Notes about the derivation of the names of the streets in Trumpington, organised from north to south. We would appreciate feedback and additional information. New entries were added as the major housing developments proceeded from 2010 to 2023. Researched and compiled by Andrew Roberts.

Trumpington Road: the road between Trumpington village and the Lensfield Road junction with Trumpington Street, Cambridge; shown as ‘Turnpike Road’ on the 1804 inclosure map; named London Road on Baker’s 1830 map and Trumpington Road on the 1880 Ordnance Survey map. On the 1910 Land Value map, ‘Trumpington Road’ was used for the road now called the High Street as well as the extension north to Cambridge but now only used for the road north from the Long Road junction.
Chaucer Road: named after Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343-1400), poet, writer of The Canterbury Tales , including The Reeve’s Tale (which has references to Trumpington). Also Chaucer Close , built in the late 1980s; Southacre Drive leading to Southacre Close , also built in the late 1980s, and The Coach House, Hinxton House, Chesterford House, Barrington House, Chippenham House and Thriplow House, plus Southacre Flats, built in the 1950s; and Edwinstowe Close , built in the grounds of Edwinstowe house in the early 1990s. The Southacre area is named after the house built for Reverend Henry Latham, which was accessed from Latham Road. Hinxton House, etc., are named after local parishes. Edwinstowe Close is named after Edwinstowe House. See Chaucer Road and Latham Road and Rus in Urbe .
Latham Road: named after Reverend Henry Latham (1821-1902), Master of Trinity Hall. Also Latham Close. The road is on the line of a farm track which in the early 1800s gave access from Trumpington Road to Blackland Farm (later called River Farm), after the land was awarded to F.C.J. Pemberton in the 1804-1809 Inclosure Award. Cambridge Nursery (later Willers Nursery) developed on the north side of the track, including a house at the junction with Trumpington Road. In the later 1800s, plots of land were leased for building and the first large house to be constructed was Southacre, built for Reverend Latham in 1880. He lived there until his death in 1902, after which the road was named in his memory. Southacre was demolished c. 1981 and its site was redeveloped, with access from Chaucer Road. See Chaucer Road and Latham Road and Rus in Urbe.
Queensway: built in the Queen’s Silver Jubilee year, 1977.
Newton Road: named after Trinity College fellow Isaac Newton (1642-1727); building started from 1892-96. Includes Apple Court, commemorating Newton’s apple tree, built in the 1950s. In 1809, when the Trumpington Inclosure Award was implemented together with the abolition of tithes, the Inclosure Commissioners allotted most of the land north of Long Road and east of Trumpington Road to Trinity College, in lieu of tithes. Henry VIII had granted the living of Trumpington to the College in 1546 and it had been entitled to the ‘great tithes’ up to the inclosure process.
Rayleigh Close: named after Trinity College fellow Lord Rayleigh (1842-1919), built in the 1970s.
Bentley Road: named after Trinity College fellow Richard Bentley (1662-1742); built from 1903.
Diamond Close: may have taken its name from the name of Newton’s dog (see Gray and Stubbings, p. 39).
Barrow Road: named after Trinity College fellow Isaac Barrow (1630-77); built from the 1930s. Isaac Barrow was a theologian and mathematician who was the first Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, with Isaac Newton as a student.
Porson Road, Porson Court: named after Trinity College fellow Richard Porson (1759-1808); built from the 1950s on Trinity College land. Includes Denis Wilson Court which was built in 1980 by the Royal British Legion for ex-servicemen and women and named in honour of its national treasurer. It was later taken over by a housing association and is now managed by Housing & Care 21, with 52 flats (see Trumpington Past & Present , p. 63, and Housing & Care 21 ).
Rutherford Road: named after Trinity College fellow Lord Rutherford (1871-1937); built in the 1950s also on Trinity College land.
Long Road: named Trumpington New Road on Baker’s 1830 map; also named Mill Road on the 1880s Ordnance Survey map, derived from the windmill on the north side of the road near its west end; still named Mill Road in the early 1900s; renamed Long Road before 1910 (‘Mill Road’ printed but ‘Long Road’ as an handwritten annotation on the Land Value map), presumably to reflect it originally being a long straight road.
Hudson Close: short close off the road to Clay Farm house, built 2011. Frances Pemberton’s daughter from her first marriage, Patience, born 1844, married Dr Thomas Percy Hudson in 1870.
Clay Farm (north)
The housing development named after Clay Farm, the farm house and farmland to the south of Long Road and east of Trumpington village. The overall development has been managed by Countryside Properties, with specific housing areas by Countryside itself, Crest Nicholson and Hill Residential, each of which was given a marketing name. Very confusingly, Countryside also used ‘Great Kneighton’ as the overall marketing name for Clay Farm and Glebe Farm. This is an historically inaccurate name: from the Medieval period to the early 1800s, ‘Great Kneighton’ was used for part of Trumpington parish near the current Hills Road, over a mile to the east of the Clay Farm area.
Aura development, northern area, south of Long Road, both sides of Lime Avenue (Countryside)
The Aura name is a marketing term adopted by Countryside. It has no historic significance. Two phases of the overall development have used this name, an initial phase in the northern area off Long Road and a subsequent phase to the south of the Halo development.
Lime Avenue: the northern part of the spine road through the Clay Farm development to Hobson Square, where the road becomes Hobson Avenue. The road was constructed from 2011- 13. Homes were constructed to the west and east of the road from 2013, with the first homes in Northrop Road occupied from mid 2014. The northern part of the road opened in mid 2014 to give access to the first phases of the Aura development. This was followed by the remaining length of the road from summer 2016, to give access to the Halo development, the southern part of the Aura development, the Virido development and Trumpington Community College. The road is lined with lime trees, planted by Countryside Properties as mature trees in 2012.
Seekings Close: Seekings Close is on the east side of Lime Avenue. The homes were constructed from 2014 and occupied from early 2015. It is named after the Seekings family. Charlie Seekings (1878-1949), a cowman and milkman lived at Whitelocks Yard, High Street. He married Sarah Wilson in 1899 and had 12 children, some of whom remained in Trumpington into the 1980s. One son, Charles Stanley Seekings (1913-1982), also a milkman, lived at Clay Farm Cottages.
Plantation Avenue: Plantation Avenue is south of Long Road, between Lime Avenue/Seekings Close and Hobson’s Brook, with a footpath giving access from Long Road. The homes were constructed from 2014 to 2016 and occupied from early 2015 to summer 2016. Clay Farm had a number of linear plantations which have been retained as part of the new development, including one planted in the early 1980s along the west side of Hobson’s Brook and another running east- west across the fields.
Whitelocks Drive: Whitelocks Drive is between Lime Avenue/Forbes Close and Hobson’s Brook, south of Plantation Avenue. The homes were constructed from 2015 to 2016, the northern part of the road was occupied from late 2015 and the eastern and southern part from spring 2016. The road is named after the Whitelocke family, also known as Whitelock. In 1657, Sir James Whitelocke married Mary Pychard, who lived at Trumpington Hall. Sir Francis Pemberton purchased the Hall in 1675, but Lady Whitelocke remained there until her death in 1715. In his will of 1724, her son George Whitelocke left a house on the west side of the High Street to help relieve poverty in Trumpington. That house and grounds has been rebuilt four times in the last 200 years, now known as Whitlocks. See Background to the name Whitelocks Drive .
Forbes Close: Forbes Close is on the east side of Lime Avenue, further away from Long Road than Seekings Close. The apartments and homes were constructed from early 2015 and occupied from early 2016, with an inner courtyard occupied from summer 2016. The close is named after Charles Forbes (d. 1926) who was head gardener at Anstey Hall and prominent in starting the Grantchester and Trumpington horticultural shows, c. 1880-90. Charles Forbes was born in 1850 in Birse, near Aboyne, Aberdeenshire. He built Aboyne Cottages at the eastern end of Alpha Terrace, lived at 1 Aboyne Cottages from about 1908, and died in Trumpington in 1926. One of the homes has an artwork on its upper wall commemorating the Cornwell family (who farmed Clay Farm from 1931-73).
Northrop Road: Northrop Road is to the west of Lime Avenue, south of Long Road, with footpath access from Long Road. Homes on the arm of the road near Lime Avenue were occupied from mid 2014 and those on the two east-west arms from autumn 2014. The road is named after the Northrop family who lived in the local area. Eli Northrop (c. 1864-1952) was an agricultural labourer who married Elizabeth Stearn (c. 1861-1950) in 1888. Eli and Elizabeth Northrop had four daughters, born in Trumpington between 1889 and 1901. Eli and Elizabeth lived at Clay Farm Cottages, on the south side of Mill Road [Long Road], until 1924; in 1934 they came back to Trumpington and lived in Mill Cottages, on the north side of Long Road. They were both buried in Trumpington. Includes The Aura Building: ‘Aura’ was the marketing name given to the development by Countryside Properties in 2013. The building is at the Lime Avenue/Northrop Road junction, with the first residents moving in from autumn 2014. See Background to the name Northrop Road .
Clay Farm Drive: Clay Farm Drive is between Lime Avenue and Willers Lane on the south side of the Aura development. The homes on the north side of Clay Farm Drive were constructed and occupied from 2014. The Aura development is part of the former Clay Farm. When the parish of Trumpington was enclosed in 1809, the land to the east of the village on both sides of Hobson’s Brook and south of Long Road was awarded to F.C.J. Pemberton. Clay Farm house was built near Long Road.
Willers Lane: The lane is aligned north-south from Long Road to Clay Farm Drive, with an established hedgerow to its west. Homes were occupied from mid 2014. It is named after Catherine Elizabeth (Kitty) Willers (1898-1977), the daughter of George Willers, nurseryman, and Alice (Lawrence). Kitty was a bell-ringer extraordinaire, the captain of the church bell tower and a respected village personality who lived in the High Street. (see an Appreciation by the bellringers.)
Halo development, south of Long Road, to the west of Lime Avenue (Crest Nicholson)
Halo is a marketing name adopted by the developers. It has no historic significance.
Lime Avenue: the continuation of the spine road from Long Road, see above. The apartments on the west side of the road, south of the first arm of Clay Farm Drive, named The Caldwell Building, were constructed from 2015 and occupied from early 2016. Further apartments to the south, towards the established tree belt, named Dovecot House, were constructed from 2016 and occupied from early 2017. It is assumed that these names were given to the buildings by the original developers, Skanska; they do not have a local significance.
Clay Farm Drive: Clay Farm Drive branches off Lime Avenue, see above. It has a number of arms within the Halo development. There is play area in the western part of the development and a path linking Clay Farm Drive with Wingate Way, opened in autumn 2019. The homes on the south side of the road and its arms to the south were constructed from 2015 and occupied from early 2016. Homes to the west of this were constructed from 2016-18 and occupied from late 2016. Construction was completed in late 2019.
Brook End Close: Brook End Close is to the north of Clay Farm Drive, south of Long Road and west of an established hedgerow, with Willers Lane on the further side of the hedgerow. It is named after Hobson’s Brook, which flows through the Clay Farm development to the east of the Close. Construction started in late 2016 and homes were occupied from late 2017.
Nine Wells Road: Nine Wells Road is between Lime Avenue and the first of the north-south branches of Clay Farm Drive. It is named after Nine Wells Local Nature Reserve, where there is a series of springs which provide the source for Hobson’s Brook, to the south east of Clay Farm. It was constructed from early 2016, with homes occupied from summer 2016. It includes Northcroft House, at the junction with Lime Avenue. It is assumed that the name Northcroft House was given to the building by the original developers, Skanska, it does not have a local significance.
Green Lane: Green Lane is at the southern end of the development, parallel with the old tree belt and presumably named in recognition of that feature. The lane and homes were constructed from late 2014. The apartment building is named Windslow House, occupied from early 2017. It is assumed that the name Windslow House was given to the building by the original developers, Skanska, it does not have a local significance.
Aura development, southern area, west of Lime Avenue and Trumpington Community College (Countryside)
The second phase of the Aura development.
Lime Avenue: the continuation of the northern spine road, past Trumpington Community College towards Hobson Square, see above. Homes on the west side of the road were constructed from early 2016 and occupied from 2017. There is a small square and play area opposite the entrance to Trumpington Community College, opened late 2017. Homes at the southern end of the road, near the Clay Farm Centre, were constructed from 2018.
Windmill Drive: the access road to the west of Lime Avenue, constructed from early 2016. There are two branches of the road from Lime Avenue, continuing on the west side of the development. The homes were constructed from late 2016 and occupied from 2017. A tower windmill (corn mill) was built in 1831, on the north side of Long Road near the Long Road/Trumpington Road junction. The presence of the mill is recognised in the name of the first house on the north side of Long Road, Mill House. Long Road itself was named Mill Road from the late 1800s to around 1910.
Woodpecker Way: Woodpecker Way is a north-south road between the north and south parts of Windmill Drive, parallel with Lime Avenue. The road and homes were constructed from 2016 and occupied from 2017. Woodpeckers are regularly seen and heard in the local shelter belts and woods.
Hawkey Road: Hawkey Road branches off to the south of Windmill Drive, west of Lime Avenue. The road and homes were constructed from 2016 and occupied from late 2017. In the 1950-60s, the Trumpington Young Farmers Club held Hawkey Suppers to celebrate the completion of the harvest. (See Trumpington Young Farmers’ Club , early 1960s.)
Trumpington Community College: the college is on the east side of Lime Avenue. It was constructed from 2014 and opened at this location in September 2016.
Aura development west of the Clay Farm Centre (Countryside)
The third phase of the Aura development, under construction from early 2018.
There was an old farm track on the north side of the parcel, originally going from Manor Farm due east across Clay Farm. Following the development of the housing estate in the 1940s and then Addenbrooke’s Hospital from the 1960s, the track continued from the corner of Foster Road and Paget Road into Clay Farm and on towards the hospital. In early 2019, it was realigned and reconstructed to create a footpath linking Foster Road, Paget Road, Lime Avenue and the busway. The first part of the path to Lime Avenue reopened in March 2019
Stacey Road: Stacey Road is a turning off Fowler Avenue, constructed from early 2018, with homes occupied from early spring 2019. The Stacey family was a long-established Trumpington family, traceable from the earliest parish register in 1567 into the 19th century. One of the finest headstones in the churchyard – and the oldest legible memorial – is to William and Susanna Stacey, who died in 1729 and 1720, and two of their sons. This William’s father, also William, was born about 1642, during the Commonwealth period after the Civil War, when there were no baptisms recorded. By the 1660s, he was a respected member of the community, with terms as Petty Constable and Overseer of the Poor. One of the younger William’s grandsons was named in the Inclosure award and map of 1804 as owning a parcel of land on the east side of the Shelford Road, on the parish boundary. (See A Walk Around Trumpington Churchyard .)
Henty Close: Henty Close is a turning off Lime Avenue, under construction from early 2018, with homes occupied from summer 2019. George Alfred Henty [G.A. Henty] (1832-1902) was an author, journalist and war correspondent, born in Trumpington to James and Mary Bovill Henty. He was best known for historical adventure stories which were very popular in the late 19th century.
Fowler Avenue: the road on the south east side of the development, from Lime Avenue, overlooking the Clay Farm Centre. The road was constructed from 2016 to give access to the Virido development, with homes along the eastern part of the road constructed from early 2018 and occupied from autumn 2019. See below for derivation of the name.
Hering Road: Hering Road is to the east of Lime Avenue and south of Trumpington Community College’s sports area. Its northern arm is parallel with the alignment of one of the farm tracks that crossed Clay Farm, going from Trumpington village to the main railway line. It was constructed from early 2019, with homes occupied from late 2020. Hering Road is named after the Hering family: Charles and Margaret Hering lived at The Green Man, Trumpington High Street, from 1905 to 1936, where Charles Hering was the innkeeper. Charles Hermann Hering (1870-1936) was born in Waldenburg, Saxony, Germany, and Margaret Rouse (1867- 1954) was born in London. They married in 1894 and had 3 children, two of whom were born in Trumpington. (See the page about The Green Man for information about the public house.)
Poulter Walk: Poulter Walk is to the north east of Hobson Square, parallel with the Busway. It was the final area to be constructed within the Aura development, with work underway from 2019 to 2022. Poulter Walk and the length of Hobson Avenue facing Hobson Square include a number of shop units, completed in spring 2022: a supermarket (on the corner of Hobson Avenue and the Busway path), 3 retail units and 1 retail unit/cafe. The supermarket is to be a Co-op. Poulter Walk is named after the Poulter family: Hannah (c. 1870-1934), and her unmarried daughters Emily Elizabeth (1895-1980) and Hannah May (1898-1942), who lived in Whitelocks Yard, Trumpington High Street. They were well-known laundresses: the laundry trade was an important occupation in Trumpington in the 19th and early 20th centuries, with business coming from the colleges and private homes.
Virido development, between Foster Road and the Busway (Hill Residential)
Virido is a marketing name with no historic significance.
Fowler Avenue: the road from Lime Avenue into the Virido development, to the north west of the Clay Farm Centre. Fowler Avenue forms the northern boundary of the Virido development, constructed from early 2016, with homes on the Virido part of the road occupied from early 2017. The road is named after Sir Ralph Howard Fowler (1889-1944), a mathematical physicist who lived in Trumpington. He was appointed lecturer in mathematics at Trinity College in 1920, working under the influence of Sir Ernest Rutherford, and was later Professor of Mathematical Physics. He married Sir Ernest’s daughter, Eileen Mary Rutherford, in 1921. In the 1930s, the family lived at Cromwell House, Trumpington Road, where Sir Ralph died in 1944.
Harradine Street: the first turn off Fowler Avenue. The road was constructed from late 2015 and homes were occupied from early 2017. The road is named after the Harradines, a long- established Trumpington family. Members of the family were the village blacksmiths from the 1760s. At the enclosure of the parish in 1804, William, Martha and James Harradine were awarded adjacent parcels of land to the east of Trumpington High Street (including the area now crossed by Alpha Terrace and Wingate Way). With 15 acres, they became the largest lay landowners after the Pemberton and Anstey families.
Pychard Road: the second turn off Fowler Avenue. The road was constructed from 2016 and homes occupied from early 2017. The Pychard or Pitcher family owned one of the manors in the parish of Trumpington from the 1400s. When Thomas Pychard died in 1655, he devised his lands to his wife Mary, who lived at Trumpington Hall. By 1657, Mary Pychard had married Sir James Whitelocke, a Cromwellian knight. In 1675, the heirs Thomas and John Pitcher sold the reversion to Sir Francis Pemberton, but Lady Whitelocke remained at Trumpington Hall until her death in 1715.
Drury Avenue: the third turn off Fowler Avenue, forming the western and southern boundary of the Virido development, linking with Harradine Street. The road was construction from 2016 and homes on the southern arm were occupied from early 2017 and on the western arm from 2017. The western arm incorporates the line of the long-established footpath to the rear of Foster Road. The road is named after John Drury, who was a long-serving and inspirational teacher at Fawcett School. He will be particularly remembered for his end of term productions, when the musicals were eagerly awaited by parents and students alike. After his retirement in 1987, he established a small wholesale nursery growing scented geraniums.
Dobson Way: an east-west link road between Drury Avenue and Harradine Street, continuing to the east towards Hobson Square. The road was constructed from 2016 and homes were occupied from early 2017. The Dobsons were another long-established Trumpington family, including stone masons and builders. At the enclosure of the parish in 1804, William Dobson was awarded two small parcels of land, one in the village centre between the High Street and Church Lane and another at the southern edge of the parish east of Shelford Road.
Hartree Lane: an east-west link road between Drury Avenue and Harradine Street, also continuing to the east towards the Busway. The lane was construction from 2016 and homes occupied from spring 2017. The road is named after Eva Hartree and family. William Hartree (c. 1870-1943) and Eva Rayner (c. 1873-1947) married in 1895 and the family lived in Newton Road and Bentley Road, Trumpington, in the 1900s-1940s. William Hartree was a university lecturer in engineering. Eva Hartree was active in public affairs. She served as President of the National Council of Women, was a local Councillor and the first woman to be Mayor of Cambridge, in 1924-25. One of their three children, Douglas Rayner Hartree (1897-1958), was a theoretical physicist and mathematician, whose achievements included the development of numerical analysis and the construction of a differential analyser made with Meccano. He was closely involved in the development of computers in the 1940s.
The Virido development includes a central square, bordered by Harradine Street, Hartree Lane, Pychard Road and Dobson Way, constructed from 2016 and accessible from early 2017.
Hobson Square : the main square within Clay Farm, adjacent to the Busway, at the meeting point of Lime Avenue and Hobson Avenue, midway between Long Road and Shelford Road. The Square was constructed by Tamdown for Countryside from mid 2014 to mid 2015. Named after Thomas Hobson (1544/45-1631), a Cambridge carrier who left money in his will towards the maintenance of the conduit and brook which had been constructed c. 1610 and now bears his name. The Clay Farm Centre is on the northwest side of the square, with community rooms, the Clay Farm Library, Trumpington Medical Centre and accommodation. Construction starting in April 2015 and the Centre opened from April 2018. The Medical Centre opened in March 2020, just before the start of the pandemic. The Centre was named in 2015, in recognition of its location within the area of Clay Farm. (See the Centre website.) There will also be a number of retail units on two sides of the Square, with those on the south west side constructed from early 2016 and occupied from spring 2018. The first to open was Gregory’s Pharmacy in spring 2018, when it had been anticipated that the Medical Centre would be moving to the Clay Farm Centre, but this move was delayed until 2020 (Welfare Pharmacy from May 2021). The adjacent unit was developed as a local shop from late 2019, opening as a Nisa store in February 2020. Dobson Way links Hobson Square into the Virido area. The final phase of the square, on the north east side, was constructed from 2018 and completed in 2022. This includes Hering Road and Poulter Walk, with a number of shop units, completed in spring 2022: a Co-op supermarket (on the corner of Hobson Avenue and the Busway path), 3 retail units and 1 retail unit/cafe.
High Street: the main road through the village, from Long Road to the junction with Hauxton Road and Shelford Road. ‘High Street’ was in use by the 1841 census, but the road was also called London Road or Cambridge Road in other 19th century censuses and on Ordnance Survey maps and Trumpington Road on the 1910 Land Value map. Also known as Trumpington High Street (road sign at the junction with Hauxton Road and Shelford Road, October 2012).
Gazeley Road: the first house in the road was built in 1891 and was originally named ‘Goldieslie’; the second occupant of the house, Mrs J. Collin, grew up in Gazeley, Suffolk, and the house was renamed ‘Gazeley House’. The name had been adopted for the road by 1910 when the Land Value map was annotated with the name in pencil (see map above and also Trumpington Past & Present , p. 108 and Gray and Stubbings, p. 137). There are ‘private road’ signs at the junction with Trumpington High Street which have Gazeley Lane , but Gazeley Road is the correct name.
Wingate Way: named after William Warburton Wingate (d. 1943), who married Viola Pemberton. The eastern end of Wingate Way faced onto farmland until the development of homes on Clay Farm from the early 2010s. There is a path connecting Wingate Way to Clay Farm Drive, opened in autumn 2019.
Winchmore Drive: the name may be associated with the Pemberton estate, built in the 1970s.
Lambourne Close and Gayton Close: originally called ‘Trumpington Court’, built in 1979 by Melbourn Property Co. Ltd., Potton. The ‘Close’ names had no local connections: the company chose them as they were attractive. The company’s subsequent developments in the area were named after trees and shrubs, including The Brambles.
Alpha Terrace: the road is named after ‘Alpha Cottage’, which is on the corner of the High Street. This had been built for James Cuming, who had a boarding school in the house on the opposite corner, on the site now occupied by St Mary’s House. James Cuming’s son, Charles, inherited the land to the east of the High Street and after he died it was sold in 1879 for building plots. The road was originally called Scott’s Row. Number 3 was occupied by Charles Scott and family in 1881. He was a bricklayer and he and his son, Nathan, probably built many of the older houses. Nathan Scott had a builder’s yard next to the Free Church. The road was called Alpha Row in the parish register entries from 1886-90 and Alpha Terrace in the 1891 census; also known as Alpha Road and recorded as such on the 1903 Ordnance Survey map: the 1910 Land Value map was annotated to read Alpha Terrace (see Building Alpha Terrace and illustration 49 in Trumpington in Old Picture Postcards). Leads to Fawcett Primary School, opened 1949-50, and Fawcett House (formerly the Cambridgeshire Professional Development Centre).
Scotsdowne Road: named after Scott’s builders yard? The homes were occupied from early 1969.
Sefton Close: derivation not known.
Southbrooke Close: derivation not known.
Beverley Way: assumed to be named after Beverley Cathedral; there is no record at the Guildhall about the name, early 1970s (see What ‘ s the Connection? ).
Trumpington Mews: no specific derivation.
Church Lane: the road between the church and the High Street; Church Street in the 1841 and later censuses.
Grantchester Road: the road between Trumpington village and Grantchester; Grantchester Lane in the 1881 and later censuses.
Campbell Lane: presumably named after Captain William Huntley Campbell (d. 1844), the first husband of Frances Pemberton. Built in the 1970s.
Maris Lane: named after the Maris family who built and lived in Maris House and farmed Church Farm in the early-mid 19th century. ‘Maris’ was used as the first element in the name of a number of the crops developed by the Plant Breeding Institute, whose entrance was on Maris Lane from the 1950s. Other elements from these names, such as ‘Piper’, have been used for street names on Trumpington Meadows (see Background to the name Maris Lane).
Anstey Way: named after the Anstey family, owners of Anstey Hall from 1748-1838 (Anstey Hall was acquired by Dr Christopher Anstey in 1748 after he and his wife, Mary, contested the will of her father, Anthony Thompson) (see Names of the Estate Roads). Until the end of World War 2, there was an unnamed farm track from the High Street across the fields towards Hills Road, serving Church Farm (where Bidwells was built). The new road was built and named in 1946, to provide access to the new Council housing estate. It includes the crescent of shops, built by the Council in the 1950s. There was also a block of flats and houses, demolished and replaced with apartments in 2018-20, named Wilson Court and Lingrey Court, with occupants moving into these from February 2020. Wilson Court is named in memory of the three Wilson brothers who died in World War 1. Also Crossways Gardens, built in 1970 in the grounds of the former Crossways House. A block of flats called Crossways House was built in the 1980s and renovated in 2012.
Lingrey Court: derived from ‘Lingey Fen’, an area on the west bank of the River Cam near Byron’s Pool where ice-skating championships were held in the 1920s (‘Lingrey’ with an ‘r’ was mistakenly used by the Council). The road has a group of self-build houses, work on which started in July 1982 and the first houses were occupied in April 1983. The Lingrey Court apartment block built in 2018-20 also faces onto the road.
Paget Road, Paget Close: presumably named after Sir George Edward Paget (1809-92), eminent physician involved with the development of Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the Medical School. The roads were named in 1946. [Not named after his brother, Sir James Paget, Paget’s disease.] (See Names of the Estate Roads ).
Foster Road: probably named after the Foster family, owners of Anstey Hall, 1838-1941. Ebenezer Foster was a Cambridge banker who purchased Anstey Hall and the adjoining farm in 1838. Over 20 members of the Foster family are buried in the parish churchyard. Foster Road was named in 1946 when farmland was developed as the Borough Council’s new estate. [It is assumed Foster Road was not named after Sir Michael Foster (1836-1907), Professor of Physiology, Cambridge University, who lived in Great Shelford. Sir Michael Foster and Sir George Paget were two of the great leaders of medicine in 19th century Cambridge.] (See Names of the Estate Roads and Background to the name Foster Road )
Byron Square: presumably named after Lord Byron (1788-1824), poet, Cambridge student who swam at ‘Byron’s Pool’; named in 1946 (see Names of the Estate Roads ).
Monkswell: derivation of the name not known, built on former allotment land in the 1970s.
Ely Place: built on allotment land in 1987 and assumed to be named after Ely Cathedral; there is no record at the Guildhall about the name (see What ‘ s the Connection? ).
Salisbury Place: built on allotment land in 1987 and assumed to be named after Salisbury Cathedral; there is no record at the Guildhall about the name (see What ‘ s the Connection? ).
Hauxton Road: the road between Trumpington village and the southern boundary of the parish at Hauxton Mill; shown as ‘Turnpike Road’ on the 1804 inclosure map.
Allen Court: named after Thomas Allen, charity benefactor in the 17th century; built 1964.
Freshfields: derivation not known.
Trumpington Meadows
The housing development west of Hauxton Road and south of the parish church and village centre, named by its developers in the mid-2000s. The development project was being led by Grosvenor and homes are being constructed by Barratt Homes. There will eventually be 1200 homes, a primary school, country park and local play areas and a local centre. The first phase of development was in the northern part of the site, near the village centre. Subsequent phases have extended around Trumpington Meadows Primary School and to the County Park. The final phases extended the development around the Park & Ride site to the Addenbrooke’s Road/Hauxton Road junction. When the parish was enclosed in 1804-09, the land called ‘Hauxton Field’ was awarded to Christopher Anstey of nearby Anstey Hall and was later known as Anstey Hall Farm. It was taken over by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1950 and became a world-famous plant breeding centre (see History of the Plant Breeding Institute ). The name ‘Trumpington Meadows’ has no historic significance. The roads within the development have been named after crop varieties bred in Trumpington by the Plant Breeding Institute and field names used for the area during its use by the Plant Breeding Institute. Thanks to Dr Stephen Brown for advice on the names.
Old Mills Road: the perimeter road on the north east side of the development, with Waitrose and Anstey Hall to its north; constructed from 2012, with the first homes occupied in 2013. A footpath was constructed from the Waitrose store to Old Mills Road in autumn 2016. A water mill in Trumpington was referred to in the Domesday Book, 1086, and the 1804 Inclosure map shows four parcels of land called ‘Old Mills Holt’, both sides of the river downstream from the weir. ‘Old Mills Field’ was a field name for an area near the river to the north of the old railway line, used as a name when the land was farmed and during the Plant Breeding Institute period.
Banner Road: a north-south road between Consort Avenue and Old Mills Road in the northern part of the development; constructed from 2012, with the first homes occupied in 2013. ‘Banner’ was a variety of winter beans bred in Trumpington by the Plant Breeding Institute.
Rialto Close: an east-west road between Banner Road and Old Mills Road in the northern part of the development; constructed from 2012, with the first homes occupied from mid 2013. ‘Rialto’ winter wheat was bred in Trumpington by the Plant Breeding Institute.
Consort Avenue: the east-west spine road in the northern part of the development, from Hauxton Road to the junction of One Tree Road and Osprey Drive; constructed from 2012, with homes occupied from 2013. ‘Consort’ was an important variety of winter wheat bred in Trumpington. It was initiated by the Plant Breeding Institute and developed by Plant Breeding International Cambridge (see History of the Plant Breeding Institute). Includes Anstey View, facing the play area and towards the grounds of Anstey Hall and the Hall itself. The Anstey Hall Play Area was officially opened in February 2017. (See Trumpington Meadows street names: Piper, Otter, Consort.)
Spring Drive: a road in the northern part of the development, from Consort Avenue to Hauxton Road; one of the first roads to be constructed at Trumpington Meadows starting in 2012, with houses occupied from August 2012. ‘Spring Field’ was a field name for an area with a spring near the river to the south of the old railway line. This was used as a name when the land was farmed and during the Plant Breeding Institute period.
Forty Acre Road: a road linking Consort Avenue and Spring Drive in the northern part of the development; constructed from 2012, with homes occupied from 2013. ‘Forty Acres’ was a field name for an area west of Hauxton Road and south of the M11, used as a name during the Plant Breeding Institute period.
Kestrel Rise: a road to the northwest of the Park & Ride site and north of the primary school, linking the path from the Park & Ride site to Osprey Drive . It was constructed from 2013, with homes occupied from 2014. ‘Maris Kestrel’ is a marrow stem kale, bred in Trumpington by the Plant Breeding Institute. The Trumpington Meadows Play Area was officially opened in February 2017.
Piper Road: a road off Consort Avenue at the northernmost end of the development, with the grounds of Anstey Hall to the east and views to the tower of the parish church , forming an inverted V with One Tree Road. The road was constructed from 2014, with homes occupied from autumn 2014. ‘Maris Piper’ is a highly successful potato variety bred in Trumpington by the Plant Breeding Institute, first released in 1966 and still in production (see the History of the Plant Breeding Institute ). When the area was excavated in 2011 , the archaeological team found evidence of the early Saxon settlement to the west of Piper Road, including the bed burial and the gold and garnet Trumpington c ross . (See Trumpington Meadows street names: Piper, Otter, Consort .)
One Tree Road: the road at the northernmost part of the development, the northern continuation of Osprey Drive with views to the parish church, forming an inverted V with Piper Road. The road was constructed from 2014 with homes occupied from autumn 2014. Construction work on the west side of the road continued into 2015. ‘One Tree Field’ was a field name for this area when the land was farmed and during the Plant Breeding Institute period.
Proctor Drive: the east-west continuation of Old Mills Road, constructed from 2013, with homes occupied from 2014. ‘Proctor’ was a spring barley with good malting quality bred by the Plant Breeding Institute, the use of which resulted in a tripling of barley production between the 1950s and 1960s (see the History of the Plant Breeding Institute ).
Huntsman Road: between Consort Avenue and Osprey Drive to the west of the John Lewis building, constructed from 2013, with the first homes occupied in mid 2014. ‘Maris Huntsman’ was a wheat variety bred by the Plant Breeding Institute that gave a big stimulus to production. The Trumpington Meadows Play Area was officially opened in February 2017.
Osprey Drive: the main north-south spine road, running from the junction of Consort Avenue and One Tree Road to Trumpington Meadows Primary School and the local centre and south to the junction with Hauxton Road. The northern part of the road was constructed from 2013, with the first homes on the east side of the road occupied in 2014 and those on the west side of the road from late 2015 into 2016. It was extended to the west and south of the primary school from 2016, with homes occupied from 2017. It was further extended to the south from 2017 to 2023, with side roads towards the Country Park and the Park & Ride site, and homes occupied from 2017 to the final completions in 2023-24. The construction of the road was nearly complete in late 2022, with traffic allowed to use the road through to the Hauxton Road junction during the morning peak period in December 2022. The road fully opened to the Hauxton Road junction in December 2023. ‘Maris Osprey’ was a winter oat variety bred by the Plant Breeding Institute. A local centre was constructed in front of the primary school from late 2017 and opened from summer 2018. The first shop unit was occupied by a branch of Sainsbury’s Local, which opened on 24 August 2018. Frankie’s Hair Salon opened in October 2023. A group of art works was installed in autumn 2019. The green corridor between Osprey Drive and the Country Park is called Piper Green.
Trumpington Meadows Primary School: the school is at the junction of Osprey Drive and Kestrel Rise. Construction started in 2012 and the school opened in September 2013.
Bead Road: Bead Road is the extension of One Tree Road on the north west side of the development, constructed from early 2015, with homes occupied from mid 2015. Together with Avalon Way, it provides the northern access path to the Country Park. There is a footpath linking the junction of Bead Road and Avalon Way to Grantchester Road, opened when the Anstey Hall Barns development was completed in late 2017. ‘Maris Bead’ is a spring bean variety bred by the Plant Breeding Institute.
Avalon Way: Avalon Way is on the north west side of the development, continuing west from Proctor Drive and Bead Road, with a western arm overlooking the Country Park. The road was constructed from mid 2015 and homes occupied from autumn 2015. ‘Avalon’ was the first of many modern wheat varieties for bread making bred by the Plant Breeding Institute.
Hereward Road: Hereward Road is parallel with One Tree Road on the west side of the development, linking Avalon Way and Charger Road, under construction in 2015, with homes occupied from late 2015. ‘Hereward’ is one of the best bread making wheat varieties, bred by the Plant Breeding Institute and grown by farmers since the early 1990s.
Charger Road: Charger Road is the western continuation of Consort Avenue in the north west part of the development. An east-west arm was constructed from mid 2015, with homes occupied from late 2015. A north-south arm linking with Renard Way was constructed from 2016, with homes on the east side occupied from autumn 2016 and homes on the west side under construction from mid 2017 and occupied from autumn 2018. Charger Road provides one of the main access paths to the Country Park. ‘Charger’ is a winter wheat initiated by the Plant Breeding Institute, developed by Plant Breeding International Cambridge, and released in 1992.
Otter Close: Otter Close is on the western edge of the development, off Hereward Road, with homes constructed from autumn 2015 into 2016. ‘Maris Otter’ is a winter variety of malting barley bred by the Plant Breeding Institute, now used mainly be artisan brewers. The 50th harvest of the variety was in 2015. (See Trumpington Meadows street names: Piper, Otter, Consort .)
Carmine Road: Carmine Road is off Charger Road, parallel with Osprey Drive on the west side of the development, under construction in late 2015, occupied from early 2016. ‘Carmine’ is a grain maize produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1992.
Argent Road: Argent Road is off Osprey Drive on the west side of the development. It was constructed from late 2015, with homes occupied from spring 2016. ‘Argent’ is a winter wheat produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1977.
Berwick Place : Berwick Place is off Argent Road, parallel with Osprey Drive on the west side of the development. It was constructed from early 2016, with homes occupied from autumn 2016. ‘Berwick’ is a spring barley produced by Plant Breeding International in 2001.
Renard Way: Renard Way is on the west side of the development, with a north-south and east-west arm, the latter looking onto a green area between the country park and primary school (Piper Green). The north-south arm is an extension of Charger Road and links with Argent Road, Falcon Road and Kinsman Way. The first homes and apartments were constructed from early 2016 and occupied from autumn 2016. Further homes were constructed on the west side of the road from 2017, ongoing in spring 2020. ‘Renard’ is a winter wheat produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1983. The apartments along Renard Way have been named in commemoration of poets, Virginia Woolf House, Rupert Brooke House, Sylvia Plath House, Ted Hughes House, Siegfried Sassoon House, Samuel Coleridge House, John Milton House, Lord Byron House, plus The Prow.
Falcon Road: Falcon Road links Osprey Drive and Renard Way to the south of the local centre, with a side arm parallel with these roads. The road and homes were constructed from 2016 and the homes occupied from early 2017. ‘Falcon’ is a winter barley produced by Plant Breeding International Cambridge in 1996.
Kinsman Way: Kinsman Way is to the south of Falcon Road, between Renard Way and Osprey Drive. The road and homes were constructed from late 2016 and occupied from late 2017. ‘Kinsman’ is a winter wheat produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1975.
Mardler Close: Mardler Close branches off from Osprey Drive, south of the local centre. The road and homes were constructed from 2017 and occupied from late 2017. ‘Mardler’ is a winter wheat produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1977. The green corridor from Osprey Drive to the Country Park, between Mardler Close and Britannia Walk, is called Railway Green. This commemorates the route of the Cambridge-Bedford railway line.
Dove Drive: Dove Drive is a road off Osprey Drive to the east of the junction with Mardler Close, constructed in 2017 and occupied from late 2017. It faces onto Trumpington Meadows Primary School playing field. ‘Dove’ is a spring wheat produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1971.
Britannia Walk: Britannia Walk is to the west of Osprey Drive in the southern part of the development, constructed from late 2017. ‘Britannia’ is a spring barley produced by the Plant Breeding Institute.
Ploughman Way: Ploughman Way is to the east of Osprey Drive, with a further arm parallel with the Park & Ride site’s western boundary, in the southern part of the development. It was constructed from late 2017 and occupied from autumn 2018. There is short footpath linking the road to the Park & Ride site. ‘Ploughman’ is a winter wheat produced by the Plant Breeding Institute.
Avocet Road: Avocet Road is to the west of Osprey Drive and overlooking the Country Park, in the southern part of the development, linking Britannia Walk and Hornet Road. It was constructed from 2018, with homes occupied from summer 2019. ‘Avocet’ is a winter wheat produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1983.
Hornet Road: Hornet Road is to the west of Osprey Drive in the southern part of the development, constructed from 2018, with homes occupied from summer 2019. ‘Hornet’ is a winter wheat produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1986.
Forester Road: Forester Road is to the west of Osprey Drive and overlooking the Country Park, in the southern part of the development. It was construction from 2018 and homes were occupied from late 2019. ‘Forester’ is a spring barley produced by the Plant Breeding Institute.
Porter Road: Porter Road is to the east of Osprey Drive in the southern part of the development. It was constructed from 2018, with the first homes occupied in autumn 2018. It links with Ploughman Way. ‘Porter’ is a spring barley produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1981.
Oxbow Place: Oxbow Place is to the south west of Osprey Drive and overlooking the Country Park, in the southern part of the development, constructed from 2019, with the first homes occupied in late 2020. ‘Oxbow’ is a winter wheat initiated by the Plant Breeding Institute, developed by Plant Breeding International Cambridge, and released in 2001. The green corridor from Osprey Drive to the Country Park, between Oxbow Place and Jupiter Way, is called Shepherd’s Way.
Jupiter Way: Jupiter Way is to the south west of Osprey Drive and overlooking the Country Park, in the southern part of the development, under construction in 2021, with homes occupied from 2022. ‘Jupiter’ is a spring barley produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1977.
Maythorpe Road: Maythorpe Road is to the north east of Osprey Drive, in the southern part of the development, under construction in 2021, with homes occupied from early 2022. ‘Maythorpe’ is a spring barley produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1963.
Deacon Drive: Deacon Drive is to the north east of Osprey Drive, with one arm parallel with the Park & Ride site’s southern boundary, under construction from 2021, with homes occupied from early 2022. ‘Deacon’ is a spring barley produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1983.
Anchor Road: Anchor Road is parallel with Hauxton Road to the north east of Osprey Drive, on the eastern side of the development, with one arm linking to Deacon Drive. Homes were under construction in 2021 and occupied from autumn 2022. ‘Anchor’ is a potato produced by the Plant Breeding Institute in 1971.
Trumpington Meadows Country Park and Nature Reserve: part of the Trumpington Meadows development, this extensive park extends from Grantchester Road to Hauxton Mill, to the east of the River Cam. It has been developed and managed by the Wildlife Trust, accessible from 2015 and officially opened in 2016. The Wildlife Trust has an office at the northern end of the park, constructed in late 2016 – early 2017, opened in mid 2017.
Trumpington Meadows allotments: there are allotments at the northern end of the Country Park, parallel with Grantchester Road. These started to be cultivated in 2019.
Shelford Road: the road between Trumpington village and Cambridge Road, Great Shelford; shown as ‘Turnpike Road’ on the 1804 inclosure map; named ‘Shelford Road’ in the 1911 census.
The Brambles: built in the 1970s or 1980s by Melbourn Property Co. Ltd., Potton, the same developers as Lambourne Close and Gayton Close. Their second round of developments were named after trees.
Cranleigh Close and Craven Close: built by Willett Homes in 1968-69, the area between Hauxton Road and Shelford Road was previously an open space (allotments owned by the church in the 19th and early 20th century).
Wedd Close: development of 7 homes on the site of 77 and 77A Shelford Road, named in early 2020 in honour of Leslie W. Wedd, who built the original house, and L.W. Wedd and Son, which operated from a workshop from the rear of the site
Bishop’s Road, Bishop’s Court: the first houses in Bishop’s Road were built in the early 1920s, with the road named on the 1925 Ordnance Survey map. Additional houses were built by the late 1930s and most plots were developed by 1950. There was a further extension of the road into allotments at its western end in the 1970s. Bishop’s Court was also built in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The southern side of the Bishop’s Road gardens faced onto Glebe Farm until that was developed as further housing in the 2010s. The area was awarded to the ‘Vicar’ as church glebe land at the enclosure of the parish in 1804-09. The road may have been named after Arthur Wallis Bishop (managing director of Hallack and Bond, wholesale grocers in Petty Cury, Cambridge, who lived at 9 Chaucer Road) who died on 15 August 1919 and who was a highly respected member of the parish church. His obituary in the Parish Magazine (October 1919) includes “It is no exaggeration to say that he was in various ways a real benefactor to the Church and the village of Trumpington.”. Alternatively, it may be named from the church connection, with the daughter of the Bishop of Sheffield selling one of the plots for development.
Lantree Crescent: built in gardens to the rear of Bishop’s Road and named after the developers, Lantree Limited, 1963-67 (see Land Registry notice in London Gazette , April 1967).
Exeter Close: built from 1962 to the early 1970s, on the route of the farm track to Glebe Farm House. In late 2017, the track past Glebe Farm House was repaved and connected to Overhill Close in the Glebe Farm development. Exeter Close is assumed to be named after Exeter Cathedral; there is no record in Cambridge City Council (the Guildhall) about the origin of the name. (See What ‘ s the Connection? ).
Trumpington Place: a small development by Carlton Homes, built by Gusto Construction in 2013, with homes occupied in 2013-14. Located to the rear of 102-08 Shelford Road, with access from Addenbrooke’s Road.
Showground Road and Showground Close: the road is on the line of a farm track from Shelford Road to the fields to the rear which were used as the site for the Royal Agricultural Show in 1951, 1960 and 1961, with the fields becoming known as the ‘Showground’ area of Clay Farm. Showground Road and Showground Close were named in 2012 when a group of apartments were built to the rear of 99-105 Shelford Road, adjacent to Addenbrooke’s Road.
Merryvale: derivation not known.
Reed Close: named after the local builder, David Reed. Built in 1984 after a long argument: the original plan had been for 12 houses, later reduced to 6 houses on a smaller footprint, leaving land to left and right for separate development.
Clay Farm (south), Showground
The housing development named after Clay Farm, the farmland to the south of Long Road and east of the village, the site of the Royal Show in the 1950s and 1960s. The overall development has been managed by Countryside Properties, with specific housing areas by Countryside itself, Skanska, Bovis and CALA Homes.
Abode development, east of Shelford Road (Countryside)
Abode is a marketing term adopted by Countryside. It has no historic significance. The development has been built in a number of phases, along Addenbrooke’s Road and Hobson Avenue, with homes constructed from 2012-18. The farm track from the Abode development to the Foster Road busway stop, parallel with the old railway cutting, was made up and surfaced in autumn 2018.
Addenbrooke’s Road : the first phase of the Adobe development is either side of Addenbrooke’s Road, from its junction with Shelford Road to the roundabout and a short distance towards Addenbrooke’s Hospital. Homes to the left (north) of Addenbrooke’s Road and at the roundabout – including the terrace facing the roundabout – were constructed from 2012-14 and occupied from 2013; those to the right (south) were constructed from 2013-15 and occupied from late 2014. A further group of homes were constructed at the junction with Hobson Road (on the site of the marketing suite) from 2018, occupied from late 2019. Includes The Williams Building, The Cherry Building, The Sayle Building and The Forbes Building (see separate descriptions of Addenbrooke’s Road and the buildings).
Royal Way: the area of Clay Farm immediately to the east of Shelford Road became known as the Showground after being used by the Royal Show in 1951, 1960 and 1961. Annual shows were organised by the Royal Agricultural Society from 1839 to 2009. In the 1950s, these shows were major celebrations of farming, with large-scale structures being erected and high visitor numbers. The local shows were supported by the Pemberton family. Royal Way is to the west of Hobson Road, between Hobson Road and an old plantation and the railway cutting now used by the Busway, with homes constructed from 2012-15 and the first homes occupied in 2013. Includes a series of linking green lanes and the Southwell Building at the junction with Hobson Road, constructed from 2014-15 and occupied from 2015: Sir Richard Vynne Southwell (1888- 1970) was a mechanical and aeronautical engineer, who was married to Isabella Wilhelmina, daughter of William Warburton Wingate (he later changed his name to William Warburton Pemberton). The Southwells lived in Trumpington.
Glanville Road: the road linking Chaplen Street and Royal Way, to the rear of Shelford Road, with a link to Showground Close and Shelford Road. Homes constructed from 2012-14 and occupied from 2013. Glanville Llewelyn Williams (1911-1997), was a campaigner and reformer of the justice system, married to Lorna Margaret Lawfield. The family lived in Gazeley Road, Trumpington.
Chaplen Street: the first road to the left off Hobson Road, between Addenbrooke’s Road and Royal Way, with the majority of the homes constructed in 2012-13 and occupied from mid 2013. A final group of homes at the junction with Hobson Road were constructed from 2018 and occupied from late 2019. John Chaplen or Chaplin or Chaplyn and his son Thomas Chaplin or Chaplen were Lords of the Manor of Trumpington De La Pole between 1574 and 1615. Thomas Chaplen was Lord of the Manor in 1610, when he signed a tripartite agreement with the town and the university, giving them rights over Hobson’s Brook which provided a water supply into Cambridge, running from Nine Wells through Trumpington to Hobson’s Conduit. The lease runs for 1000 years and the rights of access include the stream bed and land six feet either side of this. The Hobson’s Conduit Trust still lays claim to those rights of access. (See Background to the name Chaplen Street .)
Hobson Avenue: Thomas Hobson (1544/45-1631) was a Cambridge carrier who left money in his will towards the maintenance of the conduit and brook which had been constructed c. 1610 and now bears his name. Hobson Avenue is the first part of the spine road through Clay Farm, from the Addenbrooke’s Road roundabout towards the local centre (Hobson Square), where it becomes Lime Avenue. The first part of the road opened in 2013, with the main length towards the Busway opening in autumn 2016, to enable access to the rest of the Abode development and the Cala development. The Busway crossing opened for bus services in early 2018 and provided the link into Hobson Square from spring 2018. The first homes on the right hand side of Hobson Avenue as far as Cornwell Road were constructed and occupied in 2013. Homes beyond Cornwell Road and on the west side of the road were constructed from 2015 and occupied from summer 2016. Homes on the east side of the road towards the Community Gardens were constructed from 2017 and occupied from 2018. (See Background to the name Hobson Avenue, Hobson Road and Hobson Square .)
Hobson Road: the first turning to the left off Hobson Avenue, linking with Chaplen Street and Royal Way. It extends to the right, parallel with Hobson Avenue. Homes and apartments on Hobson Road were constructed from late 2015 and occupied from late 2016, with a final group near the junction with Hobson Avenue constructed on the site of the marketing suite from 2018 and occupied from late 2019. Definition as above. (See Background to the name Hobson Aven ue, Hobson Road and Hobson Square .)
Trumpington Park Primary School, Hobson Avenue, is in the northern part of the Abode development. The plans were approved in September 2016, construction started in autumn 2016 and the school opened in September 2017. The School is part of the Cambridge Primary Education Trust. Other schools in the group include Hatton Park Primary School, Longstanton, and the use of ‘Park’ in that name plus the nearness of the school to a play area and Hobson’s Park influenced the Trust in deciding on the name. (See the School website.) The play area between Hobson Avenue and the Brook was constructed in 2018.
Beyer Road: a turning off the west side of Hobson Avenue, parallel with the Community Gardens. The road and homes were constructed from early 2017 and occupied from late 2017. Ralph Beyer (1921-2008), was German born letter-cutter and sculptor. At the age of 16, he trained under Eric Gill. He later worked as a letter cutter in Cambridge, living in Foster Road, 1950-52. In 1953, he moved to London and created acclaimed lettering work and sculpted panels (Tablets of the Word) for the interior of the new Coventry Cathedral.
Stallan Close: a turning on the east side of Hobson Avenue, beyond the primary school near the Community Gardens. The road and homes were constructed from early 2017 and occupied from 2018, including The Park Residence. There were five generations of the Stallan family in Trumpington, starting with James Stallan [James Stallion] (1787-1875) and his wife Martha. Arthur Stallan (1871-1944) took over the Nursery in Trumpington Road from George Willers senior, and lived there with his wife Mary Annie Willers and then in Shelford Road.
The Williams Building (Addenbrooke’s Road): named after Glanville Llewelyn Williams (1911- 1997), a campaigner and reformer of the justice system, married to Lorna Margaret Lawfield. The family lived in Gazeley Road, Trumpington. The building is to left of the Addenbrooke’s Road roundabout when travelling from Shelford Road and was constructed from 2013-14 and occupied from late 2014.
The Cherry Building (Addenbrooke’s Road): named after Alan Cherry, the former Chairman of Countryside Properties, who died in 2010. He was a passionate supporter of sustainable communities and high quality design. The building is at the Addenbrooke’s Road roundabout, straight ahead when coming from Shelford Road, to the right of the Hobson Avenue junction. It was constructed from 2012-13 and occupied in 2013.
The Sayle Building (Addenbrooke’s Road): named after Robert Sayle (1816-83), a draper and philanthropist who built Leighton House on the east side of Trumpington Road in the late 1860s and lived there with his wife and children (now the Perse Preparatory School). The Robert Sayle store in Cambridge became part of the John Lewis group in 1940. The building is on Addenbrooke’s Road, to the right after the roundabout, and was constructed from 2013-15 and occupied from 2015.
The Forbes Building (Addenbrooke’s Road): named after Charles Forbes (d. 1926) who was head gardener at Anstey Hall and prominent in starting the Grantchester and Trumpington horticultural shows, c. 1880-90. Charles Forbes was born in 1850 in Birse, near Aboyne, Aberdeenshire. He built Aboyne Cottages at the eastern end of Alpha Terrace, lived at 1 Aboyne Cottages from about 1908, and died in Trumpington in 1926. The building is on Addenbrooke’s Road, to the right after the roundabout. It was constructed in 2013-14 and occupied from late 2014.
Austin Drive: a road off Addenbrooke’s Road, to the right after the roundabout when travelling from Shelford Road. The homes were constructed from 2013-15 and the first homes occupied from late 2014. A short footpath to Shelford Road opened in late 2019, on the line of a former farm access path. The road was named after William Austin who was one of the leading members of local society in 17th century Trumpington, including being a churchwarden in 1666. When he died in 1679, he left income in his will to help establish a school in the village and to support local charities. His gift came into effect in 1708 when 11 children were identified to be taught by a school dame.
Cornwell Road: the first turn to the right off Hobson Avenue. Homes in the Abode development on the right hand side of the first part of the road were constructed in 2012-13 and occupied from 2013. Homes on the left hand side were constructed from late 2015. See below for derivation of name.
Fawcett Road: the road linking Cornwell Road and Whittle Avenue, with homes on the north (left) side of the road constructed from 2016. See below for derivation of name.
Whittle Avenue: a road to the right off Hobson Avenue, linking Hobson Avenue and Addenbrooke’s Road. The apartments on the right hand side of the road after the junction with Hobson Avenue were constructed from 2016. See below for derivation of name.
Ellis Road: the first road to the right off Cornwell Road. Homes in the Abode development on the first part of the road were constructed and occupied in 2013. See below for derivation of name.
Paragon development, east of Addenbrooke’s Road (Bovis)
Paragon is a marketing term adopted by Bovis, with no historic significance. Homes in the area were constructed from 2013-19.
Cornwell Road: the road is the first turn to the right off Hobson Avenue, continuing from the Abode development into the Paragon development and forming the western and northern sides of the central play area. The homes were constructed in 2012-14 and occupied from 2013. The road was named after the Cornwell family, a progressive local farming family. Robert Ephraim Cornwell and his son Reginald John Cornwell took over the tenancy of Clay Farm in 1931; Reg Cornwell continued at Clay Farm after his father died in 1932, until his own death in 1973. (See Background to the name Cornwell Road .)
Fawcett Road: the road linking Cornwell Road and Whittle Avenue, with homes on the south side of the road constructed from 2013 and occupied from 2013. It was named after Henry Fawcett (1833-84), respected economist and politician, married to the suffrage leader Millicent Garrett (1847-1929). The family lived at 18 Brookside, Cambridge, from 1874-84. Henry Fawcett died in 1884 and was buried in Trumpington Churchyard. There are memorials to Henry Fawcett in Trumpington Church and Victoria Embankment Gardens, London, a memorial to Henry and Millicent Fawcett in Westminster Abbey and Fawcett School is named in his memory.
Ellis Road: the first road to the right off Cornwell Road, continuing to run parallel with Addenbrooke’s Road along the boundary of the development to Whittle Avenue. Homes were constructed from 2013-15 and occupied from 2013. Named after Robert Leslie Ellis (1817-59), a mathematician and classical scholar, who lived at Anstey Hall from 1853 until his death in 1859. He was buried in Trumpington churchyard.
Whittington Road: a road linking Cornwell Road, Ellis Road and Whittle Avenue in the southern part of the development, from the southern corner of the central play area. Homes were constructed from 2014-15 and occupied from late 2014. It was named after Professor Harry Whittington (1916-2010), a palaeontologist who was a world expert on trilobite fossils, the Woodwardian Professor of Geology at Cambridge from 1966-83 (Sedgwick Museum). He lived with his American wife Dorothy in Rutherford Road. (See Background to the name Whittington Road.)
Whittle Avenue: the main road through the Paragon development, linking Hobson Avenue and Addenbrooke’s Road, and forming the eastern side of the central play area. The southern part of the road opened in 2013, with the final link though to Hobson Avenue completed in late 2019. Homes on the west side of the road were constructed from 2013-15 and occupied from 2013; homes on the east side of the road were constructed from 2015-18 and occupied from 2016, with the homes near Hobson Avenue being the final area to be completed in late 2019. Whittle Avenue was named after Sir Frank Whittle (1907-96), aeronautical engineer and inventor of the jet engine, who lived in Trumpington while he was a student at Cambridge University in the 1930s.
Southwell Drive: the perimeter road on the south and east side of the development, from a right hand turn off Whittle Avenue at its junction with Addenbrooke’s Road, to Hobson Avenue. The eastern arm of the road is parallel with Hobson’s Brook, with a northern extension to link up with Hobson Avenue. Homes on the southern arm were constructed in 2015 and occupied from late 2015; homes at the southern end of the eastern arm overlooking Hobson’s Brook were constructed from late 2015 and occupied from early 2016; those towards the northern end were constructed from 2017 and occupied from 2018; those on the link to Hobson Avenue overlooking the play area opposite Trumpington Park Primary School were constructed from 2017 and occupied from early 2019. The road is named after Sir Richard Vynne Southwell (1888–1970), a mechanical and aeronautical engineer who developed relaxation methods for solving partial differential equations. In 1918, he married Isabella Wilhelmina Warburton Wingate (1896-1985), the step-daughter of Viola Patience Campbell Pemberton. The Southwell family lived at Cromwell House, Trumpington Road, and later at The Old House, Church Lane. Sir Richard was a Fellow at Trinity College in 1914 and from 1925-29, Professor of Engineering Science at Oxford University from 1929, and Rector of Imperial College, London, from 1942- 48. He retired to Trumpington in 1948.
Chalkwells Way: a road linking Whittle Avenue to Southwell Drive, with an arm going towards Baker Lane. The road and homes were constructed from late 2015, with homes occupied from early 2016. Chalkwells is an alternative name for Nine Wells. The Nine Wells Local Nature Reserve is to the south east of Clay Farm, with a series of springs which provide the source for Hobson’s Brook.
Baker Lane: a road linking Whittle Avenue to Southwell Drive, with a pedestrian link to Chalkwells Way. The road and homes were constructed from late 2015, with homes occupied from spring 2016. There is a green corridor (opened early 2018) linking the central play area to Hobson’s Brook, with a bridge into Hobson’s Park, constructed in 2021-22. The road is named after John Fleetwood Baker, Baron Baker of Windrush (1901–1985), a civil engineer who invented the Morrison Shelter and ways of using less metal while retaining strength. John Baker married Fiona Mary MacAlister Walker (1903-79) in 1928. He was Professor of Mechanical Sciences and Head of the Cambridge University’s Department of Engineering from 1943-68. He and his wife lived in Trumpington from 1945, at Bentley Road, Long Road and Crossways Gardens. He was active in the local church and invented a device for removing cobwebs off higher areas in the church. (See Trumpington Personalities, Lord Baker .)
Todd Street: a road linking Whittle Avenue to Southwell Drive. The road and homes were constructed from summer 2016 and the homes occupied from early 2017. The road is named after Alexander Robertus Todd, Lord Todd of Trumpington (1907-97), an eminent organic chemist. He married Alison Sarah Dale in 1937, the daughter of Sir Henry Dale, Nobel Laureate. He was Chair of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge from 1944-71 and Master of Christ’s College from 1963-78. He received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1957 for research on the structure and synthesis of nucleotides, nucleosides and nucleotide coenzymes. Alexander Todd was knighted in 1954 and made a life peer in 1962, when he chose Trumpington as his territorial designation, since he lived in the parish. He was awarded the Order of Merit in 1977. The family were living at 32 Barrow Road from the 1940s to the 1960s.
Allbutt Way: a road linking Whittle Avenue to Southwell Drive, under construction from summer 2016, with homes occupied from early 2018. The road is named after Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt (1836-1925), an eminent physician. He married Susan England (1841-1936) in 1869. His initial medical career was in Leeds, when he invented the short-stemmed clinical thermometer. He was appointed Regius Chair of Physic at the University of Cambridge in 1892 and elected Physician to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in 1900. He edited the multi-volume System of Medicine , published 1896-99. The family lived at St Rhadegund’s, 5 Chaucer Road, from 1895. Sir Clifford died at his home on 22 February 1925 and was buried in Trumpington extension churchyard.
CALA development, both sides of Hobson Avenue near the Busway crossing (CALA Homes)
CALA is the name of the company responsible for this part of the development, with no local historic significance in the name.
Hobson Avenue: construction work on the CALA development started in early 2016, with homes west and east of Hobson Avenue, south of the Busway crossing, between the shelter belt and Hobson’s Bro ok. The homes were occupied from 2017. See above for Hobson Avenue definition.
Pinnington Close: the road within the development, both sides of Hobson Avenue and parallel with Hobson’s Brook. Pinnington Close was constructed from 2016-18, with homes occupied from 2017. A cycle path was constructed in early 2020, linking Pinnington Close to Hobson’s Park. Judith Pinnington (d. 2006) was a City Councillor for Trumpington from 2002 to 2004. Judith was a very conscientious and caring person, who was one of the first trans-gender councillors in Cambridge.
Clay Farm Community Garden : the garden is between the Busway and Hobson’s Brook, crossed by Hobson Avenue, with Pinnington Close on the north side and Beyer Road and Stallan Close on the south side. It follows the line of one of the old farm tracks between Trumpington and Red Cross and is on the route of the gas main. A volunteer group named the site and began work on the community garden in 2017. The main construction work was carried out in 2021, including a building for the garden and allotments.
Seven Acres development, south and west of Addenbrooke’s Road (Skanska)
The name Seven Acres is assumed to reflect the size of the development area. The term was adopted by Skanska as the marketing name.
Kingfisher Gardens: the road into the development off Addenbrooke’s Road. This was part of the first phase, with homes constructed in 2012-13 and occupied from late 2012. Named after local birds, including regular sightings on nearby Hobson’s Brook. Includes Whittle House: constructed in 2012-13 and occupied in 2013, named after Sir Frank Whittle (1907-96), aeronautical engineer and inventor of the jet engine, who lived in Trumpington while he was a student at Cambridge University in the 1930s. (See Background to bird names on Seven Acres .)
Skylark Road: at the western end of the development, off Kingfisher Gardens. Homes were constructed in 2012-13 and occupied from 2013. The road is named after local birds. (See Background to bird names on Seven Acres .)
Partridge Close: located off Skylark Road between Kingfisher Gardens and Addenbrooke’s Road. Homes were constructed in 2012-13 and occupied from 2013-14. The close is named after local birds. Includes Gresham House: named after Professor Austin Gresham (1924- 2009), Professor of Morbid Anatomy and Histopathology, Cambridge University, and Home Office pathologist, whose book A Colour Atlas of Forensic Pathology inspired the Britart movement and who lived in Trumpington. (See Background to bird names on Seven Acres .)
Lapwing Avenue: the road going east from Kingfisher Gardens, parallel with Addenbrooke’s Road. The first homes were constructed from 2012 and work continued to 2014, with the homes occupied from mid 2014. Also named after local birds. Includes Raeburn House: overlooking Hobson’s Brook and the green corridor, constructed in 2013-14 and occupied from late 2014. This was named after Mary Raeburn Smith (1914-93), a Trumpington resident and respected watercolour artist, who loved to paint local wild flowers. (See Background to bird names on Seven Acres .)
Hobson’s Park: the main park in the Clay Farm development, between Hobson’s Brook and the railway line, crossed by Addenbrooke’s Road and the Busway spur from Trumpington to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. The park was named by the City Council in summer 2016, in honour of Thomas Hobson (see Hobson Avenue definition, above). The main part of the park, between Addenbrooke’s Road and the Busway spur, was open to the public from 2017-18. The northern part of the park, north of the Busway spur, was landscaped in 2019-20, in preparation for being opened to the public. Farmed as part of Clay Farm until 2008, it was developed by Countryside Properties on behalf of the City Council. The Busway spur includes an embankment and bridge over the main railway line, Addenbrooke’s Bridge.
Clay Farm allotments: these are in Hobson’s Park, managed by Cambridge City Council. After a long delay, they became accessible to their users in 2021.
Glebe Farm
The housing development to the south of Trumpington village, named after Glebe Farm (formerly Vicarage Farm), part of 74 acres of land between Shelford Road and Hauxton Road awarded to the Vicar at the inclosure of the parish in 1804-09, ‘in lieu of his glebe land and right of common’. The farmhouse (lived in by the farm bailiff) was on a track from Shelford Road, later developed as Exeter Close, with Glebe Farm House still there. The Church sold the land to the south of the Cambridge-Bedford railway line cutting, probably in the 1920s, with the northern part developed as Bishop’s Road and the southern part sold to Cambridgeshire County Council to continue as farmland. The tenant farmers included Frank Tebbit and George Martin from the 1930s to the 1970s. The farmland was crossed by a north-south hedge and path which was a continuation of the path from Hauxton Road to Bishop’s Road. This feature was retained and provided a natural division between the first and second phases of housing development (west and east of the hedgerow). After the area was removed from the Green Belt in 2006, it was developed as housing by Countryside Properties, with the marketing name ‘Novo’. Countryside also used the marketing name ‘Great Kneighton’ for the combination of the Clay Farm and Glebe Farm developments. Construction work started in 2010, the first residents moved in during October 2012 and work on the third phase was completed in early 2018. The development includes just over 300 homes, play areas and green spaces with some art works and allotments. The three green spaces in phases 1 and 2 were constructed from 2012 and restructured in 2017; the fourth green space in phase 3 was added in 2017.
Glebe Farm Drive: the main road within the western part of the development from the junction with Addenbrooke’s Road. The road was constructed from early 2012 to autumn 2014 and the first homes were occupied in late 2012. During the first phase of house construction, the marketing suite was located on the left near the beginning of the road, where numbers 5-7 were built in 2015. The farmland was allocated to the church when Trumpington was enclosed in 1804-09 and later called Glebe Farm, the name by which it was known when it was removed from the Green Belt in 2006. Includes Hackett House at the junction with Addenbrooke’s Road: John Hacket (1592-1670) was Vicar of Trumpington from 1620 to 1622, later the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, from 1661 to 1670. Also includes Carter House overlooking the central play area: named after the Carter family, who lived locally. Thomas Herbert (Bert) Carter (1893- 1979) founded the garage and petrol station on Shelford Road and ran it from the early 1930s to the late 1950s (now the Buckingham & Stanley garage). He married Edna May Baxter in York in 1928. Bert and Edna May Carter lived at 156 Shelford Road from the 1930s. (See Background to the name Glebe Farm Drive .)
Tebbit Street: the turning to the right off Glebe Farm Drive, alongside the central play area. The homes were constructed in 2012 and occupied from late 2012. Named after the Tebbit family, who lived locally. Frank Oswald Tebbit (1878-1957) married Alice Elizabeth Fletcher (c. 1882- 1962) in 1904. Frank Oswald and Alice Elizabeth Tebbit lived at 116 Shelford Road by the early 1930s and Frank Oswald Tebbit was the dairy farmer at Glebe Farm for over 40 years from the early 1930s to 1957.
Martin Road: the first turn to the left off Glebe Farm Drive. The homes were constructed in 2012 and occupied from late 2012. Named after the Martin family, who were the last resident farming family of Glebe Farm, taking over from the Tebbit family. George Martin (1917-96) and Brenda Martin farmed here from 1957-58 to the 1970s. This was a dairy farm until the mid 1970s, then an arable farm.
Corn Lane: the second turn to the left off Glebe Farm Drive. The homes were constructed from 2012 and occupied from 2012-13. Glebe Farm was a dairy farm until the 1970s and then converted into an arable farm, with crops including cereals.
Cedar Road: the third turn to the left off Glebe Farm Drive. The homes were constructed from 2012 and occupied from 2013. There was a prominent cedar tree in the garden of 110 Shelford Road; the house was demolished and the tree removed in 2007 when Addenbrooke’s Road was constructed.
Beech Drive: the fourth turn to the left off Glebe Farm Drive, including homes facing Hauxton Road. The homes were constructed from 2012-14 and occupied from 2013-14. There used to be a specimen beech tree on Glebe Farm. Includes Dakins House (overlooking the junction of Addenbrooke’s Road and Hauxton Road), Maddox House and Fletcher House (overlooking Addenbrooke’s Road): William Dakins (1568/9-1607) was a biblical scholar and the Vicar of Trumpington, c. 1603-05; David Maddox (1922-97) was the Vicar of Trumpington from 1956- 90; Charles Fletcher was the owner of the Reliance garage and petrol station on Shelford Road in the 1960s (now the Buckingham & Stanley garage). (See Background to the name Maddox House, Beech Drive .)
Elm Road: the fifth turn to the left off Glebe Farm Drive, towards Hauxton Road. The homes were constructed from 2012 and occupied from 2013. There used to be a specimen elm tree on Glebe Farm.
Barn Road: the sixth turn to the left off Glebe Farm Drive, towards Hauxton Road. The homes were constructed from 2012-13 and occupied from 2014. There was a ‘traditional’ barn in the farm buildings when Glebe Farm was a dairy unit.
Harness Close: the seventh turn to the left off Glebe Farm Drive, including homes facing Hauxton Road. The homes were constructed from 2013 and occupied from 2014. ‘Harness’ was the name of a Clydesdale Horse used on Glebe Farm.
Spinney Road: the road to the right off Glebe Farm Road along the east and north sides of the western play area. The homes were constructed from 2012-14 and occupied from 2012-14. There were a number of small woods (spinneys) in the farms around Trumpington.
Vicarage Way: the continuation of Glebe Farm Drive to the eastern area of the development, from the north side of the central play area. The homes were constructed from 2014 and occupied from autumn 2014. Vicarage Farm was the earlier name for the farm. Includes Pitman House (at the junction with Vicarage Way): the Pitman family ran a grocery store at 150 Shelford Road from the 1930s to the 1970s (C.J. Pitman & Son in the 1970s).
Harvest Road: the first turning to the right off Glebe Farm Drive, on the east part of the development (Phase II of housing construction), including the road on the east side of the central play area (which is lined by a hedgerow that has been retained from the earlier farmland), and the continuation of Vicarage Way along the north east side of the development. The homes were constructed from 2014 and the first homes were occupied from autumn 2014. Harvest Road commemorates the many harvests gathered from the farm. Includes Palmer House (on the right hand side at the access off Addenbrooke’s Road): William Palmer (1538/9-1605) was Vicar of Trumpington, c. 1564-67; John Palmer (d. 1607), was Vicar of Trumpington, c. 1596-99, and Dean of Peterborough from 1597-1607.
St Michael Street: the continuation of Harvest Road at the eastern end of the development, including the road fronting Addenbrooke’s Road. The homes were constructed from 2014 and occupied from early 2015. St Michael is one of the two saints associated with Trumpington Church. Includes Cosin House (at the far side of the eastern play area): Edmund Cosin (1510/11-1574?) was a Cambridge college head, thought to have been Vicar of Trumpington, 1553.
Overhill Close: branching off St Michael Street, Overhill Close is the road at the eastern end of Glebe Farm, the third phase of the development. The road and homes were constructed from early 2016 to late 2017 and the homes occupied from 2017. This part of the development includes central green space, opened in September 2017. The Glebe Farm allotments are either side of Overhill Close, to the rear of the homes on St Michael Street, with work on these being completed in early 2018 and the allotments in use from summer 2019. There is a footpath from Overhill Close to Exeter Close and Shelford Road, past Glebe Farm House, along the route of the old farm track. Jack Overhill (1903-89) was a local writer, broadcaster and river swimmer. He and his wife, Jessie, bought 99 Shelford Road in 1927 and lived there for some years and again from 1945. (See Trumpington Personalities: Jack Overhill .)
Addenbrooke’s Road: road developed to provide access to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus/Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the new housing developments on Glebe Farm and Clay Farm, linking Hauxton Road, Shelford Road and the Hospital. The road was named by the hospital authorities when it opened in October 2010. It had been referred to as the Addenbrooke’s Access Road during the planning and construction process.
Published sources
See the page about the Street Naming Award , November 2013.
Baker, Richard Grey (1830). Baker’s Map of the University and Town of Cambridge, 1830: with an introduction . (Reproduction published by the Cambridgeshire Records Society in 1998.)
Brown, Shirley (1986). Trumpington in Old Picture Postcards . Zaltbommel, Netherlands: European Library.
Cambridgeshire Inclosure and Tithe Papers (1804). A Map of the Parish of Trumpington in the County of Cambridge, 1804 . [Cambridgeshire Archives, R60/24/2/70(a)]
Ronald Gray and Derek Stubbins (2000). Cambridge Street Names: their Origins and Associations . Cambridge: CUP.
Jane M. Renfrew, Magnus A. Renfrew and John K. Rose (1996). Rus In Urbe. Chaucer Road and Latham Road: the History of Two Rural Roads in Cambridge. Cambridge: Solachra.
Trumpington Local History Group (2003). Trumpington Past & Present. Researched and written by Shirley Brown. Stroud: Sutton Publishing.