Resources about the history of Trumpington.
People in Trumpington: a database with information about people who are known to have lived at least part of their lives in Trumpington over the last 250 years;
Streets, Houses and People in Trumpington: historic resource lists;
Trumpington Maps: Decade by Decade, 1861-2011: development of Trumpington as told through maps;
Censuses of Trumpington: details from the censuses, 1841 to 1921, with full transcriptions;
bibliography : books and articles about Trumpington and the wider area;
archaeological reports: reports and evaluations;
archival resources: introduction to census returns, parish records, maps, directories, etc.;
Newspaper articles relevant to the history of Trumpington;
Trumpington community on the IWM’s Lives of the First World War, information about over 300 men and women who contributed to the War.
sources of evidence for the History of Trumpington: some of the main sources of evidence;
Percy Robinson and the history of Trumpington;
local collections: libraries, archives and museums;
organisations: organisations in Trumpington or relevant to its local history;
publications by the Local History Group about Trumpington;
Capturing Cambridge: Trumpington records on this Cambridge-wide resource.