various manors in Trumpington and their influence on the lives of ordinary people. The text of the talk will be added to the web site.

Poster for Trumpington’s Manors meeting, 20 February 2025. Designed by Karen Lamb.
Poster for Trumpington’s Manors meeting, 20 February 2025. Designed by Karen Lamb.

Thursday 31 October 2024: Evolution of Trumpington
Village. From 900 AD to Today
. Andrew Roberts described the evolution of Trumpington village, from its foundation as a nucleated settlement before the Norman Conquest, followed by gradual growth over the next 1000 years and expansion in the last 100 years. An extended version of the talk will be added to the web site.

Tuesday 24 September 2024: Trumpington Wildlife: a Historical Perspective. Howard Slatter talked of what we can learn about the natural history of the parish over time; from historical and archaeological records, but also comparing with what can be found today.  Howard covered a variety of wildlife, including plants, insects, reptiles, mammals and birds.  Much has changed over the centuries! See the pages about the meeting and the text of the talk.

For information about meetings, see the occasional messages to the mailing list or contact Howard Slatter.

Meetings Archive

The first meeting of the Group was held in 1995. Checklist of meetings, with links to separate pages about the meetings.

17 November 1995: A Trip Through Trumpington, Nicholas Thistlethwaite, Edmund Brookes and Arthur Brookes.

1996-97: History of Trumpington Church and Vicarage, Nicholas Thistlethwaite.

1997: Local archaeology, included finds from the PBI sites, Charlie Leeks.

14 November 1997: Trumpington Reflections, short talks and a display of photographs.

12 January 1998: Trumpington War Memorial and the American Cemetery, Arthur Jones.

23 June 1998: A Midsummer Stroll Around Trumpington.

20 October 1998: Do You Remember? including Italian Prisoners of war and the closure of the Cambridge-Bletchley railway line.

5 March 1999: Pickwick’s Cambridge Scrapbook, 1838, Mike Petty.

7 June 1999: Visit to Anstey Hall.

12 November 1999: War Time Memories of World War 2, Michael Bentinck.

28 June 2000: Summer Walk Around Trumpington. Launch and signing of 20th Century Trumpington.

13 October 2000: Trumpington v. Adolf Hitler, with a number of speakers.

2001: Visit to the Archaeology Excavation on the Park & Ride Site, PBI, followed by reception at PBI.

29 November 2001: Trumpington Worthies, with a number of speakers.

27 February 2002: The Trumpington Coprolite Rush, with a number of speakers.

27 February 2003: Cambridge Cartoons, Chris Jakes.

2003: Launch of Trumpington Past & Present.

2003: History of the Cam Conservators, Michael Chisholm.

29 April 2004: East Anglian Film Archive, Francis Jacobi.

30 September 2004: A Century of Childhood in Trumpington, with a number of speakers.

25 November 2004: Unveiling of Blue Plaque to Henry Fawcett, Trinity Hall.

10 March 2005: A Hundred Years of Wireless, Martin Jones.

30 June 2005: Were You There? What Did You Wear? Lynn Hopwood.

9 September 2005: The History of Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Dr Muriel Seaman.

30 March 2006: The History of Cambridge American Cemetery, Arthur Brookes.

13 July 2006: Visit to the Haslingfield Bakehouse Project, Mike Hendy.

26 October 2006: The History of Cambridge Market, Nick Wise.

29 March 2007: Toys, Games and Pastimes of Yesteryear, with a number of speakers.

12 July 2007: Visit to the archaeological site, Addenbrooke’s Road.

27 September 2007: A Hundred Years of Change and The Tale of Truelove.

13 March 2008: On the Street Where You Live, with a number of speakers.

9 October 2008: A Trip Round My Dining Room Walls, Antony Pemberton.

21-25 October 2008: Village Hall Centenary Exhibition.

27 November 2008: Open Meeting and AGM.

26 March 2009: Along the High Street, with a number of speakers.

1 April 2009: Rededication of Henry Fawcett grave.

22 October 2009: Trumpington’s Farming History, with a number of speakers.

26 November 2009: History of Trumpington War Memorial, Arthur Brookes.

25 March 2010: Visit to the Cambridgeshire Collection.

22 April 2010: Education in Trumpington, with a number of speakers.

24 June 2010: The View from the Bridge, visit to Addenbrooke’s Road bridge.

11 August 2010: Clay Farm Archaeology Open Day.

3 October 2010: Trumpington Meadows Archaeology Open Day.

14 October 2010: Hobson’s Conduit: the First 400 Years, Howard Slatter.

25 November 2010: The Railways of Trumpington, 1845-2010, Edmund Brookes.

31 March 2011: On the Street Where You Live, with a number of speakers.

7 April 2011: Clay Farm Archaeology Site Visit.

24 May 2011: Trumpington Meadows Archaeology Site Visit.

23 June 2011: Guided Walk Around the Village Centre.

13 October 2011: History of Trumpington Church, Edmund Brookes.

24 November 2011: Stories from the Census, with a number of speakers.

29 March 2012: Archaeology of Clay Farm, Richard Mortimer.

15 May 2012: Visit to Anstey Hall.

1 July 2012: Guided Walk around the Village Centre.

11 October 2012: Trumpington Traders, with a number of speakers.

22 November 2012: Trumpington Personalities, with a number of speakers.

11 April 2013: Archaeology of Trumpington Meadows and the Discovery of the Trumpington Cross, Alison Dickens.

27 June 2013: Look Who’s Buried Here! Walk Around the Churchyard.

5 September 2013: Guided walk around the Village Centre (no details available).

10 October 2013: Addenbrooke’s Hospital: Yesterday and Today, Hilary Ritchie.

21 November 2013: Our Local History: What’s the Evidence?, with a number of speakers.

8 May 2014: Visit to the Cambridge American Cemetery, led by Arthur Brookes.

18 August 2014: Papworth Hospital and Bell School archaeology visit‏.

23 October 2014: Remembering the First World War, AGM and talk by Dr Dan Todman.

1 March 2015: Visit to the Cambridge American Cemetery, led by Arthur Brookes.

26 March 2015: Archaeology of Trumpington and South Cambridge: Excavations at Clay Farm, Fawcett School, Addenbrooke’s and Bell School, Tom Phillips.

10 May 2015: Anstey Hall Farm Archaeology Open Day.

30 June 2015: Look Who’s Buried Here! Walk Around the Churchyard.

10 September 2015: Guided walk around the Village Centre.

12 November 2015: Discovering Street Names, with multiple contributions about individual streets.

17 March 2016: Addenbrooke’s Archaeology – the latest phase. AstraZeneca excavation, Jonathan Tabor.

16 June 2016: Look Who’s Buried Here! Walk Around Trumpington Churchyard Extension, led by Howard Slatter and Wendy Roberts.

29 September 2016: Anstey Hall Farm: 2000 Years of History, Stuart Ladd, Michael Hendy.

24 November 2016: Launch of Trumpington History Trails.

30 March 2017: Mapping Trumpington: Maps Old and New, Tim Glasswell and Howard Slatter.

15 June 2017: Guided walk to the South West of the Village Centre.

29 June 2017: Guided walk around the Village Centre.

28 September 2017: Hobson’s Conduit, Hobson’s Brook and Hobson’s Park, Howard Slatter.

16 November 2017: Trumpington at War, 1914-18: as seen through newspaper reports, Wendy Roberts.

22 March 2018: Archaeology and Art of Clay Farm, Andy Robinson, Tom Phillips.

10 May 2018: “Hold fast, hold firm, hold OUT”: Millicent Garrett Fawcett and the campaign for women’s suffrage, Dr Gill Sutherland.

24 May 2018: Guided Walk around the Village Centre.

28 June 2018: Guided Walk to the North of the Village Centre.

27 September 2018: The History of the Long Road Area, north to Barrow Road, south to Gazeley Lane, Nick Bullock, Andrew Roberts, Howard Slatter.

15 November 2018: Trumpington War Memorial and the Kindersley Workshop, Arthur Brookes and Lida Cardozo Kindersley.

4 April 2019: Trumpington 100 Years Ago. Photographs and Commentary based on Percy Robinson’s ‘A Trip Through Trumpington’.

9 May 2019: All That Glisters: Anglo Saxons, Beds and Gold, Alison Dickens.

16 May 2019: Guided Walk Around the Village Centre.

13 June 2019: Guided Walk from Hobson Square to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

26 September 2019: Two Trumpington Mayors: Eva Hartree and Jean Barker (Baroness Trumpington), Philippa Slatter, Edmund Brookes, Stephen Siddall with Adam Barker, and Wendy Roberts with a display about Trumpington Tornadoes.

21 November 2019: The Railways of Trumpington, Edmund Brookes.

12 March 2020: 100 Years of Trumpington Women’s Institute and the Village in the 1920s, Janet Hendy, Howard Slatter, Andrew Roberts and Wendy Roberts.

24 June 2021: Guided Walk Around the Village Centre.

8 July 2021: Guided Walk Around Clay Farm and Area.

9 June 2022: Guided Walk Around the Village Centre.

7 July 2022: Guided Walk from Hobson Square to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

13 October 2022: 200 Years of Trumpington, 1801 to 2001, Howard Slatter.

23 February 2023: Excavations at Trumpington Meadows: putting the Trumpington Cross in context, Dr Sam Lucy.

1 June 2023: Guided Walk Around the Churchyard and Village Centre, from The Bakehouse.

29 June 2023: Guided Walk Along the High Street, from Trumpington Pavilion.

28 September 2023: Post-War Trumpington, 1945-1980, Andrew Roberts, Edmund Brookes and Howard Slatter.

16 November 2023: Benefitting the Soul: Life, Religion and the Church in Late Medieval Trumpington, Dr Joanne Sear.

29 February 2024: South West Trumpington: 5000 Years from Prehistory to Trumpington Meadows, Andrew Roberts, Randall Evans and Iain Webb.

13 June 2024: Guided Walk Between the High Street and Hobson’s Brook, from Hobson’s Square.

27 June 2024: Guided Walk to Historic Locations in South West Trumpington, from Trumpington Pavilion.

24 September 2024: Trumpington Wildlife: an Historical Perspective, Howard Slatter.

31 October 2024: Evolution of Trumpington Village. From 900 AD to Today, Andrew Roberts.